Making Faces Quotes

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Making Faces Making Faces by Amy Harmon
76,936 ratings, 4.30 average rating, 9,813 reviews
Making Faces Quotes Showing 121-150 of 252
“And just like that the mood was broken.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“late bloomer–small, plain, ignored. In some ways, her ugly duckling status had been like a force field, keeping the world at bay so she could grow, come into her own, and figure out that there was more to her than the way she looked.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“But that’s the cool thing about friendship. It’s not about being perfect, or even being deserving. We love you, you love us, so we’ll be there for you. Me and Bailey both.” “I”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Scripture comforts me, and romance novels give me hope."
"Oh, yeah? Hope for what?"
"Hope that I'll be doing more than quoting scripture with Ambrose Young in the very near future." Fern blushed furiously and looked at her hands.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“All I could think about was you." Fern was holding back tears and her sorrow made the grief well up inside his own chest. "I was heartbroken for the others...especially Paulie. But all I could think about was you. We didn't know immediately what had happened to you. I promised myself that if you came home I wouldn't be afraid to tell you how I felt. But I'm still afraid. Because I can't make you love me back.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Every year, Bailey, Angie, and Mike head to Philadelphia for the Fourth of July. They visit the Museum of Art, and Mike carries Bailey up those 72 steps and they do the Rocky reenactment. Angie helps Bailey raise his arms and they all yell, 'one more year!' Bailey loves Rocky. Does that suprise you?”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“But I'm just telling you right now. The lucky ones are the ones who don't come back.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“The lucky ones are the ones who don’t come back.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“If God makes all our faces, did he laugh when he made me?”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Give me your mouth, Fern. Please. Make it all go away.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“We believe that there are lessons in loss, power in love, and that we have within us the potential for a beauty so magnificent that our bodies can't contain it.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“he could take his friends from his heart, but in purging the memory, he would rob himself of the joy of having loved them, having known them, having learned from them. If he didn't understand pain, he wouldn't appreciate the hope that he'd started to feel again, the happiness he was hanging onto with both hands so it wouldn't slip away.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Ambrose loved the way Fern looked. But he wondered suddenly if he loved the way she looked because he loved the way she laughed, the way she danced, the way she floated on her back and made philosophical statements about the clouds. He knew he loved her selflessness and her humor and her sincerity. And those things made her beautiful to him.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Rita has spent her whole life being chased by boys. Because of that, she never had a chance to stop running long enough to figure out who she was and what kind of guy she should let catch her.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“People liked religion but they didn't want to have to excercise any faith. Religion was comforting with all its structure and its rules. It made people feel safe. But faith wasn't safe. Faith was hard and uncomfortable and forced people to step out on a limb.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Lost or Alone? Ambrose said alone, and Fern responded, “I would much rather be lost with you than alone without you, so I choose lost with a caveat.” Ambrose responded, “No caveats,” to which Fern replied, “Then lost, because alone feels permanent, and lost can be found.”   Streetlights”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Maybe someday, as the knots became unraveled, this moment would wrap around him, tying him to her. Or maybe her love would simply loosen the strings, freeing him to walk away.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“There are times like that bailey. Time you don't think you can take it anymore. But then you discover that you can. You always do. You're tough. You'll take a deep breath, swallow just a little bit more, endure just a little longer, and eventually you'll get your second wind.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Because terrible things happen to everyone. We're all just so caught up in our own crap that we don't see the sit everyone else is wading through.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Everybody is a main character to someone,”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“There was no way she could go back. She would be unalterably changed, ruined for anyone else. And she knew it as surely as if she's been kissed by a thousand men.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“True beauty, the kind that doesn't fade or wash off, takes time. It takes pressure. It takes incredible endurance. It is the slow drip that makes the stalactite, the shaking of the Earth that creates mountains, the constant pounding of the waves that breaks up the rocks and smooth the rough edges. And from the violence, the furor, the raging of the winds, the roaring of the waters, something better emerges, something that would otherwise never exist.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“I've often thought that beauty can be a deterrent to love,” Fern's father mused. “Why?” “Because sometimes we fall in love with a face and not what's behind it.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Why don't we have more babies, Mom? Bailey has big sisters. I wish I had a big sister.

“I don't know why, Fern. I tried to have more children, but sometimes we are given something so special, so wonderful, that one is enough.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“And she signed them: Yours, Fern. Could you belong to someone who didn’t want you? Fern decided it was possible, because her heart was his, and whether or not he wanted it didn’t seem to make much difference.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“She was quietly lovely, unassumingly pretty, completely unaware that at some point between awkwardness and adulthood she had grown so appealing. And because she was unaware, she became more appealing still. Ambrose”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“We don't get to choose when we go or how we go. None of us do.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
“Everybody is a main chracter to someone”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces
tags: hope
“True beauty, the kind that doesn’t fade or wash off, takes time. It takes pressure. It takes incredible endurance. It is the slow drip that makes the stalactite, the shaking of the earth that creates mountains, the constant pounding of the waves that break up the rocks and smooths the rough edges. And from the violence, the furor, the raging of the winds, the roaring of the waters, something better emerges, something that would otherwise never exist.
And so we endure. We have faith that there is purpose. We hope for things we cant see. We believe that there are lessons in loss, power in love, and that we have within us the potential for a beauty so magnificent that our bodies cant contain it.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces