Morning Star Quotes

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Morning Star (Red Rising Saga, #3) Morning Star by Pierce Brown
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Morning Star Quotes Showing 31-60 of 538
“You tell anyone I cried, I’ll find a dead fish, put it in a sock, hide it in your room, and let it putrefy.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Government is never the solution, but it is almost always the problem.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I’m going to kill you, Aja! I’m going to kill you in your face!”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Life’s not just a matter of breathing, it’s a matter of being.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I always thought I would die before the end. I trudged on knowing I was doomed. But my friends have breathed love into me, breathed my faith back into my bones. They've made me want to live.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Reaper, Reaper, Reaper... All deeds that last are painted in blood.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Wear the mask. Hide the man. Feel nothing. See everything. Move and kill. Move and kill. I am not a man. They are not men.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“In his eyes I glimpse the loneliness, the longing for a life that should have been, and the glimmer of the man he wants to be underneath the man he thinks he has to be.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“In war, men lose what makes them great. Their creativity. Their wisdom. Their joy. All that’s left is their utility. War is not monstrous for making corpses of men so much as it is for making machines of them. And woe to those who have no use in war except to feed the machines.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I know death well enough to hear it gather its breath.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I can be a builder, not just a destroyer. Eo and Fitchner saw that when I could not. They believed in me. So whether they wait for me in the Vale or not, I feel them in my heart, I hear their echo beating across the worlds. I see them in my son, and, when he is old enough, I will take him on my knee and his mother and I will tell him of the rage of Ares, the strength of Ragnar, the honor of Cassius, the love of Sevro, the loyalty of Victra, and the dream of Eo, the girl who inspired me to live for more.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“so desensitized to violence they’ve forgotten it’s to have purpose. Violence is a tool. It is meant to shock. To change. Instead, they normalize and celebrate it. And create a culture of exploitation where they are so entitled to sex and power that when they are told no, they pull a sword and do as they like.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“But they shared a dream. One of a free world. Not built on corpses, but on hope. On the love that binds us, not the hate that divides. We have lost many. But we are not broken. We are not defeated. We fight on. But we do not fight for revenge for those who have died. We fight for each other. We fight for those who live. We fight for those who don’t yet live.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Go on.” I sip the coffee. “This is whiskey.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“We must save ourselves from ourselves before the inheritance of humanity is ash.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I said it once. Now I’ll say it twice. If there’s two things in this world that can’t be killed, it’s the fungus under my sack and the Reaper of bloodydamn Mars. Haha!”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“They call me the Morning Star. That star by which griffin-riders and travelers navigate the wastes in the dark months of winter. The last star that disappears when daylight returns in the spring.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I wish there was some way I could control the variables, but if the time in the darkness taught me anything, it's that the world is larger than my grasp.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“You tell anyone I cried, I'll find a dead fish, put it in a sock, hide it in your room, and let it putrefy."
"Fair enough.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“My name is Felicia au…” I feint a whip at her face. She brings her blade up, and Victra goes diagonal and impales her at the belly button. I finish her off with a neat decapitation. “Bye, Felicia.” Victra spits, turning to the last Praetorian.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I cannot be afraid. I’ve spent too long being afraid. Too long being diminished by loss. Too long being everything except what I need to be. And whether I am the Reaper, or whether it’s just another mask, it’s one I must wear, not just for them, but for myself.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Battles are won months before they are fought.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Stay close. Nut to butt, sir. Don't be shy.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
tags: humor
“The moment a child thinks it is entitled to anything, they think they deserve everything. Why”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Asgard has fallen. The gods are dead. The old oaths have been broken. And tell all who will hear: the Valkyrie ride to war.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“We all have nature and nurture to shape us. She can watch other people’s opinions when she has opinions of her own, and no sooner. We’re not digital creatures. We’re flesh and blood. Better she learns that before the world finds her.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Once I thought that writing this book would be impossible. It was a skyscraper, massive and complete and unbearably far off. It taunted me from the horizon. But do we ever look at such buildings and assume they sprung up overnight? No. We’ve seen the traffic congestion that attends them. The skeleton of beams and girders. The swarm of builders and the rattle of cranes… Everything grand is made from a series of ugly little moments. Everything worthwhile by hours of self-doubt and days of drudgery. All the works by people you and I admire sit atop a foundation of failures. So whatever your project, whatever your struggle, whatever your dream, keep toiling, because the world needs your skyscraper. Per aspera, ad astra! —Pierce Brown”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“I want to believe his sense of justice is equal to my love for him, but these are deep waters, and I know friends can lie just as well as enemies.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“How do sheep kill a lion ? By drowning him in blood.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“How sad, the dependability of greed to make men fools.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star