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Jerome Groopman

Author of How Doctors Think

12+ Works 2,922 Members 77 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

Jerome Groopman, M.D., is chief of experimental medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston
Image credit: Jerome Groopman

Works by Jerome Groopman

How Doctors Think (2007) 1,660 copies, 49 reviews
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2008 (2008) — Editor — 217 copies, 6 reviews
Second Opinions (2000) 136 copies, 1 review
The Best American Science Writing 2010 (2010) — Editor — 108 copies, 2 reviews
Dying Words (1999) 3 copies
Umudun Anatomisi (2020) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Best American Science Writing 2007 (2007) — Contributor — 238 copies, 5 reviews
The Best American Science Writing 2005 (2005) — Contributor — 194 copies, 1 review
The Best American Science Writing 2002 (2002) — Contributor — 147 copies, 1 review
The Best American Science Writing 2008 (2008) — Contributor — 145 copies, 3 reviews
An Uncertain Inheritance: Writers on Caring for Family (2007) — Contributor — 44 copies


2008 (10) 2009 (7) anthology (15) audio (8) audiobook (10) communication (11) critical thinking (8) death (15) death and dying (15) decision making (35) diagnosis (31) doctors (50) end of life (7) essays (48) healing (15) health (113) health and medicine (8) health care (28) hope (31) illness (39) Kindle (15) library (10) medical (75) medical logic (9) medicine (300) memoir (14) nature (14) non-fiction (282) own (10) patients (18) physicians (14) Physicians--Psychology (7) psychology (76) read (25) science (134) spirituality (14) thinking (9) to-read (104) unread (20) wishlist (8)

Common Knowledge



Non-fiction, medical. A well-written overview of medical biases in practice. Most of these are unconscious on the part of the doctor. Most can be corrected by a doctor’s studying his cases and the results of their diagnosis and treatment. The doctor must always be aware of the results of their treatment. The patient and their family and friends must also be aware of results and must be willing to keep asking questions. The successful treatment results from the active collaboration between doctors and their patients communicating freely, openly, and honestly. .… (more)
bgknighton | 48 other reviews | Mar 10, 2024 |
Worth reading for insights to how doctors think and make decisions and how a patient can use this to advocate for themselves. But there are many anecdotes and some parts dragged.
mmcrawford | 48 other reviews | Dec 5, 2023 |
Jerome Groopman’s How People Prevail in the Face of Illness: The Anatomy of Hope taught patients, vital lessons about coping in life. This book covered a number of medical case studies. It showed the author as a beginning intern while undergoing his first experiences with patients, and later in his profession as an oncologist.
Groopman’s growth became evident by the way he related to patients. At first under a teaching associate, he tried to give a patient a hopeful picture. This was the case, although this woman had cancer that had metastasized. But as this doctor developed in his practice, he provided his patients with the necessary data, and instilled a true hope in their condition.
His patients therefore benefited from this new approach. Groopman was able to develop professionally, and made it his duty to talk to experts about patients’ emotions. He was particularly interested in the nature of hope. This information made him aware of sections of the brain that were responsible for positive behavior. Yet, he realized that there could be false hope. This new gift in his medical tool box led him to successfully treat his patients. But he also lost others to illness in the process. One patient who he was fond of died, and devastated him. This setback was hard to take.
Some chapters dealt with Groopman himself as a patient. He had suffered a back injury during a marathon. The author was experiencing excruciating pain, visited specialists at different hospitals, but was unable to find relief. It was interesting to note that how being a doctor didn’t help his condition. To find a cure he consulted with different specialists. Fortunately, he was able to find relief, his condition improved, and he could walk many blocks. Groopman had put this belief of hope in action as he underwent physical therapy, and the stress of living with a bad back just like he did with his patients.
… (more)
erwinkennythomas | 6 other reviews | Feb 7, 2023 |
While this book uniformly receives "5's" my curmudgeonly side gives it a "4." The book was overall excellent but some parts dragged from a bit too much detail. But it is worth the read.

The main premise was defective communication by doctors. The minor premise though was equally scary; the number of botched diagnoses but top doctors at top hospitals. On the other hand I recognize that sick people are inherently damaged goods. Perfection is impossible since medicine is an art, not a science.… (more)
JBGUSA | 48 other reviews | Jan 2, 2023 |



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