311 Reviews
First Two Seasons Are Good, Last Season Sucks
sammielimehouse-846589 April 2021
I wish the series ran at least a couple more seasons with the original cast. The cast members of seasons one and two worked so well together and I think they could've told a lot more stories. Honestly, I'd be up for a Scream prequel about what happened in Lakewood before the killings. Nonetheless, they rebooted the entire show in season three and in my opinion, that did not end well. If you ask me there are no redeeming qualities about season three. Basically, I thoroughly enjoyed the first two seasons and was extremely disappointed about the third.

8.2/10 (excluding season three).
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Awesome Season 1&2!!! Why ruin it in season 3??
www-allie_roo10 December 2020
Absolutely loved the first two seasons! So I'm am incredibly disappointed they abandoned that storyline, so much was left not to mention many questions unanswered. Didn't give season 3 a chance, finish what you started because that was a fantastic plot with great characters.
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Seasons 1 & 2
libbyhatch21-116 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really miss the cast & story of the first two seasons. There was so much more story to tell & a lot of unanswered questions. Who killed Kieren? Emma's Dad or Brandon James' brother? What other murders will Noah & Stavros write about? What does the future hold for everyone? I guess the 3rd season is a reboot.
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10star for S01 and S02 but 5star for S03
alexacaleigh27 January 2020
What did I just watch??? Season 1 and 2 are awesome! What happened to season 3? Just hope that in season 4 , they will bring back the story and characters in season 1 and 2.. season 3 is lame and just OK.
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The murderer will be some less you think...
ahmetkozan15 April 2016
Amicably making a case for itself. As a TV series, Scream has the advantage of having infamous namesake and it does deliver the classic slasher gimmick, although its greatest attribute is its self- awareness. It realizes the obstacles, such as cliché high school setting and transition from movie to series, and rather than trying to gloss it over, Scream faces it head-on with smart quips in addition to the mandatory pool of blood.

Premise remains the same, a killer stalks their preys before mutilating them in gruesome fashion. The show gives this antique gore aptly, it's pretty good in the buildup and effect of the butchering is done with just the right tone. However, it's not just slashing away randomly, it also tries to set an eclectic cast. As the movie itself says, the audience should invest or care about the characters to make the killing efficient.

Characters are presentable, casting fresh actors is a good direction to build the series. They don't veer too much from typical high school kids, but there is effort to broaden the personalities beyond the expected. It uses already proved formula and tweaks it with modern upgrade without overflowing it to needlessly aggrandized aspects.

The main concern is how much the straightforward plot can carry it for many episodes. Its necessity to offer kills can also be taxing for a series and unlike movie sequel or reboot, the nostalgia effect will wear off sooner of latter. Luckily, it has room to expand and with enough mystery, it could work for the long run.

Serializing a slasher flick might have its issues, but Scream is clever enough to turn most of them into perks, making the classic kill fest into a more modern version and also staying true to its root. 7/10
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Scream the tv show maybe the most underrated show
owenholder-231785 December 2021
This is if not the most underrated show of all time. I love it. The first two seasons are amazing. I haven't seen season 3 and never will. But damn those first two seasons are some of my favs. I love the characters. I love the vibes. I thought the story was great. And the kills are cool. It's cheesy but in the best way possible. Hopefully the rumors are true and there will be a season 4 with the cast from seasons 1 and 2.
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Surprisingly Enjoyable...
jfcampinell24 April 2016
I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed the series Scream. This is mainly because it is one of the only shows that has aired on MTV that was not terrible. While this show could easily be considered more thriller than horror, it certainly has some of the horror aspects of the original Scream film.

Going into this series, I expected very little beyond a similar story line to the original Scream films. In many ways this series is just like the films - the high school setting, the killer's cat and mouse game with their teenage victims, teenagers constantly trying to get laid despite the fact that half of them are already dead.

But, there are also several large differences from the original story. The series Scream in a modern story and is therefore filled with modern technology that plays a large role in the actions of the characters. I also found it to be a bit less gory than the original/
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Noah Foster is the best character, barring Beth.
Kannaman31 July 2020
I'll admit, I was skeptical. I looked at it for a week and a half before watching it. And when I did watch it I was struggling with how you make a slasher flick into a show. But then, my boy Noah (the best character in the entire series) decided to break the fourth wall in the first episode, and explain exactly what was going to happen and how it would work.

As he so elegantly put when asked "whodunnit", "it's not about who the killer is, it's about getting to know the characters, and really feeling for them when they die". After he said that, and perfectly outlined the plot, I gave it a chance. And then promptly lost an entire night of sleep watching the first season.

This show is everything that made the old scream movies great, and then some. From the heart wrenching kills to the "big reveal", it will keep you enticed and enthralled. The show leads you to believe it's one character, before throwing evidence at other, and following it up with then clearing the latter. It got so good that I could tell who was the killer. I had probably 7 theories over the course of the first season, and 5 of them were proven wrong. The plot twists and sudden, and the kills are gruesome. Truly a classic slasher show.

On the other hand, the sequel. Season 3 was a surprise to me, who never reads descriptions of an episode before watching. And at first I was extremely skeptical. Sequels can often ruin a perfectly good movie. I felt like the token characters were shoehorned in with little regard for whether or not they would fit. But eventually they all settled into their right spots, and really brought out the story's themes of racism and secrecy. As soon as best girl Beth pointed out it was a sequel I changed my expectations from reboot, to sequel and everything fit better. Every character made more sense. And I must admit, I did not guess the killer correctly. But also I feel something more could've been brought into the show. More about the characters. I didn't feel for the characters in season 3 in the same way I felt for the first two seasons. And having grown up in the slums myself I should be able to relate to these public school breakfast club types. But I really think that was a lack of development on the side characters. Deion gets a lot of development, but the others kind of fall to the wayside. Very little is actually revealed about them and for the most part I suspected everyone to be the killer due to lack of proof otherwise.

Still, a fantastic show I highly highly recommend watching! Including season 3, it's still amazing.
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The finale of S2 ruined it
darkwizard4048 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished S2 of this series and I loved it. Both the seasons were fantastic and kept me at the edge of my seat with the twists and thrills. Yes it has quite a few plot holes but they are ignorable. The show managed to have almost the same amount of impact as the movies. Sad that it was discontinued and we were never able to know who Kieran's killer was. The finale of S2 was a disappointment and wasn't needed at all.
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Should have never rebooted for Season 3
MJDMLQ18 June 2020
The first two seasons, with the exception of the last episode of Season 2, were excellent and well acted. When they decided to reboot the series for season 3, there was a serious drop off in show quality. They abandoned a great cliffhanger from season 2, replaced the cast with far inferior actors/actresses, and created a story with characters you really don't care about. Stick to the first two seasons.
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Great for fans
danielcereto6 April 2020
I've watched season 1&2 and I can say that there's great quality on the series, mostly concentrated on season 2 by far superior to season 1. If you love scream movies the series is great for you. It has it's flaws and plot holes but the acting and twists are pretty good. So, overall great two seasons. Season 3 reboot is pretty bad. Most of new casting is amateurish Afro-Americans. A lot of racial debate on the script, why? Sorry, not for me.
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First two seasons are great
aastikhimta12 August 2021
Season 1-The plot was fun and addicting. There were lot of plot twists . The mystery and thriller on this show was op. I thought it wouldn't be that great like movies but it was actually good. Ending was awesome too. So, It deserves a 9/10.

Season 2- This season was great too with a great ending but tbh I didn't really liked the last episode addition on it. It was acting a great season with too many plot twists and shocks. Ending was good too. It deserves a 8/10 .

Season 3- This season got a different and new story . The plot could've been better . It was like a hood story and it was a big disappointment as compared to last two seasons. Though there were some twists too but it wasn't that great . Now Ik why they cancelled this show after this. This season was a disaster tbh. 4/10.
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Season 3 is garbage
thevy-prak18 August 2020
Season 1 and 2 were great and I was looking forward for season 3 to follow the original plot line. But they decided to reboot it and it was awful. From the plot line to the acting, everything was horrible. I wonder how it's possible to get it this wrong. It was completely whack, I can't emphasise it enough!!! The reveal was a complete joke although it could have been interested. The underlying societal problems they hinted at a few times (racism) could have been exploited way better. And also, why is Tyga in it? He was the worst of them all (followed closely by the actress playing Olivia) and his dying scene was almost hilarious.

Honestly have nothing good to say about season 3 except for the fact that I was happy they used the original Ghostface mask but that's it. They killed the series with season 3. Complete trash.
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Plenty of scares to keep you gripped.
Sleepin_Dragon27 January 2018
I am so surprised by the quality of this series, I'd intentionally avoided it believing there wouldn't be enough mileage in it, but I'm always glad to be proven wrong, the writing is so good, that yes there is enough mileage in it to keep you gripped and maintain your attention. Initially the crimes seem to come at the expense of characters that you care nothing about, people seem to be introduced just to be bumped off, but as it develops that changes. I understand they couldn't use the original scream mask, but this one looks good enough, works just as well.

If I had one criticism 'why does everyone have to be so attractive?' it removes the reality, the students, the teachers, the parents etc, come on give us a break. That minor criticism the series is worth checking.

Series one and two are both great, the least said about the third, the better.

It proves that the slasher brand works across a series as well as a film, 8/10.
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Very entertaining
Dannyboi947 June 2016
The Scream movie franchise is one of the best horror/mystery movies out there, so when I heard they were making a TV show about it, I instantly dismissed it. MTV shows are known to throw overly attractive actors in your face, and have cheesy dialogue that only teenage girls would like, but they changed that here.

This surprised me. Like the movies, the series is very suspenseful, with some great moments of acting thrown in there. The writing is also surprisingly good, while it is not the greatest out there, this show is definitely not bad.

The story is planned out and executed very well, with great moments of horror and mystery. I had a blast throughout season 1 trying to figure out who the killer was, and I can guarantee that you will too.

Each of the actors do a great job at being believable teenagers and their chemistry is very well done. Like the movies, the main actors are intelligent and not some useless blonde bimbo you see in some TV/ Horror movies.

This show is not for everyone, and it is not a fantastic show, it is however, good entertainment. If you are a fan of the movies you will probably enjoy this too.

7.5/10 let's hope season 2 is just as good.
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Scream I MISS YOU!
dedarl16 September 2018
This by far is my favorite show! I've waited for two years for scream to be back. Where you at? I've watched season 1 &2 about 3-5 times each. I'm waiting!
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A little more realism please!
Like other viewers, I want to like this show. But it needs work. I am willing to give it a chance with a few more episodes before I call it quits. It may sound petty, but one of my pet peeves with the show is the way the high school students are portrayed. Drinking at will, absolutely no parental supervision, behaving more like adults than young adults. They act (and look) more like college students than high schoolers. So, why not simply have the characters be college age instead of something that is harder to accept. I like MTV's Finding Carter, but I have the same complaint for that show as well. It's a little easier to stomach though, because their is less storyline to take on faith in that series. I would like a little more realism for the characters age and behavior is all. But, it looks like that has already been decided. Too bad, a little innocence and naiveté would go a long way in making the characters and show more believable.
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A good series that comes to an end season 1 the best season 2 was flawles
ivo-cobra818 February 2018
Scream TV Series was a good show that comes to an end. The first Season rocks it is the best in the series. Second season was flawless and was really boring. The Anthology was about Brandon James who was a killer but was caught and who is killing teens now. At the center of those murders was Emma Duval (played by Willa Fitzgerald), a teenage girl who is somehow tied to the town's dark past. I love the mystery in first season and who did it and why. The show is so intense that you are hooked up. Willa Fitzgerald and Carlson Young were a terrific actresses I seriously did enjoy them. John Karna as Noah Foster was also good in the series. The TV series started good as a slasher series. This series was dedicated to Wes Craven who died in 2015. Season 1 and 2 were good. Season 3 is been rebooted which it will suck! 8/10 a good series I have enjoy it.
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Good, but why politics?
jj-884949 July 2019
I love the scream series and I am really loving this show. So far it's playing things differently and it's pretty surprising. My only issue so far is, why am I seeing political bull in the first 5 minutes? Politics is so annoying. I cringe watching Fox News and I get extremely annoyed with CNN and NBC. When I think of scream I think of politics, I'm kidding. Why do political messages always appear in entertainment nowadays? Hopefully the next episodes aren't political at all because sometimes you just need a break from it all. Good show so far though, I just hope there are no more political moments. My rating is a 7 right now just because of it, politics bring you into the real world, when it's put in entertainment, it takes you out of what you're watching.
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Season 3: disappointing
gabbyh-567915 September 2019
After watching season 2 I was excited to continue the storyline with Emma Duval, and I was so upset when I started watching season 3 and they had changed everything, to be honest I didn't even continue watching season 3. It was such a bad idea to scratch the original story. Could have at least published what was going to happen so we weren't left on a cliff hanger!!
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The never ending SCREAM !!!!
vidhyamenon10 May 2016
Being a big fan of the original "scream" series ,I thought a TV series like the original would less likely attract me. But to my surprise this was really amazing ,of course there are some cliché moments but still it would give you the thrill of what's going to happen next.The main highlight of this TV series is the story, it clearly explains the motive of the killer which makes sense and there's a good mystery behind it.Added to that the bits of romance and friendship bond between the characters is too good. A coming to the cast,all the characters have acted very well especially Willa Fitzgerald really has been top notch.Another thing to be appreciated is that each and every episode is good and the story doesn't deviate with any unwanted segments. I would recommend any horror fan to watch this and trust me you will never get bored of this SCREAM
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I really thought this would turn out to be a cheap copy of Scream but on the contrary, it is so thrilling and have more than a bunch of exuberant scenes.
Aktham_Tashtush1 July 2015
WoW ,, i really didn't expect it to be that thrilling and full of mysteries,, well it is no where near the movie itself and yes there are some weirdly motionless quiescent moments MTV style like but gosh the craziness and the jumpy scenes are patching up any unnoticeable holes.

Well The idea is Scream so it's not that new , but the execution and the young cast and all the characters are fresh and even the director and the writers are young too ,, its like they know and grew up on the Legend of Scream original movie and here they're trying to make an edited distributed version after almost 3 decades .. the screenplay is ingeniously written and well put, each scene has a meaning and serves a purpose in the series.

As for the cast, they're all young and new i only remember Bex Taylor-Klaus face from Arrow ,, and their performance is engaging and interacting.

Overall, i kinda thought the series would turn out to be a cheap stretched copy of Scream but on the contrary,,. it was so thrilling and have so many exuberant scenes.
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Halloween/ Halloween II
nadiyaaibrahim7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What is that final episode of season 2😂 What is that Tom A.K.A Alex Whitten killing everybody about ? Lmao , for Emma's sake , such a fail episode ! Also , in the previous episode , the way Emma figured out Keiran as the killer , I mean wasn't she intelligent enough to notice his repeated disappearings and finding herself with him everywhere the killer was ? Cannot with the logic 😂😂😂
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It's not the films, so don't treat it that way.
MillieG2131 July 2015
Well if I'm being honest, the idea of a TV series based on a 90's slasher trilogy (and Scream 4) didn't seem like a great idea when I first found out about it about a month ago. So I followed the build-up and got more and more excited as the time neared for the show's premiere. And it was worth it! Firstly; The show is different than the movies, but what did you expect? Yea, it got inspiration from the source material but it stands on it's own. Secondly; don't mind the clichés, they're meant to be there. Overall this is a fun comedy-horror/mystery with all the horror clichés in the book, you love to see someone die because they're stupid! Even the characters are clichés; There are the Jocks (popular douche bags), nerds (or in this case horror fans), and of course you have the virgins (or good girls). So have fun trying to guess who the killer is, I know I will.
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pretty good - some massive plot holes I couldn't overlook
sebastianhockey4 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
-Possible Small Spoiler Alert-

I made an account just for the purpose of saying how annoying one of the main characters, Emma, is. Not sure if anyone else shares this opinion. Holy mother of god every single time she would come on the screen I would start to cringe in preparation for what over dramatic garbage she would spew out of her mouth. It was almost like she would take any situation and crank the drama knob about 900 levels above where it actually needs to be. I was honestly hoping she would get taken out of the show by the killer at all times during the entire series. I have literally never been so annoyed by a character in a TV show like this one. Other than that I enjoyed all the other characters.The show for sure gets better towards the end of season 2 though. In season one there were times id rather have been watching bees get it on. There are also some massive plot holes. My man the killer was about to get some fellatio from a fine woman with some large titties and instead of letting her do her thing, he kills her! She was literally on her KNEES about 5 inches away from his shlong and he stabbed her! There is no possible way this would ever happen. Unless later on in the show we discover that this man doesn't have a wiener or is gay, I don't think I can excuse this one. Also, one of the main characters drives a god damn nissan cube. I've only ever seen one of those in my entire life on the road. If I saw someone pull up in a god damn CUBE I know this man would have the living crap roasted out of him.
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