375 Reviews
Through the blood-stained looking glass
TheLittleSongbird30 December 2017
The original 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' is still to me one of the scariest and best horror films there is, as well as a truly great film in its own right and introduced us to one of the genre's most iconic villains in Freddy Krueger. It is always difficult to do a sequel that lives up to a film as good as 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' let alone one to be on the same level.

While the best of the sequels from personal opinion is the third, the fourth one is another one of the series' better sequels. Like the third film it is not on the same level as the original, a very difficult feat, but it does have enough of what is a large appeal of the original and why it works so well. Not perfect, but a lot of very good things.

'The Dream Master' is not without its flaws. With a couple of exceptions, the acting is largely wooden (while not the worst offender as such, Tuesday Knight is no Patricia Arquette) and the beginning rock song is really cheesy and feels out of place. The story at times gets a little silly.

However, Lisa Wilcox is a winning lead and Robert Englund continues to terrify as the iconic character that epitomises "what nightmares are made of". 'The Dream Master' is to me the second best directed sequel, courtesy of Renny Harlin, giving a potentially clichéd premise freshness and imagination.

Special effects are neatly executed. The humour is darkly comic and very funny and there are some wickedly cracking one-liners. The scares are aplenty and they are legitimately creepy with some cool deaths (the water bed one is a strong example) and amazing dream sequences thrown into the mix. Alice being flung into the on-screen action from the cinema balcony is one of the series' most marvellous highlights.

It's a beautifully photographed film, particularly the dream sequences, and is the most unique-looking 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' sequel with its European art-horror visual style. The production design is both dream-like and nightmare while the music is suitably haunting.

Overall, good sequel and one of the series' better ones. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Freddy''s Funniest Film
ccthemovieman-115 April 2006
This doesn't have the well-known cast of the previous Nightmare 3 movie but the special effects are still good.....each very different and some of them very funny. They make this perhaps the most entertaining entry in the series.

Memorable scenes include a junkyard, a water bed, a classroom, faces in a pizza, a girl bench pressing and faces coming out of Freddy's flesh. The storyline, however, features its usual dumb and ridiculous theology and has its usual share of unlikable obnoxious teens. Their parents weren't pictured as any better, perhaps worse.

In fact, the kids and parents are so bad you wind up rooting for Freddy to do them in. Perhaps that's the idea!
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Well it ain't Dr. Seuss
mattressman_pdl10 December 2007
Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2) directs Dream Master, the fourth entry in the franchise about a maniacal dreamstalker named Freddy Kruger. The entry is extremely passable and enjoyable.

The survivors of Dream Warriors are still haunted by memories of Freddy Kruger. But Freddy isn't quite dead as he picks up his glove and takes up where he left off...with vengeance. The only flaw in his plan: a shy outcast named Alice who harbors powers that will enable her to do battle with Kruger as she assumes qualities of past Freddy victims.

Although some of the more interesting characters are sacrificed first, the Nightmare franchise proves to be deeper and more original than any other slasher series around. Some inventive deaths and imagery on display as Robert Englund devours the scenery as Freddy.
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Special effects extravaganza
Leofwine_draca22 June 2012
The third sequel in the long-running series is set firmly in the world of the late 1980s: we're talking lame fashions, big hair, rubbery special effects and a rather uneven tone veering midway between comedy and horror. It's all about what's over the top, with everybody involved aiming to outdo the scares and FX of the previous movies, but in the end none of this can disguise the fact that by this stage the story was wearing very thin. This is nothing more than a supernatural slasher that virtually reprises the plot of the first three films in the series with different characters.

Of course, watching Robert Englund hamming it up will always be a guilty pleasure, and I have to say that the special effects are also pretty impressive. In the days before CGI, the FX team here went all out in creating bizarre and inventive death scenes, most notably a moment involving a giant cockroach. Freddy's resurrection at the outset is gratuitously silly yet somehow still works, paying homage to the old Chris Lee/Dracula resurrections in spectacular fashion. There are lots of able technicians working hard behind the scenes, including Howard Berger and Screaming Mad George, and in a film this reliant on special effects their diligence pays off.

It's hard to review this title objectively, because watching it makes me nostalgic for '80s cinema in all its tacky badness. But I think it's fair to say that this is one of the better sequels out there; it's not frightening in the least, but it is entertaining and it's one of few enjoyable Renny Harlin-directed movies in existence, along with DIE HARD 2 and DEEP BLUE SEA.
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The plot was like a cheesy TV series
Smells_Like_Cheese11 November 2003
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, the fourth installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I was lucky enough to get the boxed DVD set of Nightmare on Elm Street series and I just finished all the sequels and while the fourth isn't a bad sequel or continuation of the story, it was pretty silly. It was cool to continue on with the dream warriors who were clever enough to defeat Freddy in the third Nightmare on Elm Street. But Freddy's back and he is more ticked off than ever and you know that's not good. But while the story was a good idea, the way it was executed, I wasn't really that into it, just the acting I think is what killed it for me. The way the movie was made was what made it feel like it was more of a cheesy TV show like on the Sci-fi Channel than an actual movie.

We start off where the third installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street series left off, the kids from the hospital are now grown up and are all on their own. But they are quickly killed off by Freddy hoping to get Kirsten back to help them, but they are too late. But when Kirsten finds a girl, Alice, she finds out that Alice has the same powers as she does. She has the ability to pull other people into her dreams and of course Alice is scared to find out how to use her powers, but she may just have to use them since Freddy is now after her and other kids too.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master was a good enough sequel, but it just could have been better. I liked it, but so far it's not my top favorite sequel. Again, we've got some very cool deaths, don't think I could choose one, I think the water bed one was very cool. But once again, I don't wanna spoil it. Of course if you wanna see the Nightmare on Elm Street sequels, this is recommended, but as a horror movie on it's own, it's OK.

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Freddy goes POP!!!
Dellamorte_Dellamore0718 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master Director: Renny Harlin (The Long Kiss Goodnight)

***out of****


Freddy is at the top of his game. After the immensely popular "Dream Warriors", Freddy had reached his peak of pop culture. This movie brashly illustrates the pop culture, with Freddy being less scary, and more of an icon. I admit once again of seeing all the horror franchises at a (very) young age and I don't think I was alone as by this point in the franchise as there was a wave of Freddy toys, sheets, lunch boxes, posters, etc. Basically the statistics were rolled in, and marketing knew its age group. So yes, before I start this review, I'll say that Freddy isn't scary, the movie doesn't even try to scare you, but alas, it wants to entertain, and boy does it ever.

The movie continues on from 3, with the survivors trying to get on with their lives (Kristen, Joe, Kincaid) and the beginning has Kristen (now played by the less competent Tuesday Knight) having the dream at the Elm street house (which is EVEN more pimping then 3). She gets frightened and pulls the other two in, but they get angry and don't believe her (after everything they went through together you'd think they wouldn't give it a second thought, but never mind). We then go into the now familiar territory of the introduction of our new batch of teens since the Elm street children are near extinct. Alice is the only one we should really invest in since she eventually is going to take the lead as Freddie's new opponent. Anyways, Freddy indeed does resurrect (in one kick ass surreal "regeneration" scene which is started by flaming dog urine!?!) and continues to dispatch our reaming survivors. The mythology for this sequel indeed makes sense and tries to expand off 3. It seems if Freddy kills all the final Elm street children he will forever be trapped in the dream world with no more victims so he now must find someone he can use to bring new victims, and he finds that in the very shy and insecure Alice, who inherits Kristen's gift (after her grisly "furnace" death). One thing Freddy didn't count on is that every time he kills someone, she inherits their special power, and gets stronger and stronger, but when Freddy kills a very close family member, Alice must use everything she's got in a final kick ass showdown.

Although many people feel this movie is a cheat and that the series should have ended after 3, I beg to differ and felt that the closure for 3 was to poorly done, making the ending very underwhelming, I WANTED MORE! So the sequel is a somewhat decent companion piece to 3. Bringing back the warriors was genius, and I enjoyed the continuity. Sure, I can make a stink about them getting killed, but personally since I cared so much about them from 3, their deaths upped the stakes for me. Also the new characters, although noting that layered, the actors portraying them were competent and very likable none the less, like three, I cared about the kids. Also Lisa Wilcox is a revelation, making the most interesting Elm Street character ever. I was rooting for her all the way.

Another pro for this sequel is Renny Harlin in the directing seat. Not only did he create the most visually appealing sequel of the entire series, he made the movie and extremely effortless watch as well. This movie ahs flaws, but boring us is not one of the them. It's so fast paced, you feel like you need to stop for a breath of air. The camera is very fluid and I loved the style. The colors are also very vibrant, lot's of green and red lighting. Thank you Mr. Harlin, you certainly can punch a wallop with your scenes.

As with 3, there is so much scenes that stand out in my mind with picture clarity, the Junkyard scene, the watered scene, the beach scene, the classroom scene, the elevator scene, the movie theater, Freddy eating the Pizza, Alice and Dan spinning through the tunnel, Roach motel scene, Freddy's death, all classic scenes and after watching them you can see why the movie made the most money in the entire series (ex Freddy Vs Jason).

Some flaws I have with the movie are 1) Although the deaths had good SFX, the gore and mean streak so prominent in previous sequels was seriously lacking, Should have made Freddy mean like 3 did, 2) the movie's narrative gets a little shaky in places, making some dream sequences not following up with logic, comes off as a tad distracting, and 3) the movie does get a little heavy handed making some scenes very cheesy (you'll probably groan) like Alice gearing up to go into hand and hand combat. To much man, I ended up laughing at it.

Overall though, this is the last decent hurrah for Freddy. The movie sells his soul but at least it's still quite fun watching it go down, swinging. It only gets lesser and lesser after this one, and Robert Englund has even admitted he felt strongly about this movie ending the series, as Freddy's death certainly makes sense and is a fitting touch. What a kick ass scene too. This is where Elm street ends for me, even though I still watch 5, I consider this to be Freddy's final "adventure".

Of course, commercialism and the mighty buck thought otherwise, but you can still consider this the final Freddy, and should wisely do so.
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After Part 3, this is a let-down.
G.Spider14 June 1999
Warning: Spoilers
It's a pity that Wes Craven's initial idea for another sequel to his film, involving time travel in dreams, wasn't used. Instead of another Craven-directed masterpiece like Part 1 and Part 3 we get this gaudy pantomime instead. The makers of NOES 4 admitted that they designed and filmed all the special-effects sequences and then found some excuse to cement them together. It shows. Freddy is resurrected, though quite how is never explained. Wasn't it fire that killed him, not brought him back to life? Anyhow, he begins another killing spree. There are some interesting ideas - a narcissist being turned into a cockroach, an asthmatic having the air sucked out of her, but the whole thing lacks the tension and nightmarish qualities of the previous film. Early scenes involving the survivors from Part 3 hold promise, but when Freddy appears he's no more than a wise-cracking buffoon, and the ninja-style violence is pointless and unnecessary. The climax, if you can call it that, involves Freddy dying as a result of being shown his reflection. As there's no build-up to it at all it just stands out as an obvious excuse for another special-effects set-piece.

Overall, this film might provide entertainment, but it's just disappointing, badly-acted dross, the sort of thing you watch if you've nothing better to do.
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How sweet. Fresh meat.
hitchcockthelegend8 June 2013
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master is directed by Renny Harlin and written by Brian Helgeland and Scott Pierce. It stars Robert Englund, Lisa Wilcox, Andras Jones, Tuesday Knight, Ken Sagoes, Rodney Eastman and Brooke Theiss. Music is by John Easdale and Craig Safan and cinematography by Steven Fierberg.

Freddy Krueger (Englund) is back again to finish off the last of the Dream Warriors, but when he enters the dreams of a new girl, Alice Johnson (Wilcox), he gets more than he bargained for...

In spite of part three being something of a return to form for the Elm Street franchise, it still signalled the point where Krueger as a character started to become more fun villain than a terrifying presence. By the time this fourth instalment rolled around, Krueger was iconic for sure, but also he was a marketing tool for merchandise, even getting his own spin-off TV show. Where once was this vile child murderer invading the dreams of children and killing them, now is a guy selling dolls and someone more known for a quip than a kill.

Dream Master follows the basic Elm Street formula, Krueger returns to kill more kids in their dreams. The methods range from the icky (insect) to the impressive (pizza), and the effects work is mostly enjoyable. The tying up of loose ends shows some modicum of thought in the writing, while the big finale is actually worth the wait. However, the acting away from a perky Wilcox is pretty poor and familiarity of formula does indeed breed contempt. It's just about above average as a whole, thanks in the main to the inventive kills, but as this third sequel coined it in at the box office, with that comes the basic fact that Kruegerville is a town built only for cash purposes. 6/10
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A film further plunging its franchise down into a neverending trench of inconsistency
StevePulaski22 October 2015
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master is the point in the franchise where comedy began to eclipse the franchise's almost unbridled devotion to horror sensibilities. It was the film that turned Freddy Krueger into a pop culture figure, capable of regurgitating every lackluster pun imaginable like an MTV VJ rather than a horror figure you'd hate to see in your nightmares. Finally, it was the film to bear the franchise's peak budget, showing it off by including very elaborate and immaculately detailed dream sequences that toyed with the perception of reality in a manner so believable that you swore you were being haunted yourself. It's safe to say that the series most expensive installment also turned out to be its most divisive and revolutionary.

The story picks up on characters from Dream Warriors, the previous installment, such as Kristen (Tuesday Knight), Kincaid (Ken Sagoes), and Joey (Rodney Eastman), all of whom have been released from the mental hospital that confined them for the past months and back into the public school system and their normal homes. Kristen winds up reacquainting her friend Alice (Lisa Wilcox) and her boyfriend Rick (Andras Jones), and is enjoying living her normal life until she realizes that dreaming of, or even expressing paranoia over, Freddy Krueger, the burned-faced, sweater-clad killer that haunted them before, could potentially make him return. When Freddy (Robert Englund, the only constant in this series, so it seems) winds up returning to haunt the victims in his dreams, the focus lies in Alice, as she's the most ignorant of Freddy's ways.

Consistency has long been a problem with this franchise and The Dream Master shows a refusal for it to accept any kind of remote pattern. Because of the constant directorial and screen writing shakeups, and Craven's varying and largely debatable involvement with each individual film, little in the way of tonal or narrative cohesion could be retained. The overall scope and reach of the Freddy Krueger character got hazy with the second film and found itself resorting back into the laws of the first film, with no acknowledgement of the second film other than a vague, ambiguous line of dialog from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. The Dream Master's refusal to assert itself by accepting the emphasis on fear and vulnerability ideas from the first and third film or the metaphorical significance of the Freddy Krueger character is evident by the film's emphasis on comedy from what was previously the franchise's main source for terror.

Being that The Dream Master is the most expensive film from the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, one can see where director Renny Harlin and his set/production designers wanted to put their emphases - the dream sequences. To the film's credit, the dream sequences are the most elaborate and well-conceived dream sequences the franchise has yet to see, even more-so believable and immersive than in Dream Warriors. Consider the scene where Kincaid is trapped in a nightmarish junkyard that molds and crafts itself at what is ostensibly the snap of Freddy's fingers, effectively trapping him in a sea of broken-down cars that is revealed to be a lot bigger in scope than we could've imagined. The scene works beautifully because it focuses on the core idea of being trapped in a dream lucid enough for you to actively move around and possess your own decision-making skills but not lucid enough where you can control the dream. The result is especially terrifying and this is one of the few dream sequences where Freddy is mostly serious.

The remainder of the dream scenes only get more decorated in appearance, and continue to live up to this first major one in size and scope. The problem is, with each sequence, Freddy gets less and less convincing. Writers Brian Helgeland (who would go on to direct Oscar-nominated screenplays for films like L.A. Confidential and Mystic River) and Scott Pierce turn Freddy into a pun/quip machine, who seems to always be in search for the next cheeky line to say rather than anything that provokes a kind of uneasiness for the audience. This desecration of a frightening character, turning him into a second rate comedian, significantly lessens his effectiveness as a character, especially when we see him command some of the most visually stunning locations he has yet to be apart of in the entire series.

Finally, though it's a relatively minor, almost moot, point, the acting here has noticeably taken a turn for the worst. The Dream Master feels like a lackluster display of amateur-hour, Second City acting, particularly from the likes of Tuesday Knight and Andras Jones, who just do an immensely poor job at being believable screen presences. While acting in horror films is traditionally never the first thing one judges on, when it's so wooden, as it is here, it can't help be a jarring feature, especially when the film itself already isn't particularly good.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 works in the way it decides to further construct and elaborate on the many worlds of which Freddy inhabits, in addition with taking on some seriously twisted and quirky scenes the franchise has never seen before. However, it does a miserable job of sticking to whatever guns the series had drawn at this point by sacrificing scares for cheap quips and capable actors for whomever could fill the part quickly and inexpensively. The result is a film that was evidently rushed on every level that wasn't visual effects or production design.

Starring: Lisa Wilcox, Robert Englund, Tuesday Knight, Andras Jones, Ken Sagoes, and Rodney Eastman. Directed by: Renny Harlin.
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Solid entry in franchise.
paulclaassen2 July 2018
Another classic in the series. Once again a solid storyline and excellent visual effects.
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This made money?
gcd7015 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This fourth installment of the Elm Street nightmares is poor in all regards. It fails to generate any interest in the storyline, and one couldn't care less as teen after teen gets 'gobbled up' by Freddy.

Renny Harlin barely manages to raise an eyebrow, let alone a scare, from his audience, which is hardly surprising considering the lame plot and the fact that we've seen it all before. Lisa Wilcox adds minimal interest and Robert Englund returns, but it makes no difference.

Yet "Elm Street 4" made a nice profit at the box office, thanks to Krueger's cult status and more than a few addicted teenage fans. Amazing!

Sunday, June 14, 1992 - Video
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The best slasher sequel since the original film in A Nightmare on Elm Street film franchise!
ivo-cobra828 March 2016
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) It is one of my personal favorite horror movies with the original A Nightmare on Elm Street film, it is solid, decent, excellent horror slasher sequel in A Nightmare on Elm Street series franchise. I love this movie to death and my favorite heroine is Alice Johnson. This flick is Better than part 2,5,6 and the horrible awful remake that I hate to death!

We have a new heroine named Alice, which is awesome. Lisa Wilcox is a bad ass in this flick, wondering what happened to that actress. Lisa Wilcox did an excellent job as shy heroine Alice. Tuesday Knight blow my heart away she was the heart and the soul of this movie. She wrote performed the theme song Nightmare for this film. This film is actually my Renny Harlin's favorite movie alongside Cliffhanger, Die Hard 2 and Deep Blue Sea. Renny Harlin did a great job with direction and visuals of the film, I think it's actually some of the best directing work he did, and Lisa Wilcox's character Alice is probably to Freddy what Tommy Jarvis is to Jason, an enemy that he will always fight but he will always lose. This film has a lot of good soundtracks that I love. It has an excellent cast that I love. Wes Craven's a Nightmare on Elm Street will be my number 1 while this one will be my number 5.

Plot: Freddy Krueger returns once again to terrorize the dreams of the remaining Dream Warriors, as well as those of a young woman who may know the way to defeat him for good.

Before I start what I like about this movie, I love Wes Craven's original film A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) which is my favorite best horror slasher film. My third favorite film of the series is Wes Craven's last movie New Nightmare (1994) which is my third favorite film in A Nightmare on Elm Street film franchise and I think is the third best film.

Things I Love in this movie: I like the music scores by John Easdale and Craig Safan, they are a lot of music tracks that are put in the film from the 80's. I love Tuesday Knight's song Nightmare she played it during opening credits. I love Tuesday Knight and Lisa Wilcox's acting performance both of the leads did an outstanding job as acting her characters. Lisa Wilcox was a bad ass in this film, her character as Alice Johnson was well written, she was decent and the only heroine that she never died in the film series. Tuesday Knight as Kristen Parker was decent and she was awesome, she was better than Patricia Arquette I love movies from the 80's action and horror films that I love, so this is pretty solid good movie, far way better than 5 and remake which I think they are the worst one I have ever saw. I like that this movie is fantasy and it has a good kills and Freddy is trying still to be scary.

Kristen Parker (Tuesday Knight) was actually a Dream Warrior she had a power to call her friends in her dreams, Alice Johnson (Lisa Wilcox) was a Dream Master and she gave her power to Freddy, of course Kristen was the last Elms Street child, but Freddy need it new ones to get the souls from the children to become more powerful than ever. I like the boiler room scene Kristen eventually finds herself in Freddy's boiler room. It is explained that Kristen is the last child from Elm Street, and Freddy needs her help to get more children. I like that is that explanation. I like the last fight between Alice and Freddy, Alice change her self in to an bad ass heroine she fight's Freddy defeats him with a mirror of his own image and she releases all souls of the children that Freddy took them away. I love that Alice saves Dan Jordan (Danny Hassle) from death. Brooke Theiss as Debbie Stevens was beautiful, gorgeous and hot I love her in this film.

Roland Kincaid (Ken Sagoes) and Joey Peterson (Rodney Eastman) both returned from previous installment The Dreams Warriors and they were both killed off in the beginning of the film which is stupid. I really don't like this, the characters who survived in previous installment been killed off. It feel's to me like Nancy's effort keeping them save was for nothing. That's the only problem I have with this film.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master is a 1988 American slasher horror film and the fourth film in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. The film was directed by Renny Harlin, stars Robert Englund, Lisa Wilcox and Danny Hassle.

Overral: I enjoy this film every time I see it and I have fun with it, goes very fast around it is fast paced and entertaining. 10/10 Bad Ass Seal Of Approval
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Enjoyed way more than expected
BandSAboutMovies4 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've often written off all of these films after the first three - one being the originator, two being a strange metaphor for growing up gay and the third being a bravura Dokken soundtrack sporting thrill ride that was amongst the first slasher films I ever watched.

The thing is, part four is slick and as commercial as it gets, but isn't that what you want? Aren't we all wistful for the movie theaters of thirty years ago, when films like Bad Dreams, the Chuck Russell remake of The Blob, Child's Play, Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, Fright Night II, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Phantasm II, Poltergeist 3, Pumpkinhead and so many more graced the silver screen? This is a movie made for teenagers to devour in the same way that they chow down through a pizza - more on that in a bit.

After the final battle in the last film in this series - Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - which was intended by Wes Craven to end the franchise. With original protagonist Nancy sacrificing herself to stop Krueger, the rest of the Dream Warriors have been released from the insane asylum and are back to being normal teenagers.

However, Kristen (Tuesday Knight, replacing Patricia Arquette) believes that Freddy isn't dead, drawing Joey, Kincaid and Kincaid's dog Jason into her dream, where they show her that Freddy's boiler is cold. There's been a rift between these former friends, as the boys are seen as freaks and Kristen has joined the popular crowd with her martial arts practicing boyfriend Rick (Andras Jones, Sorority Girls in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama), Alice, Sheila and Debbie.

Soon, Kincaid has been killed in the junkyard from Dream Warriors, where Freddy comes back after a dog urinates fire onto him. Yes, that really happens. Then, Joey finds a naked girl swimming in his waterbed in a sequence that's glossy, ridiculous and awesome all in equal measure. He's soon dead and Kristen passes out when she finds out, bringing Freddy after her. She swears to get revenge, but once her mother gives her sleeping pills to ensure that she gets rest, she is felled by the "Son of a One Hundred Maniacs." However, she is able to give her dream power to Alice which she's gonna need because with each kill, Freddy gains the abilities and personalities of Alice's dead friends.

Sure, these movies would get much worse, but if you're looking for a movie that'll make the middle of the night just fly past, you can't go wrong with this one. I was surprised how much I liked it, which is kind of the point of this challenge, right?

This movie is filled with plenty of out there kill scenes and flip dialogue that finally makes Freddy the actual hero of the film. There's a girl that gets turned into a cockroach and smashed into a Roach Motel. And then there's the scene where Freddy shows Alice all of his victims on a "soul pizza" that must be witnessed to be believed.

Say what you will about Renny Harlin, but in this follow up to his American debut Prison, he really takes the series all the way into the surreal, basing each of the murders on actual nightmares that he had, as well as crazy moments that push the film into meta territory when Alice goes from a movie theater into an actual movie while the rest of the cast watches.

This was the highest grossing movie in the series until Freddy vs. Jason, which it earns with an all-star team of special effects artists, a soundtrack boasting bands like the Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Blondie, and the Fat Boys, and an ending that boasts a twenty foot tall practical model of Freddy being destroyed by the souls of those he has taken.
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Freddy Krueger Is Back
claudio_carvalho30 March 2009
Kristen Parker (Tuesday Knight), Roland Kincaid (Ken Sagoes) and Joey Crusel (Rodney Eastman) are having normal lives and studying in Springwood, Ohio, after defeating the evil Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund). Kristen is very close to her boyfriend Rick Johnson (Andras Jones) and his sister Alice (Lisa Wilcox) is her best friend. Kristen has a premonition with Freddy Krueger, who has resurrected and is chasing the trio of survivors of the Elm Street. When Freddy kills the three survivors, Kristen transfers her ability to draw other people to her dreams to Alice, and Freddy uses the power of the teenager to gather the souls of her school friends.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street art 4: The Dream Master" is a weak sequel to the classic "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Patricia Arquette, who performed Kristen Parker in the previous "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors", was pregnant and not able to film this sequel. The actress and musician Tuesday Knight that replaced Patricia Arquette recorded the song "Nightmare" used during the film's opening credits. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "A Hora do Pesadelo 4 – O Mestre dos Sonhos" ("The Hour of the Nightmare 4 – The Master of the Dreams")
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Great visions can't disguise a deadbeat film.
StormSworder14 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After being buried at the end of 'Dream Warriors', Freddy Krueger is dead. But not for long. The three survivors from Warriors, who are the last of the dream warriors, are killed when Freddy returns to life, and Kristen is forced to give her dream powers to Alice, one of the new teenagers on the block. Before long Freddy is back in business, killing victims in an explosion of great special effects, imaginative sets, atmospheric music and strong direction.

Unfortunately, by the time this film was made, the 'Nightmare' series was no more than a money-making franchise. Freddy is reduced to a wise-cracking oaf and the plot of 'Master' is really no more than a string of set-pieces cemented together. It has to be said that most of the new characters in this film are just irritating (and Kristen's character has completely changed along with her appearance).

Watchable if you're a fan of the series, but if you've seen the first three films then you'd be better off watching 'A New Nightmare' or 'Freddy Vs Jason'.
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Yet another great sequel
tom_koopa14 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Nightmare 4 right after 3, which turned out to be a good choice. Several characters from 3 return and I always like it when series have some sort of continuity.

Kirsten, the last of the Elm street children is all that stands between Freddy and his evil plans. It's up to her (again) to stop Freddy. However, Kirsten cannot finish her mission and passes the baton to someone else: Alice. This turn of unexpected events is what makes this film so good.

At first you think you are watching yet another Nightmare film, but there are a few strange twists in the movie that add more depth and character to the series as a whole.

Very nice (and with that I mean creative and nasty) deaths in this movie too. Specially cringed at the cockroach death...

Go watch this one if you liked the first 3. You won't be disappointed! 7 out of 10 stars.
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worst nightmare movie in the series
nerfaholic29 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually very tolerant when it comes to horror movies, and until recently #4 had been the only NOES movie I hadn't seen, and now I wish I hadn't seen it at all. Within 5 minutes of the movie starting (not including credits), I felt like stopping it. No offense to any of the actors, but the acting was terrible. I was wondering why Patricia Arquette wasn't playing Kristen but my guess would be she read the script and would have wanted to burn it. My main hate of the movie is the plot. SPOILER: The 3 surviving characters from #3 are killed within like 10-15mins of each other and when Kristen dies she gives her gift to Alice and then Alice gets all the souls that Freddy kills? Well that was just totally weird and confusing. As per usual it's Freddy's quotes that kind of save a movie. "Hey Joey, how's this for a wet dream?" is a classic Freddy quote but that's still not enough to change my opinion on this movie. Effects are good, acting sucked, storyline sucked, the whole movie basically sucked. 1/10
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One of the best - highly imaginative!
gridoon18 November 1999
"Nightmare on Elm Street 4" is one of the best entries in the series. Okay, the first is considered a classic, maybe because it had a feeling of poetic surrealism that is indeed lost here. But, come on, it is the FOURTH Freddy film, did you REALLY expect it to be scary? Freddy delivers indeed too many puns, however some of them actually hit the mark. After all, the quality of a slasher film doesn't depend exclusively on how "serious" and "vicious" the killer is - he was more serious in "Part 2", which was an embarrassment, he was less serious in "Part 3", which was an imaginative, entertaining film. As for "Part 4", it has way-above-average acting, a polished look (just compare it to some early "Friday The 13th" cheapies) and some gruesome, stunning visual effects. Above all, the movie exploits more possibilities about the links between reality and dreams than the "classic" original did. It is worth seeing.
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Freddy's falling from grace
Superunknovvn24 September 2005
I love the "A Nightmare On Elm Street" franchise, I really do. I enjoy it for its originality and if for nothing else its typically 80's cheese factor. Still, I will never forgive the makers of sequels 2, 4, 5, 6, even 3 and 7 for taking one of the greatest horror stories ever told and turning it into something so laughable. With Part IV Freddy Krueger was more of an antihero for the MTV generation than ever before. What was then hip is now ridiculous and director Renny Harlin's endeavor to make the movie as stylish as possible certainly doesn't make this entry in the series any spookier.

The first 5 minutes of part IV alone show everything that's wrong about the movie. An awful rock song sung by Tuesday Knight (who replaces Patricia Arquette as Kristen) plays over a little girl drawing something. The camera pans away and we see it's a painting of Freddy's house on Elm Street. Kirsten approaches and asks the girl where Freddy was. The girl replies that Freddy wasn't in, then laughs hysterically and disappears. Why? No one knows. Kristen goes inside the house. Why? No idea, but the camera follows her with such an amateurish movement it's the first time this movie is unintentionally funny. Inside the house Kristen jumps because she sees a shadow of something that appears to be a claw on the wall. When she takes a closer look, though, it turns out that this was just an illusion created by a branch that looks NOTHING like the shadow. Anyway, the next thing we see is Kirsten getting blown from one room into the other. Why? Don't ask, there's no answer.

It goes on like this and you just turn off your brain, because it's obvious that this movie doesn't try for one second to make any sense. It's hard to believe that an audience ever watched this without feeling cheated. However, Freddy Krueger's fame was at its height in 1988 and nothing could stop this movie from becoming the most successful installment of the Nightmare series. Not the shallow and unbelievable characters, nor the bad acting (except for the ever so wonderful Robert Englund, that is) or the non-existent story.

The nudity, the bad one-liners and the often imaginative kills still get a chuckle out of me now and then and, as I've said, I still enjoy watching the movie every once in a while, but like most of the "Nightmare" sequels, this one is just nowhere near as good as it could and should have been.
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Gone down in my opinion
Stevieboy6665 August 2018
Freddy is resurrected from the dead when a dog takes a pee on the ground in the scarp yard in which he was buried! That kind of sets the tone for the fourth instalment. When this first came out on VHS I was blown away by the special effects & it quickly became my second favourite in the franchise, after the first film. This was mainly due to the special effects (impressive at the time) and gimmicky way in which people die. However, 30 years on and in my opinion the film has lost some of that initial positivity, I know think that part 3 is a far better movie. There were splashes of humour in part 3 but it still managed to also be a dark, scary horror film. But in Dream Warriors Freddy is now more of a comic, spouting corny one-liners, which is something that I personally wasn't so fond of. The special effects are the real star here. It's still a fun movie to watch but I think it was the point where the series started to go down hill. Linnea Quigley has a nice little topless part as one of the souls coming out of Freddy's body, worthy of a freeze-frame!
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Hated it even when I was 14
latherzap15 June 2000
I still consider the first Freddy film a classic, and part 3 was decent. But I was soooo bored watching this. I remember seeing it ten years ago on cable. About a half hour into it I wanted to turn it off, but a compulsive part of me wanted to finish it so that I could complete the series. With fifteen minutes to go I turned it off, and decided to make myself a sandwich ( which promised to be more exciting than the film's ending).

No plot synopsis necessary for this, I'll just say that the characters were absolute cardboard. None of the scenes felt connected to each other. It was like each scene was a 5 minute short created to show off a unique special effect. Nothing scary to be found here. I never saw the sequels that came out after this. I give it a 2.
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This was the first Freddy I saw when I was a kid and will always be my favorite
vwjettaluv3221 April 2007
Its funny how I stumbled on to the Nightmare on Elm Street Serises. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. My father and I had a great relationship. He would take me to a movie every week. I was the envy of all the other kids because he didn't care if a movie was rated R or what.

So here I am looking to go to our Friday movie and my dad is looking in the paper asking me what I want to see. He asked me if I was ready for my first scary movie. I jumped for joy when he asked me that. At that time I hadn't really seen a true scary movie yet. Just the ones that where on during Halloween.

So off we went me and my dad. I remember how nervous I was because I didn't know what to expect. Here I am 9 years old in the movie line with all these teenagers grabbing there girlfriend waste and making scary faces trying to scare them. I just grabbed my fathers hand very tight and made my way in.

Wow! My first scary movie I thought to myself well here it goes. I remember asking my dad if Freddy was real about 10 times during the movie. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I was in love with horror.

I Was Freddys number 1 fan after this movie. I bought all the older movies. I really liked number 1 and thought number 2 was really weird back then.

Anyways I love this movie for all the right reasons. There is a lot of gore. A lot of cheesy acting and just plain fun. I am not going to give anything away just go wacth it for yourself. You will love it.
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johnjanis31 October 2021
Probably the most underrated movie of the whole franchise and definitely better than the next two which followed. 5.7 is too low in my opinion. It was pretty much as good as part 3

Why such a drop off in the rating difference?

Fatigue? Certainly not the quality.

It probably had the most action, the most kills and the most gore of any of the series as well.

Definitely one of the best 3 or 4 Nightmare movies in my opinion.
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Quite dumb
eldergod-123 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is, in my opinion, the weakest part of the Nightmare series. And I'll tell you why. The third part was very good and ended very well but this film actually ruins it. Freddy is back (I didn't really understand how) and starts slaughtering kids again. There is a new main character who fights him, a girl named Alice, who has the power of a Dream Master - how it is also not clear. The murders... the murders in this film are OK, but nothing special, the only really gorgeous moment was SPOILER

when Freddy puts goggles on a beach.

END OF SPOILER Overall, a disappointing part in the series.
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Tired, oh so very Tired!
mjw230514 October 2007
After huge success with the first outing, Wes Craven tried to correct the wrongs of Freddy's Revenge with A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, and he made no mistake about ensuring he killed Freddy and left him buried for good.

For some reason (Almost Certainly Money) Renny Harlin (Director) and William Kotzwinkle (Writer) decided to resurrect him again claiming 'Pure Evil Never Really Dies'

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 - The Dream Master is an unnecessary sequel that is clearly milking the success of the franchise. Kristen Parker once again takes the lead (but Miss Arquette no longer plays the character) Freddy is once again funnier than he is scary, as with all the non Wes Craven episodes, and its pretty much more of the same with less story than before, and the odd decent death scene.

5/10 Freddy is still cool, even if the movie isn't
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