Roland Emmerich likes this
18 June 2024
Several movies run through my mind at various points in this footage. Train to Busan, Deep Impact, Moonfall, among others. Roland Emmerich probably really enjoyed Concrete Utopia and may have gotten a couple of solid notes out of it.

This new Korean natural disaster film contains much of what the general audience needs to get hooked. Shots of destruction, disputes between sides, action and drama. Yes, the Korean passion for drama cannot be left out.

Now, let's agree that there are many moments where logic is sacrificed in pursuit of an attractive plot. That is undeniable. And it works. But at the end of the day this is the representation of an incipient micro society in a brutal, discouraging and agonizing context. That's the real attraction.

But, the movie is flawed. The cast's performances are uneven. The soundtrack is quite generic. VFX lacks realistic details. By tightening and loosening some pegs, the film would have been much more solid.

In short, recommended, although not for all audiences.
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