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Luke Dumas

Author of The Paleontologist: A Novel

2 Works 397 Members 9 Reviews

Works by Luke Dumas

The Paleontologist: A Novel (2023) 241 copies, 4 reviews
A History of Fear (2022) 156 copies, 5 reviews


Common Knowledge




I picked up this book on impulse as it was one of the B&N picks of the month. I’d describe this one as similar to night at the museum meets some of the early chapters of Jurassic Park.

We meet our main character after a rough breakup as he tries to pick up the pieces of his life in his hometown. He’s taken a job on a whim in the center of his biggest childhood trauma - the abduction of his little sister. This book had a good level of creepiness as the character navigates an empty museum. Theres a fun element of mystery as he tries to solve the cold case from his childhood. I also appreciated getting more of a behind the scenes view of working at a museum.

My favorite part was when our main character explains going to the Field Museum in Chicago for the first time. As a fellow dinosaur enthusiast from the Chicagoland area, that scene resonated so deeply to me.
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Nlwilson607 | 3 other reviews | Jul 2, 2024 |
A queer American grad student in Scotland - with Satan and nested narratives!

Top-notch psychological horror!

Cw for assault/abuse and suicide - SUPER dark read
Amateria66 | 4 other reviews | May 24, 2024 |
The Paleontologist: A Novel is part Sci Fi and part highly research book. Dinosaurs are loose in the museum or rather their spirits. The book is well written and sad at times both for the human beings and for the dinosaurs. Four stars were given in this review.
lbswiener | 3 other reviews | May 12, 2024 |
The Paleontologist by Luke Dumas is a recommended psychological thriller.

Dr. Simon Nealy has returned to his hometown, Wrexham, Pennsylvania to become the Curator of paleontology at the Hawthorne Museum of Natural History. His sister disappeared when the two were at the museum as children, so many complicated emotions surround his return. The museum itself is a crumbling ruin and closed due to the pandemic lockdown so no income is coming in. As Simon tries to acclimate to his new positions and set the paleontology department into some sort of order, it seems there is some supernatural element or creature loose in the museum. Either he is loosing his mind or something else is going on and Simon must try to find out the answer.

The characters are fully realized and they all are portrayed as unique individuals with strengths and flaws. The backstory of Simon and the traumatic experiences he has gone through immediately makes him a sympathetic character.

The quality of the writing is excellent and Dumas does a credible job including the scientific information in the plot. With initial comparisons to Preston and Child's Relic, I had high hopes for The Paleontologist. I stuck with it based on the pluses: dinosaur bones, a creepy museum, and a childhood trauma tied into the museum.

Admittedly, the rough spots right at the start were very off-putting with Covid and masking at the forefront of the entire novel. (Authors, please leave this out of novels.) Then something was mentioned when it would have been better to simply provide the facts with a nod to the readers intelligence to figure it out. As the narrative continued it was soon clear that there were simply too many scattered subplots and one of them required an inordinate about of suspension of disbelief for this reader. It is enjoyable, but not the page-turner I was hoping for.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Atria via NetGalley.
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SheTreadsSoftly | 3 other reviews | Oct 23, 2023 |




½ 3.7

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