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Alexander Blok (1) (1880–1921)

Author of Selected Poems

For other authors named Alexander Blok, see the disambiguation page.

120+ Works 463 Members 7 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Alexander Blok was one of the most important Russian poets of the twentieth century. He was a lyricist of extraordinary vision and passion whose life and art were closely intertwined. He was born in 1880 started to write as a young man. His first collection, Verses on the Beautiful Lady (1904), show more mythologizes his young wife Lyubov as the incarnation of a mystical presence, Sophia. Succeeding collections mirror his gradual abandonment of this ideal and his embracing of humankind's tormented existence. The last volume of a trilogy arranged by Blok includes the epic Retribution (1910-21) and The Terrible World. The work shows Blok at the height of his powers as he explores a welter of interconnected personal, historical, cultural, and philosophical themes. Increasingly in his poetry, as well as in his many essays and plays, Blok gave way to his premonitions of impending apocalyptic events. Few of his generation possessed his perception of the cataclysms that the twentieth century would bring; yet his proclamations of doom and avowals of class guilt for the Russian people's suffering found a ready audience. Blok's best-known work, particularly in the West, is the long poem The Twelve (1918), in which a group of revolutionary guardsmen, at once heroes and criminals, with the figure of Christ at their head, marches through darkened newly seized St. Petersburg. This response to the October Revolution is complex and contradictory, and its changing language and rhythms magnificently reflect the many sources and shifting moods of the poem. Unfortunately, only a relatively small number of Blok's works are available in English. Blok died in 1921. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
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Works by Alexander Blok

Selected Poems (1987) 70 copies
Selected Poems (1972) — Author — 57 copies
The Twelve (1918) 42 copies, 2 reviews
Twelve, and Other Poems (1970) 34 copies
Poems of Sophia (2014) 14 copies
Le Monde terrible (2003) 12 copies
Versos de la bella dama (1992) 8 copies, 1 review
The Stranger: Selected Poetry (2011) 7 copies, 1 review
Der Sturz des Zarenreichs (1983) 7 copies
Izbrannoe (1989) 7 copies
Neznakomka (2013) 6 copies
La nemesi (1973) 5 copies
Oeuvres en prose (1990) 4 copies
Mavi Yagmurluk (2015) 4 copies
Drammi lirici 3 copies
Verhalen (2018) 3 copies
Schneegesicht 3 copies
Лирика (2005) 3 copies
Canti bolscevichi (2007) 3 copies
Venjança i altres poemes (2014) 2 copies
Mein Ru©land in Gedichten (2003) — Contributor — 2 copies, 1 review
Poetas russos (1995) 2 copies
Poetry (2008) 2 copies
Лирика (2013) 2 copies
Taccuini (1984) 1 copy
C'hoariva 1 copy
Alekszandr Blok versei (1977) 1 copy
篝火創刊号 (2014) — Contributor — 1 copy
Dzienniki 1 copy
Gedichte - Poeme (1989) 1 copy
Poesie 1 copy
Spijun 1 copy, 1 review
Pesme i poeme (2012) 1 copy
Pesme 1 copy
Vozmezdie (Retribution) 1 copy, 1 review
Скифы (2014) 1 copy

Associated Works

World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 458 copies, 1 review
The Portable Twentieth Century Russian Reader (1985) — Contributor — 399 copies, 2 reviews
The Stray Dog Cabaret (2006) — Contributor — 118 copies, 6 reviews
The Penguin book of Russian poetry (2015) — Contributor — 98 copies
Russian Poets (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets) (2009) — Contributor — 72 copies, 2 reviews
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution (2016) — Contributor — 36 copies, 3 reviews


Common Knowledge

Date of death



First edition of Blok's verse epic, on which he worked from 1910 until his death in 1921. Fragments were published during his lifetime, but the poem did not appear in its entirety until this posthumous edition.Ashukin p. 38; Kilgour 134; Tarasenkov p. 63. Bookseller Inventory # F228
vecchiopoggi | Jan 26, 2016 |
A slim collection of Alexander Blok’s poetry, starting with some composed at the age of 17, and ending with an excerpt from “The Twelve”, written at the age of 38 and a year after the 1917 revolution in Russia. Blok died young, at 41. There are some nice poems here, though I think as a whole they should have been selected more from his later years. I liked how this edition included both the original Russian and the English translation.

My favorite was this one, from 1902:

“You would cut the lagoon with your oar.
You and I, we would meet up at sunset.
I fell in love with the dress that you wore,
All my prior ambitions were nonsense.

Left alone we would quietly sit
And our silence seemed strangely awry.
On the shore evening candles were lit.
Someone pondered the beautiful sky.

There was never love’s ardor or bliss,
Quiet azure had trounced our passions…
We would meet in the gray evening mist,
By the shore full of ripples and rushes.

No more sorrow or love, no more yearning,
All would vanish, forgotten, repressed…
With it vanished the voice of the mourning,
Golden oar, and the white summer dress.”
… (more)
1 vote
gbill | Oct 11, 2014 |
2000 eu ? Alexander Blok. Dvenadzat. (Die Zwölf) sold by Galerie Kornfeld ... ANNENKOV Yurii Pavlovich (Georges),Alexander Blok. Dvenadzat. (Die Zwölf) ...
Disegni di ANNENKOV Yurii
vecchiopoggi | 1 other review | Mar 30, 2011 |



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