61 Reviews
Boogie Nights 2
diegosays5 November 2020
It's funny I'm not seeing any reviews talking about Johnson's Johnson. It seemed like the director wanted to show her husband's pack more than the character's addiction problems. Aaron Johnson made me feel insecure about my Johnson now. I thought it was fake. It was like watching Boogie Nights (1997) but without the prosthetic fact or a good story. I enjoyed this film, but I couldn't help having an existencial crisis about sizes after finishing it. Goddamnit that was some kick ass snake.
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Its Okaaaay.....
slimecity-3866318 February 2020
I wanted to like this, it opens with some pretty nice slomo film work, and looks dark & impressive. I didnt make it to the end however. The characters were a little undercooked and their motivations werent always clear. The romance the lead has didnt seem that convincing. Plus I was really looking forward to seeing Giovanni Ribisi, however he also either had trouble portraying that character, or the writing wasnt right for him. The interactions between him & the lead also seemed forced and these characters seemed to "get" close all of a sudden, without real development of how this occurred. Billy Bob did shine in his role however, and (partially) redeemed this film to me. Its not a bad portrayal of drug issues, ie: it doesnt force the "drugs are bad" rhetoric down your throat - however there are better films out there dealing with these issues
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A Million Little Pieces - Come In For Repair
krocheav19 January 2022
While maybe not always completely successful in conveying its important message, this work wears its heart on its sleeve. At times it's a hard watch, with some slightly over the top details but offers important considerations to all those booked in for serious detox treatment; A: Think seriously about all the challenges, regardless of your biased beliefs.

B: Remember, others before you, have overcome their petty and physical opposition towards the cures outlined stages, and gone on to win the battle - give up and you're lost.

Good performances manage to keep it on target and it's always interesting to see Australian Odessa Young on screen (even though here quite bleak) The co-writing and direction by the co-writer/lead performer's wife is competent and the two eventually manage to make us feel for the subject. Between the above-average cinematography, there's also a hard-working soundtrack helping to move it along. A couple of early, overindulged scenes finally give way to serious outcomes - even if not all as fully desired.

Note: Heavy Language, nudity, drug use.
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Pretentious film school project
ciffou5 April 2020
I don't undestand why they decided to make a movie adaptation out of the book instead of the controversy surrounding its publication. That would have been far more interesting. This movie is the poor man's Xavier Dolan film - and even his "artsy" shots are obnoxious enough. I assume they expected this movie to be an award winning project: nudity, check; tears, check; redemption arc, check; artsy shots out of nowhere, check. They even throw a couple of scientologists to the mix! Overall its plot is as basic and predictable as you would expect it to be had it been made during the 90s.
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Has its moments
muamba_eats_toast4 September 2019
A strong central performance about a film that dances around the edges of the grim reality at times and at times was poorly paced sometimes rushing sections and dragging other parts out. Still does a good job making you care about most the characters unlike some similar films. Unfortunately however it doesn't quite all come together and falls just short of being anything more than reasonably good.
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A great little movie with some real life stuff
coreytegley23 December 2021
This was really a great movie about real life addiction and rehab and life. I was very surprised in the story. The min character I did not know but he was great. Everyone else in the movie I knew and they were outstanding. Billy Bob was great Juliette Lewis was was great. The whole cast was good. A must see drama.
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Decline of a Person
westsideschl23 February 2020
If seeing how drugs/alcohol can destroy a person then this movie seems to do the job well. As to treatment centers it was a bit more theatrical, but somewhat useful anyway.
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alainp-936-2978869 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Could've been good but nah, they missed the mark. The lead, was fun to watch but terribly miscast ~ he was playing an addict who as the doctor said was near death with all his vital organs barely working, yet he looked like Fitness instructor.

His nude scenes saved this film imho.
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cyer3212 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book and the follow-up, My Friend Leonard, and when it was revealed that it was mostly made up, I was disappointed but absolutely blown away by Frey's writing and storytelling. That CANNOT be taken away from him. This movie was beautiful. The actors all give their hearts to the story and the direction and cinematography are phenomenal. For all the people whining about it because Frey wasn't honest about his experiences, well, they must just need something to complain about. I'm guessing all of you just watch documentaries and were irreparably scarred when your parents finally told you Santa isn't real. I am so very disappointed that I only recently heard that this movie existed. I believe that it was overshadowed by the scandal, but shouldn't have been. Top notch casting, and a pretty long list of familiar faces, again, all of whom did a fantastic job. All in all, it's a story of triumph and perseverance and progress and growth through some pretty terrible obstacles, even if they are mostly self-imposed.
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hard to swallow
ops-5253512 December 2019
Like a glass of whiskey or brandy, the taste that reminds me of being drilled by the dentist in my younger teenage years. its really a rollercoaster of high but mostly lows in the addicted lifes of addicts during a stay at a anonymous ''addicts'' center in the early 1990's usa. in fact its a very angry story narrated from the main characters standpoint, a pityfilled story, with dashes of crazyness so great that it starts clutching in the stomach.

for a story comparission i will mention the concept marillion album ''clutching at straws'', that rang in my ears in the early 90's, about a late 20's guy out-of-work whose life is a mess. He seeks comfort mostly in alcohol to numb himself. He is trying, but failing, to forget what lies at his feet-a failed marriage, being a deadbeat father while clutching the straws of a sugar mice in the rain.

the actors really do a good performance, and the cinematography are at the top level, but the drawback is the fast shifting moves and lack of introduction and development of the caracters

the grumpy old man recommends if your an post addict or if your having a sunshining day.because its a flick thats hard to swallow after all.
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Really wanted to like it
boattop17 August 2020
Movie started great... dark, gritty. But Billy Bob looked uncomfortable with his part as did Giovanni. The character Lily just seemed thrown in. If there had been no full frontal male nudity, it seemed like another Made For TV movie. Not good....too bad with such great actors in it.
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I hope the message of this tale helps those who need to hear it.
chicagovesuvi9 December 2019
Aside from the fabrications and embellishments, the core of this story rings true to someone who has known people who have fought (and continue to fight) for their recovery.

This movie was evocatively directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. I give immense kudos to her skills. I was brought to the point of tears more than once. And the movie left me with a feeling of realistic hope.

I'd also like to heap praise on all the cast whose performances made this an honor to experience.
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Glittery addiction
wats014226 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First up Sons of Anarchy fans will love the little reunion of some of the series favourite actors.

I loved the book and it's follow up. I don't think anyone else but Billy Bob could of played Leonard but he just didn't have the same pizzazz as the book version.

Aaron is good casting for James Frey, he looks like him. Kudos to Sam for showing us her husbands willy. Thought her directing was good, but like others said it was annoying to see a drug addict so ripped when he really should of been wasting away.

Giovanni was brilliant. It made me nostalgic for the 90's. The chain smoking cracked me up, how things have changed. It's an ok portrayal of addiction but the ending was a bit dismal and felt rushed. Overall it was entertaining to see the film version of the book but the book still remains superior.
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Not A Recipe For Getting/Staying Sober ******SPOILER ALERT*****
carletonart21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If the book is like this, know that anyone new to sobriety would not fair well in that rehab. Wrecking the joint, breaking every tenant on getting and staying sober.. Then sticking your nose in a pint of whiskey!?! Grimm has better fairy tales. Thumbs up on the full frontal. The only real piece in the entire film.
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Not too sure about this
idbad230 October 2019
I read this book because it was supposed to be a true story and then later found out that it was mostly lies and the author made most of it up. As a work of fiction it is a great book and hopefully the movie will follow the book.
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Realistic Look Inside Life In Rehab
iquine21 January 2021
(Flash Review)

This kicks off with a junky hitting rock bottom and his brother sends him to a serious rehab center. It then dives deep into a realistic portrayal of the world of rehab. There is good character development, assorted relationships form and emotional struggles flare up. Certainly not as crazy and creepy as Trainspotting drug scenes. A solid and color in the box movie.
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fmwongmd12 June 2020
A well crafted, well directed and acted dramatization of the misery of addiction. Excellent acting by Aaron Taylor-John and Billy Bob Thornton.
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It's hard to get rid of drugs
q-8518416 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Million pieces" shows the experience of an alcohol addict and a drug addict in a drug rehabilitation institution, which makes the audience feel sad about these addicts. Family and social relations have been messed up, and I lack the spirit and self-confidence to rejuvenate, and I can't imagine how I will spend my life in the future. Most of these addicts are scum and gangster in the society, but also have successful career and once happy family. After watching this movie, we can feel that everyone is likely to face life and spiritual shock. If we use alcohol and drugs to seek temporary relief, we are very likely to become such addicts. It's a role in movies where addiction destroys everything that's available, such as a career, a family, etc. Such addicts as the hero are often extremely paranoid. Their own set of heretical theories are deeply rooted, which makes people feel that there is no reason or even no communication with them. Life can't be smooth sailing. When you encounter problems, you should have corresponding countermeasures. Don't complain about everything. Even if parents are not good at their children, they can't be blamed only if they do their best. Now the word "giant baby" is popular, that is, the ability of thinking and action is like a baby, and the age has grown up, but it can't control itself with the adult's ideology at all. If the social rules and codes of conduct are not obeyed, they cannot control themselves. In this way, failure and embarrassment are caused by themselves. To say the least, when addicted to drug addiction, we have to go right. We can't go wrong again. That's a dead end. According to the movie, only 15% of people who go out of drug rehabilitation institutions do not take drugs in the first year. It is difficult to get rid of drugs and go to the heaven. The staff of the drug rehabilitation institutions in the film are all former addicts. They have their own experience, understand the difficulties of drug rehabilitation and are patient with people who are on drug rehabilitation. Strict rules, but also flexible handling, twelve steps and stages but need to go on step by step solid. Let's talk about the success of this kind of drug rehabilitation institution in the United States, its staff, and those who are about to succeed. It's really hard to get rid of alcohol and drugs. Of course, it's the function of treatment. The hero slowly starts to review his past experience and re evoke some beautiful human nature. He can be sure that he still wants to be good. It's hard to say whether we can do that within 15% after coming out.
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Not worth the $3.99 i paid to rent
Texaswondergirl16 June 2020
Usually i like movies like this but this one was incredibly boring. I had to force myself to finish it. Not worth the four bucks i paid to rent it.
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The struggle of addiction is real!
brenzbrenz14 March 2022
I thought this was an excellent movie showing the struggles of addiction on all different levels! Those who are addicted who are teachers, those who are addicted who fail, those who are addicted who are strong and those to give up! Unless you struggle with addiction or know someone who has you might not see this movie the same way. I thought it was a great movie!
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Been There, Done That - A Million Little Pieces
arthur_tafero18 September 2024
This film oddly seemed to be the life story of one of the secondary actors in the film; David Dastmalchian. I wonder why he was not given any credits other than his brief appearance in the film.

I lived through all this stuff in the late 60s (with the Vietnam War to boot), so none of this stuff is new or surprising to me personally, however, it did have some very good moments, and for those, I gave it a 6. The segments with the Tao Te Ching were excellent, and I wish they had done more with them; but a few scenes is better than nothing.

The Taylor-Johnson brothers do a fairly good job of direction and film production in this tale of rehab. But it was hard to work up too much sympathy for the protagonist, who, of course, brought most of what happened in his life upon himself. I felt a bit more sympathy for Billy Bob Thorton's character, since he was already an old man of 60 or so. Tough to go through that at that age. Interesting to watch if you are considering hanging out with the wrong crowd.
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carollyn-520169 December 2019
I paid $5.99 to watch this movie on demand.wush I had saved my money to wait for it to come out on cable. Parts of the movie were just ok but I found the movie to be very boring at times and I almost didn't watch to the end. Left a lot to be desired! Thumbs down!
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Whatever the truth of Frey's recollections
babybuletgani30 November 2019
Whatever the truth of Frey's recollections, there can be no doubting the power of what the Taylor-Johnsons put on screen. This is a full-blooded portrayal, beginning with Frey at rock bottom as he collapses after a crackfuelled party session. Bundled on a plane by a doctor - destination: a Minnesota rehab facility - he wakes up mid-air, immediately stealing a whisky miniature from the hostess trolley, downing it furiously. Taken to the clinic by his concerned brother (Charlie Hunnam), Frey has no wish to recover and hates the facility's 12-step programme, showing contempt for others there, including the seen-itall counsellor (Juliette Lewis). His antiauthoritarian streak leads him to another troubled soul, former teen prostitute Lilly (Odessa Young), though their secret assignations inevitably lead to more pain. More volatile than other recent addiction tales (Beautiful Boy, Ben Is Back), this film has a raw energy to it, putting Taylor-Johnson (the director) squarely back on more interesting terrain than her 2015 bonk-buster Fifty Shades Of Grey. Featuring fine work from Billy Bob Thornton as a flamboyant addict prone to dispensing pearls of wisdom, and an electric ATJ at his most grizzled, this is the sort of film where you just can't say no.
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stranger than fiction
hiphiphiphooray2 June 2020
Good piece of fiction or non-fiction if any of this is true, I doubt it
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Surprised this was even made considering its all made up
setbro24 December 2019
So for those who don't know, this was one of Oprah's first book of the month. And this was when a little no name book could become a million seller. So the author sold this book to be a true story which it is not. Those of you old enough to remember well recall Oprah bringing the author James Frey back to the Oprah show and gave him a classic tongue lashing. It was epic oh, she made him cry on National Television.
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