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Works by William Ottens


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Oskaloosa, Iowa, USA



This book grew out of a blog, and it shows. It's not very in-depth. It's a good introduction/overview to working in a small or medium public library. There are amusing anecdotes that will make library staffers smile or laugh in recognition. Some are anecdotes that have circulated (pun intended) in library world for a while.
Beth3511 | 7 other reviews | Sep 20, 2024 |
I have enjoyed William Ottens' 'Librarian Problems' posts, Facebook page, and blog for a few years now. I believe he created the majority of the early posts, but it really took off in Library World and I think that there are many fan contributions now.

If you work, have worked, or volunteer in a library, I definitely think you should read this book. It, like Librarian Problems, is a great outlet for people in Library World to maybe vent/commiserate with people who will truly get where they're coming from. And as Ottens points out in his book, these posts DO NOT mean we don't love our jobs working in libraries. I would guess that the majority of us DO love our jobs.... but hello, they're "jobs," meaning there are tough bits, bits we don't enjoy doing, etc. Ottens gets into a little bit of detail as to how he, himself, became a librarian (and why), as well as some of the inner workings of the typical library system. There was little in this book that was *new* to me, but it was definitely an entertaining read, knowing that it's the same all over. (Validation is such a big thing for humans, I think!)

One interesting tidbit--this book came out smack in the middle of COVID-19 and it's touched upon briefly in the final chapter. This is the first book I've read that talks about the Pandemic, and since we're still IN IT, it was definitely surreal. But I was glad, too, because it really felt like "life moves on" when I read that chapter. We deal with the challenges as they come our way, and we come back for more!
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trayceebee | 7 other reviews | Aug 23, 2024 |
So many shared experiences! This book comprehensively covers the joys and trying experiences of being a librarian in the midwest.
chutchi | 7 other reviews | Aug 16, 2023 |
Summary: An entertaining account of the life of librarians, the different roles they fill and the usual and unusual problems they face.

William Ottens has worked in just about every job in a library from aide to director of a small library (which by definition involved all of these roles at some point or another). He has also hosted a blog on Tumblr called Librarian Problems since 2012, the source and inspiration for this book.

Ottens begins the book describing his own path to becoming a librarian. It started with a high school book club (run by the librarian) and a fictional library caretaker, Forney Hull. He describes his experience of library school including his realization that everything important, he’d learned in a high school job making pizzas and serving ice cream at a gas station (although he also describes some great skills in strategic planning based on his library school training). He tells us about landing his first job as a reference assistant at the Lawrence Public Library in Kansas and the call from Oskaloosa that led to being hired as the 27 year-old director of a small town library.

He then walks through the basic departments of the library and the unique challenges of each. In Circulation it is fines and the strange things that often get returned with books. Reference librarians deal with patrons’ questions including a little girl checking out a book on farts asking if the librarian farted! The big affliction for part of every year is tax forms and information. Youth services has to think about reading hours, summer reading programs, and sustaining teen interest, including the story of a highly successful Halloween party. Tech support helps computer novices and all those trying to download books to devices, an ever-changing field, and vital for people with limited access to these resources. Collection services includes stories of books requested, and books pulled from the collection and some of the reasons for that as well as the difference a label can make.

The third part of the book describes his experience as a library director, how he began his time in this role learning from all the people he worked with, wearing many of their hats as the occasion required, leading strategic planning and budgeting processes and working with city leaders who held the purse strings, and finally dealing with building issues, including the possibility of the two parts of the building separating from one another.

The final part is “Librarian Rants and Raves.” Rant number one is that librarians don’t sit around and read all day. There are a number of technical tasks that occupy their days and reading is a private time enjoyment. A chapter is devoted on what not to say to a librarian and other pet peeves including “I’m a tax paying citizen” (so is the librarian). Librarians also don’t like patrons who snap their fingers from across the room to get their attention. At the same time, Ottens loves his work–the joy of research requests, of weeding out books, of helping transform lives and creating spaces to be. He gives the last word to three other librarians who he interviews.

I thought this book an engaging read that gave a good behind-the-scenes glimpse at the life of librarians, the joy they take in their profession and their high sense of calling. Before opining on your local library (at least critically) this might be a good book to read. It makes me all the more eager to say a big “Thank you” to the next librarian I engage with. If I were younger, it might have even inspired me to become a librarian.
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BobonBooks | 7 other reviews | Mar 29, 2023 |


½ 3.4

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