10 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a Kevin Costner and Yellowstone fan, I was really looking forward to this epic western. However after 3hrs I left disappointed. Too many characters, with little development and very poor editing. Things seem to happen very quickly, and it feels like you've missed an hour of the story. One minute Kevin Costner and Abbey Lee's characters are running away and camping on a hillside together, then next scene she seems to be in a tent with another guy we've not seen before, treating him like a boyfriend. Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington's characters have 2 scene together and suddenly are falling in love after she only just lost her husband and son. Then her daughter Georgia MacPhail is watching union soldiers go to war while crying, and they are all swooning over her (she's a 12-14yo girl and they are grown men by the way), as if they've all shared months together and had a deep and meaningful relationship, yet we never even see her talking to the men she's crying for. Just feels like huge chunks were cut out, which lost character and relationship development and nothing to tell us if days, weeks or months have passed. Probably won't be seeing part 2 at the cinema. Will wait for it to hit a streaming service.
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