Monday (2020) Poster


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Good but expected more
io-857297 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is actually not bad. I've seen a lot of people confused to why the movie is called Monday but it only shows Friday. Well here's the explanation:

Friday symbolizes an inciting incident in the couple's life, Monday symbolizes both, the conclusion of the previous chapter and beginning of a new chapter in their life.

For example, It was on a Friday night when they met. It was on a Friday when they both decided to move in together. It was on a Friday when Chloe learns about her pregnancy and it was on a Friday Christmas eve when they prepared for Hector's arrival.

From Friday, the couple struggled against odds, dodging or facing the conflicts and growing together. No matter what the outcome of their effort is, there is always Monday for them. Monday worked like a reset button in their relationship. It was on this day when they let go of the past and begin again, again.

The message here is, all couples need a symbolic Monday in their life. No matter how hard or horrible the past weekend/ or week was, we should be able to just start the new week with new enthusiasm and passion. The passion two people in love promised each other when they spelled, "forever."

Once you understand that, the movie becomes 100% better!! I think it needed more depth to the characters because they were pretty "simple" but, overall, the movie is good.
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agentsofsword17 April 2021
Okay as much as i like sebastian stan

what did i just watch? It's strange but delivers very good performances but what is this. I didn't really care about the nudity on this film. This movie is named monday because of something happened in the last 10 minutes but its always friday. I actually liked the first act but it fell apart in 2nd and 3rd act im questioning myself the entire time, what am i watching?
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Nice movie but need more backstory
audreytherris19 April 2021
Shoutout to Sebastian Stan and Denise Gough for their amazing potrayal of such complex character. It is a nice movie but it is hard to understand. You can easily understand Mickey characters by his behaviour and stuff but it is opposite with Chloe. We know so little about her, her struggle, why was she broke up with Christos? Why was she attended the first party in the first place if she didnt know Argyris? I have a lot of question and it is hard to understand just by seeing her with Mickey. I know the concept of this movie is great and wild weekend and then Monday reality hit you again. But throughout the movie the Fridays are far more highlighted than the Mondays and the Mondays should have potrayed more explosive and emotionaly draining.
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Riding a scooter nude through the nighttime streets of Athens, Greece.
TxMike15 May 2022
He and she are Americans in Greece, each had just experienced failed relationships. They meet at a night spot, they wake up the next morning on the beach. Nude. It must have been a wild and "unmemorable" night. They get into mild trouble, quickly dismissed. No harm, no foul I suppose.

Most of us who are rational adults cannot identify with these characters and their friends. They are not relatable, it is hard to have any sympathy for them. She is an immigration lawyer and scheduled to return to the States the next day but stays in Athens instead with a commercial jingle writer who seems to be mostly irresponsible. Without really knowing anything about him or whether they might be compatible. Only that they enjoy sex like horny rabbits.

The title comes from the idea that two people can really connect in a series of fun weekend exploits together but when Monday comes, what happens next? How do they handle the real world?

I found the movie hard to enjoy most times because most characters used constant filthy language which is jarring to the senses. Plus so many 30-somethings acting like irresponsible teenagers. But I suppose that is the point, showing how that can make life difficult to navigate and how two people who barely know each other probably aren't really compatible, at least not "easily" compatible. The ending is open to lots of interpretation regarding what might happen next.

I enjoyed some of it, especially the scene with the two naked characters being chased by police through the streets of Athens. But can't rate it very highly. My wife and I watched it at home on DVD from our public library.
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Acting was great. script was weak.
meagandel26 April 2021
Everything was underutilized. Usually movies like this the setting is a character in itself and it was as if Greece was an afterthought. This could have taken place anywhere and it would not have made a difference which undercuts the story.

The characters could have been fleshed out more. Yes, this is about their clearly mismatched/toxic romance, but I wanted to understand them more as individuals. Why did Chloe stay (what was she clearly running from back home)? What did Mickey see in her that allowed him to avoid focusing on his life's own shortcomings? She was a horrible person. She made poor decisions. She indulged in a lifestyle that may have been adopted in Greece, maybe not, but we will never know. Even if Micky was stuck in a perpetually adolescent/self sabotaging cycle I can't see what attracted him to her. It's not like he craved her stability. She couldn't offer any.

Stan and Gough gave amazing performances despite the thin script proving their talent and commitment.
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time to grow up
ferguson-615 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. I will admit upfront that I'm no fan of watching late thirty-somethings living their lives like a never-ending fraternity party. So when the film opens on a disco ball, and we see a woman breaking up with her boyfriend on the phone while the thumping dance blasts, and then she immediately hooks up with the equally-aged DJ ... well, I was concerned that writer-director Argyris Papadimitropoulos and co-writer Rob Hayes decided to make this film as a kick to the shins of any job-holding, respectable grown-up movie watcher. Fortunately, it's not as bad as all that.

The two instant-lovers wake up naked on the beach the next morning and introduce themselves while handcuffed in the back of a police car. Denise Gough (JULIET, NAKED) is Chloe, an immigration lawyer who has been in an abusive relationship, and seemed to move on quickly (minutes later), without much thought. Sebastian Stan (Bucky from "The Avengers" franchise) is Mickey, a party boy DJ who is also an advertising jingle writer. Chloe and Mickey are both American ex-pats living in Athens, Greece. He's been knocking around for almost 7 years, and after 18 months, she's now scheduled to head back to the U. S. And yes, we do get the obligatory frantic airport moment - this one is less touching and more contrived.

The next few weekends basically involve these two going at it like rabbits at any time and in any place. Chloe and Mickey are a beautiful couple in a gorgeous setting, and it's quite obvious they are incompatible as a couple doing anything other than coupling. If thirty-somethings bonding over partying seems like a recipe for disaster, the party they throw will prove your point. It's an understatement to say her circle of sophisticated friends don't mingle well with his group of belligerent scofflaws. Supporting work is provided by Dominique Tipper as Bastian, a former bandmate with Mickey, and Yorgos Pirpassopoulos as Argyris, Mickey's close friend who wields power locally due to family money.

This is really the Sebastian Stan and Denise Gough show. He's a good fit as the charming, self-defeating guy who can't grow up, while she's an enigma - a woman seemingly too smart to fall for this guy and screw up her life after a weekend fling. Ms. Gough is strong in her ability to create a complex character from a fragmented script that forces her to overcome weak dialogue and absurd situations. As an example, Chloe and Mickey have 3 police encounters ... which is 3 more than the average person experiences in a lifetime.

Athens and the island of Antiparos make for a stunning setting for a movie, but the script falls short of the work necessary for this couple to transition from a wild weekend fling to an actual relationship with responsibilities, jobs, and a kid. We see how Chloe feels trapped, but the third act spins out of control as lot of Fridays turn into the titular Monday of reckoning.

In theaters and On Demand April 16, 2021.
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Not Good Enough
PennyReviews24 May 2021
If this is another movie like Before sunset, they failed. The movie was kind of okay at times, but messy as to what it wanted to say and pass on. The couple was too childish that got annoying and when finally reality kicked in, the movie ended. So, you end up watching grown up people acting like teenagers.
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andrewchristianjr28 May 2021
Monday is a flawed romance that benefits from great lead performances. The first half hour or so were great. The beautiful locales, the attractive leads, and the light tone make it a nice and breezy watch. But once things get serious the film gets less interesting. The drama is not that well written and is fairly cliched. The finale is interesting enough but than the film just ends.
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No chemistry, characters infuriating
mr_bickle_the_pickle1 November 2021
I just didnt see a lot of chemistry between the two leads to make it believable that they fell in love so fast in the first place. And they were so insufferable the whole time that it made it hard to like them or want to root for them or whatever. And I get thats kind of the point. They're meant to be this incompatible couple that sticks around because theyre kind of lost in life and at least can be lost together. But, it just wasnt that enjoyable to watch. And it was kind of repetitive as well. They party, they have sex. They kind of regret their choices, they make a huge step forward in their relationship, wash, rinse, repeat. I think it could have made a nice little short film though if it solely concentrated on the first weekend together.

I think if youre looking for a movie about "real relationships" with the ups and downs, I much prefer "Like Crazy". Still, Id give the film a 5. Wasnt the worst thing. Just very mediocre. The actors do the best they can. And I felt moved by Denise Gough at the end when she felt abandoned.
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egnortiz25 April 2021
Amazing movie, i have to say that. Watched it for sebastian stan and he was amazing also the actress who played chloe! But what was that ending.... ??!
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romantic drama that falls terribly midway through the film
cruise019 February 2022
2.5 out of 5 stars.

Monday is a pretty bad drama film that tries to play as a romantic drama of two characters that meet in Athens. And they cant seem to be apart from each other.

Great cast with the likables of Sebastian Stan and Denise Gough. The story and direction can barely go on for so long without losing its steam and ideas. Half way through the film it falls flat and seemed nearly pointless throughout.
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8/10 was hard and painful to watch
bianka142518 April 2021
We can see a REAL relationship, the ups and downs, the uplifting first weeks when you fly above the clouds. But IMO these ups doesn't make the downs worth it. And the downs are so depressing that those minutes reminded me my past relationships and reminded me why I should remain single. Because that's how a real relationship looks like and not many movies want to show us this way...they use a lot of sugarcoat instead.

(The flashbacks were so intense I had to take many breaks while watching the movie just to think about something else and not about how foolish, irresponsible and unbridled we were.)

It is not a bad movie, there's nothing wrong with it. I just felt really uncomfortable watching it and even Sebastian Stan could not make me feel better.
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... crazy not this comfortable
bjarias11 December 2021
... if not completely believable it was for the most part enjoyable watching ... leads do all the work and they are pretty good ... the ending comes off a bit awkward but attempting to finish this up was never going to satisfy everyone ... those having entered into a relationship under somewhat similar circumstances will probably appreciate the film much more.
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Intriguing, bit didn't fully come together
joostkale29 April 2021
This movie is almost the definition of intriguing. In the entire first act of the movie, I was thinking to myself: "I like it, but where is it going?" Well, it went somewhere, but not far. The first act start of very interesting and kept me wanting more, but after a while a started to lose interested. The problem with it is that it's showing a big portion of these characters' life's, but without a big plot or story it's start to become a bit tedious. There's a ten-minute scene in the second act about a failed party, but it could have accomplished the same with 3 minutes. And the same counts for the wedding, and another party. While there are so many situations that are dragged out, it could have used that time to show some background for these characters. There a lot of character development, but we don't know much about their history, which is sad because these are very complex characters. This would have made the emotional and darker moments a lot better. I never had a moment where a felt like I knew these characters. There was always more going on, but we never really got to that. It doesn't have to with the performances, because they are excellent. It just never fully got together for me. Started of strong, but without buildup and background I couldn't get behind it at the end.
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Didn't connect with the characters
Gordon-1120 July 2021
The film shows two people acting without much regards to consequences. I find them immature, and I can't connect with them at all. I didn't get into the story, or care about the characters. I found it a bore.
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I loved it...
Blumanowar11 April 2022
Until the final 7 minutes. That had to be the silliest ending ever. The rest of the flick was entertaining and experienced a couple falling crazy in love with each other..and doing crazy things spinning through the first stage of a relationship. Neither had much responsibility and they were care free, partying and enjoying love. Then all of a sudden it got serious.. I suppose every relationship starts out that way if your in love. A whirlwind romance and then all of a sudden reality kicks in. A decent watch.
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A Woman Cannot Have it All
elizabethcaroline8 September 2024
A successful attorney falls in love with a musician. She knows he is inherently selfish and resents him more and more. He doesn't do the things she asks of him, letting her down repeatedly. His good friends are selfish and immature like him. But, he also makes friends with influential people easily and uses them to lead a charmed life. She realizes in the end, that she is one of those people. At the beginning of the movie she is going through a break up with a wealthy man who stifled her, controlling her through work, physical violence and social criticism. Her flight back home is the next day. The free spirited musician ultimately captures her heart before she can get away, using her for her maternal instincts.
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Who Cares?
Lefteris-Anagnostopoulos19 September 2021
I really hope Sebastian Stan and Denise Gough had a great time in their greek vacations (as of course the whole cast & crew) because I did not. The same problems that I have with Suntan I have with Monday. Great actors, great photography, great locations, overall good ideas, BUT THE SCRIPT! Oh the script once again is so boring, so dumb that my eyes rolled so far up my head that I was staring my brain...

I just can't stand movies were all it would take in real life it'd be just a conversation to solve our problems and in the movie they don't have that conversation because then you'd have no movie!

I guess this movie cements Argyris Papadimitropoulos' "thing" for having adults behaving like moronic kids in his movies. Even the ones that are supposed to be "mature". And in the end, so what? What happened? Do you care? I don't. The director needs to stop watching erotic films for his research in "relationships" and read a book, or grow up.
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Didn't hate it, didn't love it
nfgc8625 June 2021
Didn't hate it. Didn't love it...about 40 minutes in I realized this wasn't going to be a movie where the characters have a ton of personal growth. I actual found myself rooting for them to realize their relationship was unhealthy and break up. Instead, you get two impulsive people pushing 40 who, by the end of the movie, feel stuck in a relationship they know will ultimately fail...
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felicity_gr17 July 2021
Horrible movie, simplistic story, unrealistic/cliché dialogues and scenes; in one word, totally pretentious.

"Now I will have a cigarette because I can, because this is Greece!" (one of the many nonsense lines of the movie) Embarrassing to watch.
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Good one
anaaannya10 January 2022
Although this film has received a lot of negative press, i believe it potrayed an intimate tale of two people trying to make it work because they believe they can. While the film's temporality was at times difficult to follow, the film's rich characterization and natural writing compensated for what was lacking. The acting was outstanding. I had the impression that i was in that relationship, I could sense the stress and awkwardness. Overall, a very enjoyable film, particularly considering it is not a big budget production.
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sarahellis-2648218 April 2021
This movie was terrible but Sebastian stan looked great.
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Amazing and Honest
kellyverplanke16 April 2021
This is such a good movie. It shows a real relationship with ups and downs. It shows the childish relationship but also the adult one. Defenitly a movie to think about afterwards. It shows that not every movie has to have an end, just like with life. The unexpected part is life. Absolutely loved this movie and I would recommend watching. The chemistry between Sebastian and Denise is overwhelming and they are both such great actors!
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Sebastian Stan with 2 arms
skunksurffer25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well the movie was nice and I was waiting to be this kind of movie like Friday parties then Monday feels like a punch. The 2 leading actors are great at their roles BUT needs more backstory and a little bit more reality in all that and backstory about the characters, we learned everything from Mickey, how he is what character he is but nothing about Chloe not so much infos about not so much infos about argyris and the friends of Mickey what kind of guy is Christos and the was reallly weird you don't know what is gonna happen from one hand is good mystery from the other hand bad fair Sunday movie but not much for me 06/10 because I am from Athens and I love this city.
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I can't get through it....
ourelbi17 December 2022
I've watched this for about 40 minutes and that's it for me.

I read a few reviews here to find out if the ending was worth waiting for, because I assumed something was going to happen - it was going to be about mental illness or something - these two, equally, act like they're young teenagers, or mature adults with ADHD or bipolar or something, running around having sex everywhere, acting silly and over the top everywhere they go. I mean, these two actors are actually in their 40s, right? How old are they meant to be in this? They definitely looked like it in the movie, so watching them get around like this was embarrassing. It got too much because there was absolutely no storyline, just them acting ridiculous. And, are the men in Greece really still this sexist? My God! It was really hard to watch.

How are movies like this getting made now?
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