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Nicole Cushing

Author of A Sick Gray Laugh

11+ Works 164 Members 16 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Nicole Cushing

A Sick Gray Laugh (2019) 35 copies, 1 review
Mr. Suicide (2015) 32 copies, 2 reviews
The Sadist's Bible (2016) 22 copies, 4 reviews
Children of No One (2017) 17 copies, 2 reviews
The Mirrors (2014) 14 copies, 1 review
How to Eat Fried Furries (2010) 12 copies, 3 reviews
I Am the New God (2014) 11 copies, 2 reviews
The Half-Freaks (2019) 10 copies
Mothwoman (2022) 8 copies
The Plastic Priest (2023) 1 copy

Associated Works

Werewolves and Shape Shifters (2010) — Contributor — 107 copies
The Grimscribe's Puppets (2013) — Contributor — 65 copies, 1 review
Black Wings of Cthulhu 5 (2016) — Contributor — 61 copies
Cassilda's Song (2015) — Contributor — 38 copies, 3 reviews
October Dreams II (Anthology) (2016) — Contributor — 30 copies
Mighty in Sorrow: A Tribute to David Tibet & Current 93 (2014) — Contributor — 24 copies
Eulogies II: Tales from the Cellar (2013) — Contributor — 14 copies
I Am the Abyss (2017) — Contributor — 12 copies
The First Book of Classical Horror Stories (2012) — Contributor — 5 copies
Walrus Tales (2012) — Contributor — 3 copies


Common Knowledge



Gregory Bryce is a typical college student in the 1980s, dealing with school, his roommate, and his impending apotheosis. Wait, what? That's right. Gregory has been receiving correspondence from someone known as the Hierophant claiming knowledge that Gregory's destiny is to become the new God, rising up to usurp the old and weakened Christian God and take control of creation. You know: Typical college hijinks.

In Nicole Cushing's I Am the New God this is exactly what we get. Slowly, things are revealed about Gregory's background, such as his stint in a mental institution, that he's been on medication, and that he's recently stopped taking that medication. Gregory at first does not believe the Hierophant, but slowly begins to warm up to the idea as he begin to complete the seven tasks the Hierophant has laid out for him to complete his rise to become the new God. But the question becomes whether this is real or if this is all part of Gregory's (and the Hierophant's) madness.

That's what was so fascinating about it. The reader is genuinely left in the dark through most of the book about whether this is real or if we are simply reading the mind of a certifiable madman. From the violent mutilation of his roommate to his creation of a new life form named Hop Frog (clearly a tribute to [a:W.H. Pugmire|3064456|W.H. Pugmire|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1342560875p2/3064456.jpg]), we don't know what's real and what's not, especially given that it's written mostly from a shifting first person perspective. It becomes both fascinating and disturbing to see into the mind of the potentially insane.

The book is still a horror novel and there are many incidents of violence and gore, so reader be warned. Admittedly, the gory violence is not as much as it could have been, and Cushing seems to have exercised some restraint in order to put a greater focus on the story. In fact, I can't say that any of it is gratuitous. All the violence, while creepy and horrifying, actually serves a point and furthers the plot. Like a slaughtered buffalo, nothing is wasted. The text has a good flow and the story ramps up to the ending at a pretty smooth pace.

If I have a criticism, it would be the changing perspective. While it can be interesting switching first person narratives between Gregory and the Hierophant, as well as the third person perspective of police investigators, at the same time the effect is also jarring and can pull the reader out of the book with the sudden shift. I respect Cushing for this bold choice, but I don't think that it quite had the effect she was looking for.

A sublime piece of horror fiction, I Am the New God is definitely worth a read. With only minor quibbles, I can heartily recommend this book, especially for horror fans for a unique take that leaves the reader guessing until the end, even if they think they've figured it out.

I Am the New God by Nicole Cushing earns 4.5 completed tasks out of 5 (because, really, who's got the time for 7 tasks).

Note: This review is based on a review copy sent for free from the publisher through NetGalley. This did not affect the content of the review in any way.
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sheldonnylander | 1 other review | Apr 5, 2023 |
This was very bizarre, and missed the mark for me. The concept was interesting but I just couldn't connect to the characters. And maybe this just wasn't what I was in the mood for. There were some dark and twisty parts that kept me from DNFing, and because of that I want to try something else by this author. But this one is a no for me.
Halestormer78 | 3 other reviews | May 15, 2022 |
Another bonus short story from Darkfuse that I received as a book club member.

I had never read anything by Nicole Cushing and have been waiting the upcoming release of her book Child of No One so I wanted to get a preview of her writing.

Now I am REALLY looking forward to her new novel. This story was a sad and dark view of the bleak world of people that are not necessarily bad, but more accurately pushed toward cruel choices by their circumstances.
ChrisMcCaffrey | Apr 6, 2021 |
The Sadist's Bible is a difficult novella to review without spoilers, but I'm going to try.

We start off with two women having a sexy internet relationship. One woman, Ellie, is the married wife of a very religious man and the other, Lori, a disturbed bisexual. How disturbed she actually is doesn't become apparent until later. The two have a plan to meet up in real life, have some mind blowing lesbian sex, and then kill themselves. Everything is realistic and understandable up to this point and then it all goes right off the rails; so far off the rails the train cars are in a smoking, wrecked heap about a mile away.

From here on out, a lot of the story is almost interactive with the reader. What I mean by that is that every reader brings their baggage and experience to a story. Depending on what you've read in the past or your past experiences in real life-these things may color your views on the second half of this tale. For myself, I see numerous influences and ways to interpret the last half of this book. A few examples of these influences, from my point of view, would be Lovecraft and Thomas Ligotti for sure. Perhaps a little bit of The King in Yellow and early Clive Barker as well. However, despite these influences the last half is pure Cushing, and this is a style I have grown to love and even adore over the last two years. I'm talking wildly imaginative and creative scenes-described so vividly that I can see them in my mind's eye as clearly as if they were on a giant movie screen before me. I'm not sure that current technology could even live up to Nicole Cushing's imagination-in fact, I doubt it.

This book was incredible. I don't know what else to say. I will include a short warning, this book is daring-in its vivid descriptions of sex and violence, (with both often combined), and also with its frank observations of "in the closet" lesbianism and religious guilt: it may not be for everyone. However, if you think the synopsis and my review sound interesting, I can't say it strongly enough: GO BUY THIS BOOK. (You can do so here: http://www.amazon.com/Sadists-Bible-Nicole-Cushing-ebook/dp/B01C6B9JG6/ref=sr_1_... sadist's bible)

My highest recommendation!

*I received a free e-copy of this novella from the author, in exchange for my honest review. This is it.*
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Charrlygirl | 3 other reviews | Mar 22, 2020 |



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