Review of Expats

Expats (2023–2024)
Dig below the surface...
16 February 2024
Well written, well developed, interesting.

I was shocked to see the show having below 6, then I read reviews, and I am very surprised that people are complaining about this show, but it's also a good reflection of where are we now as a global society, and what do we focus on. Well done for beautiful reverse art moment.

When you surpass the egoistic-flat characters (which is also a point I think) you start noticing people from the background as well, and how perspective can be shifted and how nothing is at it seems. Yet it takes time and every person has much more to her/him than just the facade. Even the flat characters are not ... that flat, they are just in a different reality.

The intertwined destiny of EACH character is interesting and I cannot wait for more. Also, I'm so glad that it's running weekly, like before - when you had to wait for the show. But at the same time you had some time to think about it before it comes, talk with your friends, stop and think, not just bluntly continue to the next episode to wait for something to... happen. Something should happen inside of you.

I'm especially positively surprised with the last one (S1E05) - being an expat living in Dubai for such a long time, and working and observing Filipino workers closely, I could feel the Filipino story being told so ... gently... truthfully... and honestly... From the gossip moment to the moment when they are treated just like people from the background yet... They always, always have each other's back.

A lot of time, people forget that each human and each person has their own story to be told, and all happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Beautiful show! Beautiful.
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