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4+ Works 134 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: Hans-Åke Lilja, Hans-Åke Lilja

Works by Hans-Åke Lilja

Shining in the Dark: Celebrating 20 Years of Lilja's Library (2018) — Editor — 88 copies, 2 reviews
Lilja's Library: The World of Stephen King (2010) 31 copies, 1 review
The Illustrated Stephen King Movie Trivia Book (2013) — Author — 14 copies, 1 review

Associated Works

Reading Stephen King (2017) — Author — 20 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Lilja, Hans-Åke



'Shining in the Dark' is an anthology that was published in 2018 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Lilja's Library (website), a website dedicated to the life and works of [a:Stephen King|3389|Stephen King|]. You can find an overview and information on the various editions (original and translated versions) on this specific website, aptly named after the book: Shining in the Dark Anthology.

The book contains twelve stories by thirteen authors (one of the stories was thus written by two authors). Of these twelve stories, six were never published before. Below you can find the table of contents, with the French titles in italic. It's the French version that I've read, as it was published only recently (October 2020).

These stories are sandwiched between an introduction and an afterword by the anthologist and owner of Lilja's Library. In addition, the various authors added some words on their respective stories: what the story is about and what the idea behind it is.

Table of Contents:
"Celebrating 20 Years of Lilja's Library (An Introduction)" by Hans-Åke Lilja (2017)
Fêter les vingt ans de Lilja's Library: une introduction (translated by Éric Holstein)

"The Blue Air Compressor" by Stephen King (1971)
Le Compresseur bleu: un récit horrifique (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"The Net" by Jack Ketchum and P. D. Cacek (2006)
Le Réseau (translated by Éric Holstein)

"The Novel of the Holocaust" by Stewart O'Nan (2006)
Le Roman de l'Holocaust (translated by Éric Holstein)

"Aeliana" by Bev Vincent (2017)
Aeliana (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"Pidgin and Theresa" by Clive Barker (1993)
Charabia et Theresa (translated by Éric Holstein)

"An End To All Things " by Brian Keene (2017)
La Fin de toutes choses (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"Cemetery Dance" by Richard Chizmar (1992)
La Danse du cimetière (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"Drawn to the Flame" by Kevin Quigley (2017)
L'Attraction des Flammes (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"The Companion" by Ramsey Campbell (1976)
Le Compagnon (translated by Jean-Daniel Brèque; revised translation, as the first French translation was published in [b:Territoires de l'inquiétude, 1|7904827|Territoires de l'inquiétude, 1|Alain Dorémieux||11166675] by Alain Dorémieux, published by Denoël in 1991)

"The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe (1843)
Le Cœur révélateur (translated by Baudelaire)

"A Mother's Love" by Brian James Freeman (2017)
L'Amour d'une mère (translated by Annaïg Houesnard)

"The Keeper's Companion" by John Ajvide Lindqvist (2017)
Le Manuel du Gardien (translated by Éric Holstein)

"Celebrating 20 Years of Lilja's Library (An Afterword)" by Hans-Åke Lilja (2017)
Fêter les vingt ans de Lilja's Library : postface (translated by Éric Holstein)


I'm not what you could call a "fan" of Stephen King. In fact, the only King-novel I've read is the Dutch edition of [b:22-11-1963|12584104|22-11-1963|Stephen King||15553789] (see my review here), which I liked a lot. This wasn't a horror-story, though. In terms of horror, the list of books that can be (entirely or partially) catalogued as such is rather limited, as you can see here.

While horror may not be among my preferred genres, I did find it interesting to read this anthology, precisely because of the various unknown authors in this book. This volume contains short-stories by Mr King himself, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe and several other writers. The lion's share is, however, unknown to me, both in terms of names and works in general.

As I saw in other reviews, not many of the presented stories here can be labelled as horror, rather can be tagged as fantastic, thriller, or otherwise. Labels and tags aside, and is typical for such anthologies: not every story was a hit. Honestly obliges me to add that there were a small handful that really stood out. As far as I'm concerned, those were the following:

* Charabia et Theresa - Clive Barker
* L'Attraction des Flammes - Kevin Quigley
* Le Cœur révélateur - Edgar Allan Poe
* Le Manuel du Gardien - John Ajvide Lindqvist

Among the others, there were stories that were OK (in my opinion); nothing fancy, but does the job. The remainder were either not properly worked out, felt like an extract of a grander whole, or just weren't my cup of tea. And yes, unfortunately, Stephen King's previously unpublished story is among those that were the least attractive or worked out. It felt, at least to me, like a rough draft or an idea one could have had in school, during lunch-time or something.

'Shining in the Dark', a mixed bag, offered in general a good dose of entertainment (or anguish and dread in some of the stories) in-between other books. In that regard, my reading horizon has expanded, thanks to 'Shining in the Dark'. Mind you, despite its "glowing", leather-looking cover, the book is to be read with the lights on (daylight or artificial light). ;-)


I was sent this book by Éditions ActuSF for review. Many thanks to them for the trust.
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TechThing | 1 other review | Jan 22, 2021 |
contains SK’s “The Blue Air Compressor”
PBlock | 1 other review | Oct 10, 2020 |
Stephen King has produced hundreds of captivating stories in his tenure as one of America’s most successful writers. Over the years, many of those stories have been adapted into movies. In The Illustrated Stephen King Movie Trivia Book, Brian James Freeman, Hans Åke Lilja., and Kevin Quigley have compiled a comprehensive and enjoyable test of knowledge revolving around the 50 plus movies created from King’s macabre tales.
From Carrie in 1976 to lesser-known sequels like The Rage: Carrie 2 and Pet Cemetery 2, the book is neatly organized by the release dates of King’s movie catalog. There are also side sections that don’t fit directly into the exact movies like “Stephen King—The Actor,” “Dollar Babies” (which test one’s knowledge of movies created by student filmmakers and endorsed by King), and “Character Actors” (a section devoted to actors/actresses who appear in more than one King film). These sections create an entertaining and, at times, tricky test of one’s Stephen King knowledge. As an added bonus, interspersed throughout collection are illustrated questions. This provides an appropriately creepy visual component to the book.
No matter if one is a casual fan of Stephen King’s films or a hardcore aficionado this collection is sure to entertain and test the limits of his/her Stephen King movie knowledge.
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MarcusH | Nov 29, 2012 |
Lilja's Library: The World of Stephen King by uber fan Hans-Ake Lilja (sorry I can't do that little circle thing over the A) is a charming work of love and admiration for the best writer of our time. I'm sure people would like to debate that, but I'm confident Hans and I would agree. The artwork in the book is done by renowned artist Glenn Chadbourne who also has designed the mascot for Lilja's Web presence, Marv the Library Policeman. As always, very detailed images nicely done. I was very blessed to be given an ARC and I am very grateful for the opportunity to give my own review of it.

A fan site started in the mid-90's according to the Introduction written by Bev Vincent, Lilja's Library has dedicated itself to the gathering of any information remotely connected to Stephen King. Through the years, he has built a spot on the net that is a go-to information center for King fans. I'm sure at one time or another, anyone who claims to be a constant reader has made their way to Lilja's Web presence.

The site has metamorphosed over the years into much more than just a fan paying tribute to his favorite author. Hans has managed to snag interviews with not only Stephen King himself, but with people who work with him and for him and beside him on all things King.
Time, money and energy spent has paid off for Lilja's Library in a big way. Making connections to items and content that the rest of his fan base only dream about, Hans isn't really one of "us" anymore. But, the innocent, child-like enthusiasm he shows for his topic makes you feel like he really wishes all of us could have the same opportunities he's been given.

I have three major complaints with the book. The first being, I love his interviews. But many of them are very dated and I wish that a 2009 update could have been included in this book on some of the topics discussed. Projects in the works; collaborations down the road etc.... I suppose I could Google each and everyone of these things, but that's inconvenient for me and I would have liked it all to have been included in the book in one concise volume. Of course, information changes, but it would have been nice to know the outcomes of some of these ideas. Did they happen? Will they happen? Or if not, what happened?

The second complaint I have would be, Hans has access to and reviews King-related items that the average fan can't afford, will never see or isn't even aware exists because you can't get your hands on it anymore. This is very frustrating. It's like showing a kid a candy store but telling them, you can't go in. The Dollar Baby reviews made me want to see these fan-made movies more than ever. But our chances of that are slim to none unless King decides to somehow incorporate them into a spot on his Web site? hint hint ;-)

The reviews in general were, as all reviews are, one guy's opinion. I agreed with some; disagreed with others and couldn't comment on many because I will never hold in my hands many of the quality items he reviewed.

Overall, I thought this was an interesting take on The World of Stephen King. Definitely one of those books for more hardcore King collectors. If you are an occasional Stephen King reader, you probably wouldn't find this book of interest. For those of you who devour any news in regards to King's work, this is a nice edition to add to your collection.

You think I forgot my third complaint, didn't you? Well no. Here it is. Lilja had one major mess up:

Where in the hell was the interview with Shelley Duvall? She owes me an explanation and restitution.

(I'm kidding. sort of.)
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DanaJean | Sep 28, 2009 |

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Kevin Quigley Author, Contributor
Stephen King Contributor
Clive Barker Contributor
Richard Chizmar Contributor
P. D. Cacek Contributor
Bev Vincent Contributor
Brian Keene Contributor
Jack Ketchum Contributor
Stewart O'Nan Contributor
Ramsey Campbell Contributor
Edgar Allan Poe Contributor
Mick Garris Introduction
Glenn Chadbourne Illustrator
Vincent Chong Cover artist
Erin S. Wells Illustrator


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