Morning Star Quotes

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Morning Star (Red Rising Saga, #3) Morning Star by Pierce Brown
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Morning Star Quotes Showing 91-120 of 538
“Because honor still matters. Honor is what echoes." His father's words. But they are as empty on his lips as they feel in my ears. This was has taken everything from him. I see in his eyes how broken he is. how terribly hard he is trying to be his father's son. If he could, he would choose to be back by the campfire we made in the highlands of the Institute. He would return to the days of glory when life was simple, when friends seemed true. But wishing for the past doesn't clean the blood from either of our hands.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Maybe that's just the nature of us, ever wishing for things that were and could be rather than things that are and will be.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Friends are the pulse of life.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“It’s a man I would die to protect even as he dies to save the soul of this rebellion.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“And when you hang from the gallows. When the door beneath you opens, when your feet do the Devil’s Dance, then you will realize in that moment that this has all been for nothing, because there will be no one left to pull your feet.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“You’re bleeding! Darrow! You’re bleeding!” “I know.” “Where is your hand? You’re missing a fucking hand!” “I know!” “Bloodydamn.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Mobs are soulless things that feed on fear and momentum and prejudice.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“All the sadness, all the hurt in the past making this moment all the sweeter. If pain is the weight of being, love is the purpose.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Suffering isn't real to them. War isn't real. It's just a three-letter word for other people that they see in the digital newsfeeds. Just a stream of uncomfortable images they skip past. A whole business of weapons and arms and ships and hierarchies they don't even notice, all to shield these fools from the true agony of what it means to be human.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“His laughter stitches more of me together. Bit by bit, I feel like my friends are coming back to me. Or maybe I’m coming back to them. Suppose”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“He needed a light. And he made it. Love was his shout into the wind. Same”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Our worlds made us what we are, and all this pain we suffer is to fix the folly of those who came before, who shaped the world in their image and left us the ruin of their feast.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I used to think the life strands of my friends frayed around me, because mine was too strong. Now I realize that when we are wound together, we make something unbreakable. Something that lasts long after this life ends. My”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“It’s a lonely thing carrying the body of someone dead and loved. Like a vase you know will never again hold flowers. I”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Get some man-killing meat on your bones. No more of this anorexic scarecrow shit.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I’m a bloodydamn Helldiver with an army of giant, mildly psychotic women behind me and a fleet of state-of-the-art warships crewed by pissed-off pirates, engineers, techs, and former slaves. And”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“And as we pretend to be brave, we become so. All”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Anything that believes only in itself cannot go happily into the night.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I used to think the life strands of my friends frayed around me, because mine was too strong. Now I realize that when we are wound together, we make something unbreakable. Something that lasts long after this life ends. My friends have filled the hollow carved into me by my wife's death. They've made me whole again.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Nothing has ever been enough for you, nor will it be. You're trying to matter to yourself. Because you're broken inside. Because you hate what you are.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I one time tripped on that shit with Cassius for a week on the Thermic.” She catches my look. “Well, it was before I met you. And have you ever seen him with his shirt off? Don’t tell Sevro, by the way.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“We chosen few are the fire of our people.” I beat my chest. “We are not Red, not Blue or Gold or Gray or Obsidian. We are humanity. We are the tide. And”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“That gulf that divided us is still there, filled with questions and recriminations and guilt, but that's only part of love, part of being human. Everything is cracked, everything is stained except the fragile moments that hang crystalline in time and make life worth living.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“It is no great thing to die. Not when one has lived." -Ragnar Volarus”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“If they are monsters, we should ask ourselves who made them that way.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“We are the new age. The new world. And if we’re to show the way, then we better damn well make it a better one. I am Sevro au Barca. And I am no longer afraid.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I’ve never been a man of joy or a man of war, or an island in a storm. Never an absolute like Lorn. That was what I pretended to be. I am and always have been a man who is made complete by those around him. I”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“justice isn’t about fixing the past, it’s about fixing the future. We’re not fighting for the dead. We’re fighting for the living. And”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Everything grand is made from a series of ugly little moments.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“You might not believe in our rebellion. But I saw Tactus change before his future was robbed from him. I’ve seen Ragnar forget his bonds and reach for what he wants in this world. I’ve seen Sevro become a man. I’ve seen myself change. I truly do believe we choose who we want to be in this life. It isn’t preordained. You taught me loyalty, more than Mustang, more than Roque. And because of that, I believe in you, Victra. As much as I’ve ever believed in anyone.” I hold out my hand. “Be my family and I will never forsake you. I will never lie to you. I will be your brother as long as you live.” Startled by the emotion in my voice, the cold woman stares up at me. Those defenses she erected forgotten now. In another life we might have been a pair. Might have had that fire I feel for Mustang, for Eo. But not in this life. Victra does not soften. Does not crumble to tears. There’s still rage inside her. Still raw hate and so much betrayal and frustration and loss coiled around her icy heart. But in this moment, she is free of it all. In this moment, she reaches solemnly up to grasp my hand. And I feel the hope flicker in me. “Welcome to the Sons of Ares.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star