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Ada Limón

Author of Bright Dead Things: Poems

14+ Works 1,227 Members 23 Reviews 5 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the names: Ada Limon, Ada Limón

Works by Ada Limón

Bright Dead Things: Poems (2015) 409 copies, 9 reviews
The Carrying: Poems (2018) 320 copies, 8 reviews
The Hurting Kind: Poems (2022) 226 copies, 4 reviews
Sharks in the Rivers (2010) 105 copies
You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World (2024) — Editor — 89 copies
Lucky Wreck: Poems (2006) 54 copies, 2 reviews
99 Cent Heart 3 copies

Associated Works

Alone Together: Love, Grief, and Comfort in the Time of COVID-19 (2020) — Contributor — 62 copies, 7 reviews
Bullets Into Bells: Poets and Citizens Respond to Gun Violence (2017) — Contributor — 61 copies, 3 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2019 (2019) — Contributor — 58 copies, 2 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2021 (2021) — Contributor — 51 copies, 1 review
The Best American Poetry 2022 (The Best American Poetry series) (2022) — Contributor — 46 copies, 1 review
The Kiss: Intimacies from Writers (2018) — Contributor — 23 copies, 1 review
Here She Comes Now: Women in Music Who Have Changed Our Lives (2015) — Contributor — 23 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Limón, Ada
Sonoma, Californië, USA
Places of residence
Sonoma, Californië, USA
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Awards and honors
Poet Laureate of the United States



So I went to Dallas this past weekend and got practically no reading done. It was still a good reading weekend though because while in Dallas we visited a bookstore that I really liked, The Wild Detectives. Sitting in what looks like a converted cottage in an artsy district, it was started up a few years ago by two guys from Spain and features a limited "curated" selection of high quality literature along with a bar serving up booze and coffee. Sounds awesome, right? It is. So while I hardly ever buy new books at cover price, I was definitely buying something here, I just didn't know what.

I wandered over to the poetry section, two shelves worth by the bar, and this Ada Limón volume got my attention. I'd heard good things of Limón but never had read her, until opening this book and reading the amazing poem smartly printed on the front flap, as well as being the first poem in the book proper, a poem about fillies at the race track, titled "How to Triumph Like A Girl", which goes in part,
But mainly, let's be honest, I like
that they're ladies. As if this big
dangerous animal is also a part of me,
that somewhere inside the delicate
skin of my body, there pumps
an 8-pound female horse heart,
giant with power, heavy with blood.
Don't you want to believe it?
It's an incredible, ebullient poem, and turns out it won the Pushcart Prize, though I didn't yet know that, so its power is no secret. I flipped forward a few pages and found something almost as good, a prose poem titled "Mowing", but the tone has changed from bravura to something more like vulnerability:
I imagine what it must be like to stay hidden, disappear in the dusky nothing and stay still in the night. It's not sadness, though it may sound like it. I'm thinking about people and trees and how I wish I could be silent more, be more tree than anything else, less clumsy and loud, less crow, more cool white pine, and how it's hard not to always want something else, not just to let the savage grass grow.
Right, that's my decision made. I bought it.

I spent today reading the whole thing and it's so good. The first two sections are narrative, in that the first focuses on her move from New York to Kentucky to be with her husband, and the second focuses on the death of her stepmother. The first has 17 poems, every one of them something I'd read again and again. There's the two already mentioned, a baseball poem showcasing domestic contentment, a poem of rebellion against that contentment ("Yesterday I was nice, but in truth I resented / the contentment of the field. Why must we practice / this surrender? What I mean is: there are days / I still want to kill the carrots because I can."), almost every poem bringing in nature as something that can save us ("A view / of some tree breathing and the mind's wheels / ease up on the pavement's tug. That tree, / that one willowy thing over there, / can save a life, you know?")

The second section of 15 poems speaks to living with a forced awareness of mortality, caring for a dying loved one and how to respond. In the prose poem "After You Toss Around the Ashes", Limón writes, "After it was done, I couldn't go back to my life. You understand, right? It wasn't the same. I couldn't tell if I loved myself more or less. It wasn't until later, when I moved in with him and stood outside on our patchy imperfect lawn, that I remembered what had been circling in me: I am beautiful. I am full of love. I am dying." We're all busy dying, but lines like "How good it is to love live things" (in "The Long Ride") and "there is so much life all over the place" (in "In the Country of Resurrection") show Limón embracing the measure of life we're all allowed.

The last two sections, another 30 poems, seem to lack the organizing narrative focus of the first two, but are more generally about how to live, and be, in this wild and blessed world. There's a lot of nature here, and a general optimism; she reads quite a bit like Mary Oliver or Wendell Berry. In "The Wild Divine" she writes of a neighbor's horse:
and I thought, this was what it was to be blessed -
to know a love that was beyond an owning, beyond
the body and its needs, but went straight from wild
thing to wild thing, approving of its wildness.
She writes other poems about birds and herons, whales and mud swallows, but other poems as well that are more internal, or about people she's loved in her past. These poems are generally presenting a speaker who is optimistic and determined in her ability to find contentment and sufficiency amid life's uncertainties. And in the final poem, "The Conditional", after asking the rhetorical question, "Say tomorrow doesn't come..." and imagining the end of the world, she concludes
Say, It doesn't matter. Say, That would be
Say you'd still want this: us alive,
right here, feeling lucky.
Now, go, and be blessed.
… (more)
lelandleslie | 8 other reviews | Feb 24, 2024 |
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! “Calling Things What They Are” and “It’s the Season I Often Mistake” are two standouts for me, but the whole collection is impeccable and heart-wrenching.
deborahee | 3 other reviews | Feb 23, 2024 |
I liked Limón’s “Bright Dead Things” more than this collection, but nevertheless she continues to impress and move me with her work! I’m in awe of how Limón manages to capture experiences in ways I’ve never thought about, and with a kind of eloquence that is uniquely hers alone.
deborahee | 7 other reviews | Feb 23, 2024 |
An absolutely magical collection of poems full of yearning, liveliness, rage, and beauty. Ada Limón almost paints more than writes here: she offers up such clear pictures and moments and has them overflowing with emotion and story. I LOVED these pieces and will continue to read whatever Limón shares.
deborahee | 8 other reviews | Feb 23, 2024 |



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