Stitchers (2015–2017)
great a big thriller and big mystery about kirsten parents and mainly kirsten dad
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well the show is true triller and big mysterious and the biggest mystery is kirsten mysterious father who left her when she was 8 and nobody knows why and where did he go and why he never come back. Kirsten parents created that stitching technology and her father really completed it but something bad has to happen that he would leave his daughter with his friend and never make proper contact with her and her mother who suppose die in an accident if it was an accident what if someone tried to kill both of her parents and this is why her dad left her and something very big is happening under stitching program and has been happening all this years which involves kirsten mother and dr stinger wife. Really they need also to bring back C.Thomas H. as kirsten father who was great and show him properly and tell us his story and include him in the show and same actress as his wife and kirsten mother. This show really requires now for season 3 20 episodes and improve writings and tell us really what is happening around kirsten parents, the show is great but needs improvement and actors really don't know how to act except guest actors like C.Thomas and others..
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