My Daemon (TV Series 2023) Poster


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Pleasantly Surprised
ssvwbn24 November 2023
An tense, fast paced thiller yet is surprisingly heartfelt and shed a few tears with certain segments of it tgat I won't spoil. Worth a watch if you like action, fighting monsters and a well done story. Keeps its pacing well, minimal filler, gets to the point but leaves enough extra to add some more depth to the primary and secondary characters and sticks the landing at the end in a poignant yet heartwarming way. While it maybe is not ground breaking but it's certainly worth a watch if you enjoy shows like Pokémon or Digimon as a kid but want a more mature version of the show but spun in a way that makes you think about the ethics in regards to the treatment and captivity of the aforementioned two television programs, so if you don't want an amine with 5 billion episodes and tones of filler and season ending cliff hangers this is a recommended watch!
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Top notch animation and storyline
amitaryansaini27 November 2023
The show animation is very good. Lots of color and frames that you will love it.

And the best part is story line

You want to watch all episode once when you start it.

The chemistry between protagonist and the demon is very good. You will feel emotion, and love for the character

The dubbing of the anime is also good. The voice artist voice suit the character.

The character design of various demon is also good and feels different.

The universe will become big of this anime.

It gives feels like Pokemon types. This shows have apportunity to become big franchise like Pokemon

And thanks for reading my review.
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The most heart warming show I have ever watched
moritji25 November 2023
I do get teary pretty easily but this show made be sob near the end. I felt such a strong heart connection with Anna (who reminds me of my own dog making it all the more challenging to keep the tears at bay) and Kento. For me the show represents the heart connection we as humans have lost to nature and how the child in us is craving for that connection. All we need is to let us be guided by it and get in touch with nature and all its living beings again to be happy, healthy and whole. We are part of nature and thats why we need to live in unison. I really hope to see a second season of this show because this really was something special for me. Thank you.
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Filled with action, emotion and some nice jokes!
turcsikdavid-9111725 November 2023
When Netflix decides to invest in anime series they really put the bar crazy high as they should since Netflix isn't the main platform for animes but this series... I had zero words after finishing. It contains 13 episodes with 26-30 runtime and I can promise you: you went get bored. I just binge watched all the episodes without breaks because you cannot really disconnect from this amazing masterpiece. At first, the animation: no words, beautiful. All the details are perfectly made. Secondly, the voice actors are amazing. Now the storyline: intense, you constantly get the impluses, sometimes cute and happy moments, sometimes sad and gloomy. I cried, I laughed, I smiled. All the characters are beautifully written with likeable characteristics and cute, sometimes scary demons. My last thoughts are that this is a masterpiece and deserves popularity because there is no miss in here and since the end is fantastic so if this one gets scrapped you won't feel emptyness but if they renew it there's so much more that they can add since this universe they created have many-many new paths they can explore.
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so deep and great
natyeliab24 November 2023
Please make a season 2 i never thought that this kind of series would be so deep the adventure of the character and anna is very deep i would realy like to see a season 2 The characters and writing of the series were really deep Well done, to whoever made this series please I would be very happy to see season 2 of the series. People, if you like this series, please wrigth something good so they could do Season 2. It reminds me a bit of Pokemon but it's different a bit because it's not exactly the same there's a bit of distortion a bit but overall a series that is really worth seeing I personally couldn't stop watching this series for hours I I saw the whole series in one fell swoop without taking a break it was so good and hope that Netflix will actually do a second season because it's really worth it.
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Pokemon for adults
dprince-5646429 November 2023
The show is pretty much pokemon geared toward adults. The only differences are that Daemon are treated cruel while pokemon are loved and adored. I love how in this show the main character actually has a meaningful goal he is trying to achieve unlike Ash Ketchum who's a poke trainer simply to become the best.

The graphics in this show are top tier, I love the storyline and gore but my favorite aspect is how conflicted the show made me feel about the main villain Daemon. What the villain Daemon wants is clearly wrong but given what humans have done to Daemon, are the Villains motives justified? Is the villain really a villain? What would you do and how would you act if you experienced the treatment that the Daemon did?... Food for thought.
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Beautiful on the inside and outside.
blowfishes25 November 2023
Heartfelt and powerful at times, each moment left me wanting more. The fact I started watching this and then cancelled my plans for the rest of the day to binge watch the whole season shows how I was pulled into this world. Great voice acting (English dubbed) and a visual treat, the storyline was one of sadness, laughter, desperation, but mostly hope. Sure, it was strange that the daemon appeared to be named after the only spoken word they each could say (think Pokémon), yet it also brought a childlike innocence to the creatures that fought against the public's perception of them within the majority of the story.

I'm unsure is a second season is needed or justified as this season alone told a beautiful tale. Yet I wanted this world to continue and to be able to watch characters develop further. Overall I highly recommend My Daemon.
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awful writing. and yet it compels me
soulsplosion26 November 2023
I think an accurate summary of how I feel about this show are that there were many concepts that were genuinely so interesting and creative they caught me off guard, and yet there is also a scene at which I immediately paused the show and looked up to find out if they used AI generation in the writing because I felt like no human being would ever write something so bizarrely nonsensical.

A lot of the plot beats and ideas used are incredible; it's a very unique world and unique story that I wish I could've seen more finely articulated. The creature and environment design are all unique and impactful, with an important and powerful overall message. Simultaneously the story is riddled with plotholes and awful dialogue that simply makes no sense sometimes. The world's lore is poorly explained, and the target audience is a complete mystery; the characters talk as if the show is made for children and proceed to get gruesomely mutilated.

One thing thoroughly wonderful is the animation. The studio has a lot of skill with being able to choreograph and animate exciting fight scenes and dramatic moments that are visually engaging. There's a lot of small details in the creatures' movements that I noticed that make them feel like emotive, living things, and the soundtrack is wonderful.

Overall I feel like a skilled studio took some creative, emotional ideas with a lot of potential and fumbled to make it into a coherent narrative, but the emotional impact is there if you can push aside all the flaws. It's worth watching if you think it looks interesting.
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We NEED more seasons
jaydenjahnke5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love this show. From the first episode to the last I had tears. This is an anime that really pulls heartstrings every chance it gets. Anna is so cute and I hope we see her come back but judging that ending she better. This is now my number one anime, and I really highly recommend it for people. I don't know who we gotta convince or talk to to get a season 2 and more but we need more, and If people don't like it I'm throwing hands because this is just a wholesome anime and will get your heart crying. There's so my potential for this to be the number 1 best show on Netflix. We need them to see that people love it.
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It started off amazingly...then crashed
garabedian1232 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was hooked immediately. I was totally loving most of the show, except for sometimes the characters movements would show just how lifeless they really are. Most especially on background characters who dont really react or move like real people.

But anyways, the story was great until the human daemon. Which I did grow to like, but it did throw me off at first. But what i cannot deal with is the loss of Anna at the end. She acted like she had to sacrifice herself to keep the villain trapped in the void, but then he shows up at the end anyways. Did Anna also return? Why not show us rather then tease us?

.. So Daemons are basically a superior life form that came from radioactive sand? They are super smart, have amazing abilities and can grow to become godlike?
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One of the best Anime i watched
nienormalny26 November 2023
I saw Like 100+ anime and this is one of the best Anime i saw is Hearth breaking how this story ends Hope There will be Second season i Feel empty after watching this anime There was so much Love So much lost in this anime IT Looks beautifull but also Has alot Feelings in it i recommend to everyone to watch this anime. If you like anime about demons IT will Hit you hard There IS alot hate and Love for demons this anime is all about friendship and how people treath Things that they dont know only people without Feelings gona hate IT everyone WHO Has Feelings gonna Love IT some people gonna cry after this anime.
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Not a masterpiece, far from it
aurorigami23 November 2023
I don't know what I was expecting.

This anime has a strange atmosphere. I don't know who the target audience is, for a start. There are gory and brutal images (exploding heads, nuclear bombs, disgusting daemons, etc.) and at the same time, it "talks" to us as if we were 5-year-olds!

But 5-year-olds don't watch children being beaten to death... I appreciate that the creatures aren't cute, but then I can't help laughing when they say their names, like in pokemon... It's so stupid. It took me out of the story a few times.

The main character is a child, yes, but he's frustrating. He starts loving his "cute" daemon as soon as he sees it, with no explanation of why he's facinated by daemons (the character has no past), he keeps calling it affectionate names throughout the series, and there's no progression to his character. Nothing makes him change his mind. From the beginning to the end, he has the same values, the same goals, and he's always right (I'm not the one saying it, it's the way he's shown in the series).

Everything the other characters say is either very cliché (I thought this show was a parody, for a moment), or very direct. The series explains rather than shows. For example, no big spoilers: there's a girl who is SHOWN to have a certain personality. Then she orally EXPLAINS her goals, even though we could have guessed them. It's as if she hasn't internalized her motivations, as if she doesn't even believe in them (and she could, given how low-rent her motivations are). To top it all off, she repeats her motivations at least twice in the oral. In short, this is level 0 writing.

And what's the moral of this series, you might ask? Well, it's simple: Daemons are good and humans are bad, so they should try to understand Daemons, instead of enslaving them! It's so... so deep I can't even get my head around it! (ironic)

That's all there is to it. That, the beauty of the world, and accepting death, among other things. That's all they managed to say in 13 episodes. And they said it in the dumbest way possible.

Finally: each character (there are too many of them) has their own purpose and their own past, which is shown in just a few minutes (or IN THE ORAL). But this doesn't give them any depth, since it's never exploited (not in the long term, anyway). It may serve to characterize them. But since there are too many characters, this characterization is totally useless. They never really interact with the main character in any meaningful way. They always end up separate, with no impact on the main character... The secondary characters are just gravel on the path of the 8-year-old hero (I really don't know), who is already perfect anyway.

In short: don't watch this series, you'll be wasting precious time.
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Great character development and plot
hollyerb24 December 2023
Although this isn't my typical animation style, the lovable characters along with the breathtaking, fast paced storyline definitely reeled me in. Be prepared to binge watch and to feel for the characters. Kleenex and snacks are a must. They did a great job in lining up the plot for multiple seasons. The animation was detailed and pleasing. The voice actors did a fantastic job at matching the characters' experiences. It is worth watching for any anime fan. The story is a bit dark, so I felt the assigned rating was appropriate. Great job all around

I am looking forward to seeing if there will be a season 2!
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My favorite non-Japanese anime of 2023
toythakorn28 November 2023
Initially, I wasn't drawn to this particular style. At first glance, the depiction of humans and monsters appeared excessively scary, not aligning with my usual preferences. However, after watching the first episode, my perspective shifted significantly. The storyline captivated me unexpectedly, leading me to binge-watch until the thirteenth episode.

The narrative proved to be unexpectedly beautiful and heartwarming, touching emotions I hadn't foreseen. Despite Anna's unconventional appearance, her character's depth made her incredibly endearing. I found myself enchanted and attached to her, surpassing any initial concerns about the show's aesthetics.

Having experienced the anime in its entirety, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The depth of the storyline, character development, and emotional resonance make it a worthwhile watch. It delves into characters' depth and personal journeys, inviting viewers into a captivating and thought-provoking world.

The show challenges preconceived beauty norms, emphasizing the significance of inner qualities and personal growth. It's a poignant reminder that true beauty transcends physical appearances and lies in character complexity and evolution.

This anime holds a special place in storytelling, surpassing conventional boundaries. Its exploration of love, acceptance, and personal transformation is commendable and deeply resonant. It's a testament to storytelling's power to inspire, provoke thought, and evoke profound emotions.

Despite initial style reservations, I found myself immersed in this captivating tale. It challenged my perceptions, leaving a lasting impression and reminding me that compelling stories often lie beneath the surface. For those seeking narratives beyond aesthetics, exploring the depths of human experience, I wholeheartedly endorse giving this anime a chance.
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siennaaraya27 November 2023
This anime stands out as an unparalleled masterpiece, securing its position as the epitome of animated brilliance. The animation transcends mere visual appeal, reaching the exquisite standards set by Studio Ghibli, capturing an unparalleled level of beauty. The narrative, a tapestry woven with intricacy, not only mesmerizes but elicits a spectrum of emotions, from heartwarming laughter to soul-stirring tears and even moments of palpable anger. In all my years of anime exploration, I have yet to encounter a series that has the power to evoke such profound and diverse emotions.

This captivating anime has left an indelible mark on my soul, becoming a benchmark against which I measure all others. It's a testament to storytelling at its finest, creating a visceral experience that lingers long after the credits roll. Personally, I've never encountered an anime that resonates so deeply, making it a rare gem in the vast landscape of animated entertainment.

I find myself compelled to share the magic of this anime with anyone who will listen, ardently recommending it at every opportunity. Watching it becomes not just a choice but a necessity, a journey into a world where every character, every moment, is meticulously crafted to leave an everlasting impression. And let's not forget the adorable daemons that populate this fantastical realm-each one irresistibly cute, prompting an immediate desire to have one as a companion in my own life.

In conclusion, this anime is not just a watch; it's an immersive experience, a symphony of animation, storytelling, and emotion that defines the pinnacle of the art form. To miss out on it would be to deny oneself the opportunity to witness something truly extraordinary.
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Discovering 'My Daemon': A Journey from Doubt to Devotion
relampago-565161 April 2024
My initial experience with 'My Daemon' was tinged with skepticism. At first glance, the series seemed to me like a marketing parody of Pokémon wrapped in a veil of dark fantasy. However, I'm pleased to admit my preconceptions were misplaced. Although the beginning didn't fully capture my attention, the plot progressively intensified, awakening a growing interest to continue the journey.

The protagonist's journey, set in a post-apocalyptic world populated by Pokémon-style creatures, becomes increasingly serious and complex. It's true that the anime initially lacks a touch of epicness, and some characters may seem superficial or one-dimensional. However, as the story unfolds, we encounter more profound and three-dimensional characters, aware of the repercussions of their actions.

'My Daemon' is a blend of positive and negative elements that together form an absorbing experience. Although I'd love to delve deeper into the aspects I enjoy most about this work and those I consider flaws, doing so would mean revealing too much of the plot, and it's not my intention to spoil the surprise.

In summary, I highly recommend giving this series a chance. Despite a start that might not be entirely convincing, 'My Daemon' promises an exciting and nuanced journey. You won't regret embarking on this attempt at a "realistic" voyage through a devastated world.
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Top Notch Anime !
Ghostttw2 December 2023
WOOOOW! I fell head over heals in love with this series! The animation was to die for, I was on the edge of my seat from first episode to last, binged it in 2 days, I couldn't wait to finish it. I've always been intreigued by anime, but never really got into any but I honestly loved every single second of this. So heartfelt and raised a lot of questions about our own humanity. How gorgeous!!! Haven't adored a series this much in a long time. Quite like Pokémon but for the more older generation. I'm not even (or was) a Pokémon obsessive either.

There really is so much to love about My Daemon!!!
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Best show I've watched in many months
viniciusbbonafini28 November 2023
The plot is amazing. The violence and drama are very well balanced. Everything fits perfectly.

It's really unique and finally Netflix hit the spot. I'd say give it a shot before judging by the animation. It may seems strange, but after a couple of episodes, you see it's well placed.

I really wanna see many more seasons. Impossible to stop watching until the end.

Don't give credit to reviews saying that the plot is lacking and character design is bad.

Message + characters + plot + soundtrack... Everything here is really well made. No fillers, every episodes counts towards the story. I loved the design of the monsters.
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Don't understand the high rating
mignonette126 November 2023
I was intrigued by the art and was immediately turned off by the script. Every other word is "daemon", and everyone pronounces it "DAY-mahn"; it's irritatingly repetitive. I'm only 15 minutes in, and it feels like I've heard the word about 50 times. The main character doesn't know why people don't like the "DAY-mahns", despite living in this world, and every person he meets is disgusted and horrified. He hasn't asked why? As another reviewer said, I don't know who the target audience is here. It's annoyingly amateurish writing coupled with interesting (and graphic) art, as well as adult themes, make it really hard to decide which frame of mind i need to be in to enjoy it. But even if i could, I'm not sure i can listen to anymore "DAY-mahn" every 5 seconds.
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Prepare your hearts, oh boy
wildchangeofheart29 November 2023
I didn't expect too much of the series when I saw it announced. I thought it would be a mediocre anime that Netflix produced. But oh my god I was wrong.

A lot of people has compared this series to pokemon. I get it because of variety of creatures/monsters, but... It's not the same.

Basically you see how 2 species, humanity vs daemons can't coexist because humans, of course, hate them cause they can't control them, so they are considered to be a plague.

Then, a very empathetic kid appears accompanied by a little daemon, and the plot thickens cause the major plot intertwines with this kid and his daemon.

It is veeeery emotional. I think I cried almost every episode. I have a broken heart now and waiting for a Season 2 (not confirmed yet).

If you love animals, then this anime will touch your soul.

If you love action, you'll like it too.

And the animation is pretty good, and creative. Loved the mixed art techniques. Also, music is the cherry on top.

I would watch it again just to show this series to more people. My boyfriend cried too by the way (he's 33).
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What an amazing ride!
Fs9078129 November 2023
I watch a lot of anime. I like a lot of anime. But not many shows i see are just so well-wrttien, compelling and interesting than this new one from Thai-based Igloo. The story of a boy and his beloved dog-like daemon and their journey is an enjoyable, and at times heart-rending, experience. Plus the score was done by famed Thai composer Pantawit Kiangsir. Fantastic Ride ,It is bold, edgy, and refreshing in a very diluted pool of the genre. I'd like to think that this will become a new trading card game as the possibilities are unlimited. Beautiful animation and the opening theme is soft an enjoyable.
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Made an account JUST to increase this shows ratings
lisavu-505292 December 2023
It's been a long time since I've been invested in a show with the fast churning of content out there, and I am super glad that I gave my Daemon a try after seeing it's cover appear on Netflix. I finished the whole series in TWO DAYS and I am begging for more. The story is very simple but sweet, and it really lures you into thinking that this is some "cute kids shows about adventure and friendship" at the start, which while at the core it of it is, the show is a hell lot heavier and definitely not for children. You get so invested watching as Kento and Anna grow and bond deeply with one another despite all the odds against them and can't help but envy them. Both of them are super protective of one another and fight to the ends of the earth just for each other, and you will be baffled at what a single childs love for his Daemon can do. I have cried several times throughout this show and was on the edge of my seat the whole time, PLEASE give it a try if you haven't!
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rafapirri30 November 2023
I am not exaggerating when I say this is the best I've watched in the last 5 years, there is a ton of balance in the plot, ZERO inconsistencies. It's really hard not to fall in love with the relationship between Kento and Ana, for they are vulnerable, yet loyal to one another in the highest possible way. The hardship they go through are heartbreaking, but in contrast to that, the way they react and how cute they are will get to your heart and reaffirm or make you believe in true friendship again.

The art is also great. The actions scenes are exciting, I would easily say that this is one of those anime-masterpieces out there. I'll give it a 10 out of 10. WATCH IT if you haven't!!!
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Realistic Pokémon/Digimon Made Perfect!
chatrabbita26 May 2024
I am almost done with the series on Netflix. To sum it up, it is about a boy named Kento and a daemon named Anna (she reminds me of Sparky from Frankenweenie) on their journey to do something very important (not saving the world, fortunately). Along the way, messy things keep happening to them. This is a more realistic approach to Pokémon/Digimon. The world of humans and daemons is beautifully told through the journey of Kento and Anna. The show really depicts the ugly side of humanity if creatures like daemons existed. The animation style is captivating. The storyline is heartbreaking but heartwarming at the same time. Definitely worth watching!
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Must watch
nabeelnkoya4 December 2023
Absolutely engaging visually. Some of the shots are simply incredible. Conceptually moving, I've only reached Ep 2, but I can intuitively conclude, this is worth watching. Animation take a new fresh approach, based on my personal perspective / experience. It enables complex conflict early on that sets the scene for the potential that this series can live out. Simply based on that predictive stimulation the series can and will move viewers. Complexity is thought to create in the current wave of information, but this series sets itself at the forefront. I personally see a realistic potential of My Daemon going down as a classic for the relative generation.
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