
12 Reviews
Supporting cast carry this film.
6 November 2023
I did not feel the chemistry between the main love interests. Both of them are lovely, but it wasn't there for me. That is important for a Christmas movie.

The supporting characters, however, all the way from the office manager seen briefly at the very beginning, up to Berniece, who runs the B&B, stole the show. Another one who did a good job was the ex-girlfriend.

The town the story is set in is enchanting, and it almost looks like a film set, it's so perfect. But, in fact, it's a real town, up to and including the covered bridge. I could live there.

All in all, it's the same ole Christmas move theme, and I, for one, never get tired of watching them. Give it a shot.
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You're OUT! (2023)
Car Trips always promise a lot of surprises
3 August 2023
I love films about cross country car trips, because just as in real life, they never seem to fail with spontaneous instances of humor. 'You're Out!' is very funny. But, more that that, it is heartfelt, and you feel it right along with the characters.

My favorite character is the stray dog, they pick up along the way. Such a sweet dog. I'm glad he is in a good home now with the main character and his family. I foster Pit Bulls so I know how their reputation hinders them being adopted. They are the opposite of their reputation, but it's hard to convince people of that.

All the actors were very good, down to the supporting cast. Everyone excellent, to the person.

Such a good movie. You won't be disappointed.
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It took me back in time
4 December 2022
From the very first frame, inviting you to the snack bar and reminding you where to return a broken car speaker, I was transported back to my youth at the drive in movies. Nostalgia at it's finest. If you're not old, you should still watch it, so you can see what we thought was so great...and still is.

The props were funny as all get out. Was that space ship really a tin foil pie tin attached to a frisbee? It sure looked like it. Love it for what it is, no one is trying to make you think it's a real space ship.

I got a l lot of spontaneous laughs while watching this film. They appeared out of nowhere, but there they were. The writer has a very subtle sense of humor which matches my own. One that comes to mind is when the male alien's voice changes when speaking first to his new love, and then to his cohort.

I thought all the acting was spot on with just the right amount of overacting as befits the times. All in all, I loved this film.
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Provo (2022)
Believable story and believable character
5 November 2022
I saw this at the 2022 Lake County Film Festival. I made it a point to see this particular film, because of its strong female cast and crew.

Once you get past the first few minutes of a chaotic party scene, the story settles in. If that first part was cut, it would not harm the film at all. But it sets the tone, I guess, that this was going to be about one messed up girl. But that is pretty clear anyway.

If you like stories centered around cross country trips and what could and will go wrong, you'll like this one. Don't expect them to get robbed or have car trouble, because that doesn't happen. This is not a horror film. It's about the relationship between two friends and the evolution of their own story within the story. It is also about one troubled girl finding her way back home if only for a few days.
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Honest to God (2022)
Good Watching for All!
5 May 2022
Can you use and abuse God in a funny way? Yes, apparently you can, because I chuckled throughout. The writing was so clever, and the actors wore their characters like comfortable much loved clothing.

Casting was spot on. Some of my favorites were the Latter Day Saints missionaries and Anita, the grandmother. So funny! This one gets all my stars.
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26 December 2021
Most of us can identify with at least one character in this story. Mine was with the youngest cousin. I went though the same thing 53 years ago, and it's disheartening that things have not changed much since then. My heart broke for her. My heart also broke for her sister who had a loss I can identify with. So, yah, why do I love this movie that breaks my heart so? Because, just as the last line of the film states: "I Love My Family".
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For Hannah (2021)
Who's Hannah?
26 December 2021
You'll find out, and the wait will be worth it.

This film has everything, all swathed with a touch of humor. There's anxiety, intrigue, mystery, drama, and even a touch of sex. It's filled with characters, and was beautifully cast, but my favorite was the old sheriff. With age comes wisdom, and he portrays it well.

I loved this movie.
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Stairs (I) (2019)
Simple but Poignant premise
17 December 2021
The suspense you feel will be worth it.

All it takes is a never ending stairway and an elderly woman with a cane, and you have a story. We encounter obstacles all around us on a daily basis but none as daunting as when someone who just wants to get home.
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Without Grace (II) (2021)
Movie sets don't make or break a film.
28 May 2021
Take a moment to get past the fact some scenes seem to be filmed in someone's rec room in their basement, and move on instead to the story. It's based on a true story, and that is what makes it all the more heartfelt. It's about love and loss, and moving on, with the help and advice from friends, and one particular stranger. That stranger makes this true life event all the more intriguing. The actor playing him, Bruce Spielbauer, was perfection in the role. Shannon Brown, who plays the lead is always good in his work, and so he is in this one, too. He is an award winning actor, and it shows here. I really enjoyed this movie and recommend it for your own watch list.
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Halloweed (2016)
A New Cult Classic?
10 November 2016
If you are looking for light-hearted comedy to take your minds off of they day you just had, then you'll like this movie. It is good quality, good acting, and even a plot. And to tell you the truth, they had me at the end. I did not know until then 'who done it'.

I can see this film playing in the background of Halloween parties for years to come. It's one of those where you can glance at the screen every so often and exclaim "Watch this part...this is so funny!" or "Watch this part...this is really gross!" or "Watch this part...she is really hot!"

All in all, a cute quirky movie, and I recommend it.
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Contrite (2013)
When all else fails...
22 September 2014
I thought the beginning was slow to set the tone for the film, especially because it is only 15 minutes long. However, I found the entire 15 minutes is devoted to 'setting the tone'. I was sad from the start and sad at the end. It does have a surprise ending which kind of left me confused. I didn't know if I should be uplifted, or still sad. That's a good thing, I think, when a film leaves you asking questions as you walk out of the theater. I had to watch it twice, because when I watch films, I get caught up in the cinematography, which was excellent, by the way. I will admit there was something else I had to see twice, but I'll let you decide what that might have been. All in all, a good film with great acting by all three principals, especially Shannon Brown who can do angst with the best of them.
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Windy (2012)
Ticks all the boxes
22 September 2014
I watched it awhile back, before I met the lead actor, Shannon Brown, at a screening of one of his more recent films and was impressed with the quality of the acting as well as with the sound & lighting. All three very important elements in any film, regardless of the budget. Since then I have seen him play other roles and can only compare his talent to the likes of a Sean Penn or a Tom Hanks. When I saw him play a cocky TV announcer in one of his last films, I did not put two and two together that this was the same actor who plays an autistic man in perfection. I am so glad to have just watched Windy again to connect the dots. I am even more convinced this is an actor to put on your watch list.
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