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MPAA Rated R for elements of violence

Sex & Nudity

  • A teenager is briefly shown urinating on a video with his back turned to the camera. Absolutely nothing is shown. Two other teenagers enter the bathroom and one teases him about puberty.
  • A young man jokes that his principal wants him, implying sexually.

Violence & Gore

  • In a students fictional film project for school, a young man is shoved into a trashcan while his attackers laugh at him. Something red stains his shirt, supposedly blood. In the same video, one of the bullies later has a gun placed against the back of his head. In the next scene, he's shown bound and gagged in the trunk of a car. He's then shoved inside of a barrel filled with water, then the barrel is shot multiple times with loud gunfire. Blood and water pour out of the barrel, shown in a brief closeup. The gun being fired is briefly shown again later. It is speculated that the video is a direct death threat against one of the schools bullies.
  • In a dream sequence, a young woman is shot during a school shooting, which can be startling. The bullet is shown piercing her stomach with bloody results and blood sprays on a young man's shirt. The woman then collapses to the ground. The shooters are momentarily shown firing their guns with the sound of screaming students heard, but no other victims are shown.
  • A young man creates a noose out of a cord, implying that he plans to commit suicide. After placing the noose around his neck, he slips and hangs for a moment as he chokes, struggling to free himself. He eventually succeeds and is shown with a red mark on his neck. His neck is also shown bruised later. Brief but startling and could be considered intense.
  • A young man places a gun against his own head and attempts to pull the trigger, but another intervenes and tackles him before he has the opportunity. Although the scene is brief, it might be considered emotional or intense.
  • Bullies are often shown shoving other students onto the ground, against lockers, etc. Nobody is ever seriously injured as a result. Three victims are also shoved into trashcans, humiliating them. One reacts with anger, repeatedly kicking a wall. Another attempts to violently attack one of the boys who shoved him in, but is held back.
  • After being assaulted, a young man is shown with a large bruise on his face.
  • A group of young men are shown firing various types of guns at objects such as beer cans and logs. Later one of the men show the others how to create a homemade bomb, which he detonates underneath an empty car, creating a loud explosion. However, nobody is threatened or injured during either of these scenes.
  • A student is forcefully shoved into a locker and shut inside. He's heard screaming, but is later shown unharmed.


  • Two uses of shit, five uses of hell, and two uses of damn, as well as mild insults such as retard, freak, loser, faggot, slut, bastard, wigged, etc.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two adults are shown consuming wine.
  • Teenagers briefly drink beer in a couple of scenes. One is shown intoxicated and stumbling around.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • During a dream sequence, a young woman is suddenly shot with bloody results and a cafeteria of students are thrown into a panic as a group of young men open fire on them. No other victims are shown, but the scene is sudden and intense, although brief.
  • A young man creates a noose out of a cord, implying that he plans to commit suicide. After placing the noose around his neck, he slips and hangs for a moment as he chokes, struggling to free himself. He eventually succeeds and is shown with a red mark on his neck. His neck is also shown bruised later. Brief but startling and could be considered intense.
  • As three boys intend to enter their school with guns in order to murder classmates, another attempts to stop them by holding the door shut from the other side. The scene becomes increasingly intense as the boy with the gun attempts to force the door open and the other yells at him to put his gun down, struggling to keep the door held shut. Meanwhile, the cafeteria is shown being frantically evacuated at the warning of a potential shooting. The door is finally opened and the boy attempting to stop the shooting has a gun held against his head during an unsettling moment. However, he isn't shot.
  • In a moment of desperation, a young man places a gun against his own head, preparing to pull the trigger. However, another boy tackles him before he's able to and nobody is harmed. Still a considerably intense and emotional moment.
  • A student opens his locker to find a single bullet inside. He runs away in a panic, but nobody is harmed. Moments later, a hooded student calls his schools principal office and makes a subtle bomb threat, which evacuates the building. No bomb is ever recovered.
  • While one teenager films it, another retrieves several guns hidden beneath floorboards as he discusses his plans for sneaking them into a school where he and two of his friends intend to open fire on their fellow students. The three boys even go as far as rehearsing their plan, shooting boxes drawn up as bodies while the fourth continues to film them. The scenes that follow might be intense for some viewers, but no violence or graphic content.
  • Discussion of a young man who threatened to blow up his school and the football team. He's referred to as a mad bomber and terrorist and also faces resentment from fellow teenagers and adults alike.
  • During a pep rally in a crowded cafeteria, a student sets off firecrackers, causing a panic as other students scream and hurry to escape. The scene may be startling because it's first believed the loud pops are gunfire. A young woman is later revealed to have sprained her wrist in the commotion.
  • Throughout the film, a small group of students rehearse and eventually perform a play in which a teenage boy murders his parents, as well as several fellow classmates. Nothing is detailed graphically, but it may be intense for some.
  • A young man creates a video that's later played for a group of adults. In the video, he details his experience with bullying using clips he's filmed at his school depicting said bullying towards himself and other students. As the video goes on, it becomes apparent the young man intends to enter his school with a gun and murder as many students as possible, which he explains in moderate detail. The scene might be disturbing or emotionally intense for some viewers.
  • The scene leading up to the attempted shooting might be unsettling as the viewer is left wondering what will happen.
  • The final scene of the film might be considered intense for some viewers.

See also

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