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For other authors named Hans Dieter Betz, see the disambiguation page.

28+ Works 940 Members 4 Reviews

Works by Hans Dieter Betz

Galatians (1979) 271 copies, 1 review
Der Apostel Paulus in Rom (2013) 5 copies

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Common Knowledge



This book is absolutely essential for the Hermetic library. Not only is it historically important, but practically as well. We can trace back many aspects of modern magic (such as the Bornless One Ritual, for just one example) to the texts contained in this book.
Anituel | 1 other review | Sep 27, 2006 |
PGM IV. 2943-57
"Love-spell of attraction through wakefulness: Take the eyes of a bat and release it alive, and take a piece of unbaked dough or unmelted wax and mold a little dog; and put the right eye of the bat into the right eye of the little dog, implanting also in the same way the left one in the left. And take a needle, thread it with the magical material and stick it through the eyes of the little dog, so that the magical material is visible. And put the dog into a new drinking vessel, attach a papyrus strip to it and seal it with your own ring which has crocodiles with the backs of their heads attached, and deposit it at a crossroad after you have marked that spot so that, should you wish to recover it, you can find it." pg. 94

PGM XIII. 705-717
from "The Eighth, Hidden Book of Moses" - what to do after you have successfully conjured a god:
"Now when the god comes in do not stare at his face, but look at his feet while beseeching him, as written above, and giving thanks that he did not treat you contemptuously, but you were thought worthy of the things about to be said to you for correction of your life. You, then, ask, 'Master, what is fated for me?' And he will tell you even about your star, and what kind of daimon you have, and your horoscope and where you may live and where you will die. And if you hear something bad, do not cry out or weep, but ask that he may wash it off or circumvent it, for this god can do everything. Therefore, when you begin questioning, thank him for having heard you and not overlooked you. Always sacrifice to this god in this way and offer your pious devotions, for thus he will hear you." pg. 189

For How to Summon an Angel: https://maryoverton.wikispaces.com/How+to+Summon+an+Angel
… (more)
Mary_Overton | 1 other review | May 18, 2013 |


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