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Staff of Publisher

Author of God's Word For Women

22 Works 262 Members 1 Review

Works by Staff of Publisher


Common Knowledge




This book is subtitled "Outstanding articles on marriage from the Ensign." I thus expected outstanding articles, and have not been disappointed. The articles are indeed of excellent quality.

Section Theme
Article Title, Author, Ensign Issue that contains the article
I. A Daily Commitment
- Love that Lasts, Kathy England, Feb 1982
- Individual Liberty, Commitment and Marriage, Bruce C. Hafen, Dec 1978
- The Formula that Saved Our Marriage, Judith A. Long, Mar 1983
- After the Temple, Carole Osborne Cole, Apr 1978
- Let’s Help This Marriage Grow!, James M. Harper, Aug 1983
II. Showing Love and Affection
- Keeping Your Marriage Alive, Paul E Dahl, Jul 1982
- The Best Gift, Jennie L. Hansen, Jul 1982
- Really, Is It Any Wonder I Love Her, Marvin K. Gardner, Dec 1980
III. Chastity in Marriage
- Sacred Power, Used With Wisdom, Homer Ellsworth, Aug 1979 (under a different title)
- Keeping the Marriage Covenant, Anonymous, Aug 1981
- Chastity: A Principle of Power, Steve Gilliland, Jun 1980
IV. Sharing Feelings
- Keeping in Touch with Feelings, C. Richard Chidester, Jul 1979
- Developing Sensitivity in Marriage, David H. Coombs, Oct 1979
- Getting to Know You Better: A Marriage Quiz, Brent A. Barlow, Sep 1981
V. Resolving Differences
- A Change of Heart: Key to Harmonious Relationships, C. Richard Chidester, Feb 1984
- The Compassionate Marriage Partner, Terrance D. Olson, Aug 1982
- Winning the Argument or Solving the Problem, Steve Gilliland, Oct 1980
- To Change Your Marriage, Change Yourself, Afton J. Day, Aug 1976
- When Marriages Have Problems, Terry R. Baker, Feb 1980
- Breaking the Cycle, C. Ross Clement, Sep 1981
VI. Managing Money
- The Dangers of Debt in Marriage, Rulon T. Burton, Sep 1984
- Family Finances, Orson Scott Card, Jun 1978
VII. Loving an Inactive or Nonmember Spouse
- Our Temple Marriage Stopped There, Jane Haveaux, Aug 1978
- Being Missionary to Your Spouse, Mollie H. Sorensen, Sep 1983
- Changing Me Changed Our Marriage, Anonymous, Jan 1981

Chapter 3 "The Formula That Saved Our Marriage" was one that was especially meaningful because I unilaterally tried it about a decade ago and it made a tremendous improvement in our marriage. But I only managed to do it for a few months & despite trying have not managed to do it again since. So you are not in suspense too long, the formula is: "For the next thirty days, let's think only of the other person's needs." (Page 17)

Chapter 4: "Perhaps the most important realization came when we recognized that a good part of our difficulty stemmed from our failure to spend more time with each other." (Page 26)

"The identity crisis used to be, in my opinion, a handy catch-all phrase. But I've come to realize we must all go through a 'crisis' in order to recognize our place as husbands and wives, as fathers and mothers... Until we come to grips with our roles in these various areas, we will never be thoroughly content with much of anything we do." (Page 27)

Reading this book with such great enthusiasm, it renews my desire to reread and apply the principles I have learned from this and other great books on marriage. I do much better at reading than applying & need to continually keep these great ideas fresh in my mind and in my heart so that I do them.

I am reminded of [b:Eternal Companions|462921|Eternal Companions|Douglas E. Brinley||451368] as another excellent compilation of articles with various viewpoints that helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the marriage relationship.

2020-04-16: I updated my review to include the titles of the chapters, and which issue of the ensign to find them in. They can be found online at:
… (more)
bread2u | Jul 1, 2020 |

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Orson Scott Card Contributor
Mollie H. Sorensen Contributor
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Afton J. Day Contributor
David H. Coombs Contributor
Homer Ellsworth Contributor
Judith A. Long Contributor
C. Ross Clement Contributor
Marvin K. Gardner Contributor
Paul E. Dahl Contributor
Bruce C. Hafen Contributor
James M. Harper Contributor
Terry R. Baker Contributor
Terrance D. Olson Contributor
Kathy England Contributor
Steve Gilliland Contributor
Jennie L. Hansen Contributor
Brent A. Barlow Contributor
Jane Harveaux Contributor



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