Author picture

Peter D. Johnston

Author of Negotiating with Giants

2 Works 55 Members 4 Reviews

Works by Peter D. Johnston

Negotiating with Giants (2008) 38 copies, 1 review
Weapons of Peace (2019) 17 copies, 3 reviews


Common Knowledge




Once again i would like to NetGalley and the Author as Publishers for providing me with a Kindle copy of this book to read and honestly review.
I usually give a new book what I call the first page test, namely i read the first page and judge whether I want to read more, and in this case this has a terrific start, all action descriptive and engaging. This is a well written imaginative book with an interesting blend of real and fictional characters set during the Second World War. Our heroine is an incredibly brave 'Ballsy' intelligent mixture of Florence Nightingale and Wonder Woman beautiful and funny too. There is plenty of action sometimes quite graphic. Well researched and authentic compelling with a real feel for time and place and characters that positively leap off the page.
So why only four stars well it is somewhat far fetched.
… (more)
Gudasnu | 2 other reviews | Jun 17, 2019 |
Wow, what an amazing book! It was a long book, but, kept my interest the whole time. It has quite a bit of action. Although, it is listed as a "thriller", I would not list it as such.
I loved the characters of Emma and Nash and I would have liked to see the ending go a little different, but, still an absolutely wonderful book in the genre of historical fiction about WW2 and Hitler and one of the world's top negotiators.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review it.… (more)
vintage-series-Lisa | 2 other reviews | May 4, 2019 |
The premise of Weapons of Peace is something I have actually thought about before. It's a huge and terrifying what if scenario. If Hitler had won the race to create a nuclear bomb, would the world be the same at all? Certainly thought provoking. I love speculative fiction, and this story does not disappoint. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
JypsyLynn | 2 other reviews | Apr 6, 2019 |
The author uses multiple real-life stories to illustrate effective techniques for negotiating in situations when you are less powerful than your adversary. The stories are great and they alone would make the book an interesting read. Of course, the author does a lot more by drawing out the lessons and showing how they could be applied in different circumstances. There is a summary at the back of the book that can be used as a quick reference guide.

I found this book both entertaining, educational and practical. It is something I'm sure I will be able to apply in my work and my life.… (more)
LynnB | Jul 16, 2010 |




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