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Noah Gordon (1926–2021)

Author of The Physician

26+ Works 8,454 Members 168 Reviews 12 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Mutari


Works by Noah Gordon

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11th century (32) 20th century (17) adventure (25) American literature (34) Belletristik (28) Civil War (18) drama (29) ebook (29) England (38) fiction (422) German (30) historical (155) historical fiction (260) historical novel (209) history (93) Inquisition (20) Jewish (21) Judaism (43) Kindle (50) literature (64) medical (25) medicine (125) medieval (37) Middle Ages (89) narrativa (55) Noah Gordon (24) novel (86) Novela (116) novel·la (62) Persia (41) physicians (17) read (54) religion (26) Roman (147) romance (23) Spain (55) Spanish (16) to-read (267) unread (31) USA (47)

Common Knowledge



Ok book. Characters predictable.
kakadoo202 | 17 other reviews | Sep 14, 2024 |
La bodega
Noah Gordon
Publicado: 2007 | 317 páginas
Novela Drama Histórico

Languedoc, Francia, finales del siglo XIX. Josep Álvarez descubre de la mano de un viticultor francés el arte de la elaboración del vino. Desde ese momento, su vida estará determinada por esta pasión.A pesar de su juventud, Josep ha conocido el amor, las intrigas políticas y el trabajo duro, experiencia que, junto a su temprana vocación, caracterizará su destino. Tras participar contra su voluntad en un complot que convulsionará la ya turbulenta escena política del momento, huye a Francia, donde trabajará para un viticultor. Pese a su temor de caer en manos de la justicia, decide un día volver a su hogar. Luchando contra los elementos, Josep emprende una aventura tan ardua como fascinante: la elaboración de un buen vino.En torno a él, los habitantes de Santa Eulalia: la joven viuda Marimar y su hijo Francesc; Nivaldo, el tendero de origen cubano; Donat, el hermano obrero, todos ellos personajes que pueblan esta rica novela.La bodega contiene la esencia anterior de Noah Gordon: historias personales de fuerza, personajes vitales, retratos fidedignos de una época, plasmados con una sensibilidad y acierto que ha admirado a miles de lectores a lo largo de los años.… (more)
libreriarofer | 18 other reviews | May 21, 2024 |
Slow read due to ebook rather than paper. Very well-written, interesting & enjoyable.
Abcdarian | 58 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |
Rob Cole born in England is orphaned and apprenticed to a barber surgeon. After the Barber surgeon’s death he meets a Jewish physician and learns of a great physician Avicina who lives in the Middle East. He knows that to travel is dangerous and will be challenging but he braves the trip and becomes a disciple of Avicenna. He excels as a medical student and then as a physician given the limits of the time. The story takes place about 40 years before the time of William the Conqueror. He marries a Scott’s woman who happens to also be traveling in the far east looking for special sheep. Rob becomes a confidant of the Shah and a court physician at times. The Shah becomes embroiled in a war with a neighboring ruler, looses the war and then his life. Rob his wife and their children decide to dare the return journey to England. The journey succeeds. They stop first in London. Rob’s wife Mary is unhappy in London so he helps her return home to Scotland. When Rob is accused of being a heretic because he had disguised himself as a Jew in order to travel to the Middle East he realizes he also must travel to Scotland and rejoin his family. She helps him set up as a physician in Scotland.… (more)
waldhaus1 | 58 other reviews | Apr 20, 2024 |



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