The Universe Versus Alex Woods Quotes

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The Universe Versus Alex Woods The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence
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The Universe Versus Alex Woods Quotes Showing 1-30 of 57
“If you had to relive your life exactly as it was – same successes and failures, same happiness, same miseries, same mixture of comedy and tragedy – would you want to? Was it worth it?”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“When I read these books, I no longer felt like I was confined to a very tiny world. I no longer felt housebound and bedbound. Really, I told myself, I was just brainbound. And this was not such a sorry state of affairs. My brain, with a little help from other people's brains, could take me to some pretty interesting places, and create all kinds of wonderful things. Despite its faults, my brain, I decided, was not the worst place in the world to be.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“The most important thing I learned [...] was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“The first thing I learned that day was this: what you think you know about a person is only a fraction of the story.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“I'm saying that death is the easiest thing in the world. It's only dying that's terrible.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“In life, there are no true beginnings or endings.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Well, for each of us the brain creates a whole, unique universe. It contains everything we know. Everything we see or touch. Everything we feel and remember. In a sense, our brains create all of reality for us. Without the brain, there's nothing. Some people find this idea scary, but I think it's rather beautiful.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Funerals aren't for the dead. They're for the living.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“... not all scars are bad, Alex. Some are worth hanging on to ...”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“I knew how many zeroes there were in a quintillion, but I thought that algebra lived in ponds.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“In life, there are no true beginnings or endings. Events flow into each other, and the more you try to isolate them in a container, the more they spill over the sides, like canal-water breaching its artificial banks. A related point is that the things we label 'beginnings' and 'endings' are often, in reality, indistinguishable. They are one and the same thing. This is one of the things the Death card symbolizes in tarot - an end that is also a new beginning.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Even very low-probability events can, and indeed do, occur.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Because sometimes chance and circumstance can seem like the most appalling injustice, but we just have to adapt. That’s all we can do.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“In case you didn't know, in secondary school - especially in the early years of secondary school - diversity is not celebrated. In secondary school, being different is the worst crime you can commit. Actually, in secondary school, being different is pretty much the only crime you can commit.Most of the things the UN considers crimes are not considered crimes at secondary school. Being cruel is fine. Being brutal is fine. Being obnoxious is fine. Being superficial is especially fine. Explosive acts of violence are fine. taking pleasure in the humiliation of others is fine. Holding someone's head down the toilet is fine (and the weaker the someone, and the dirtier the toilet, the finer it is). None of these things will hurt your social standing. But being different - that's unforgivable. Being different is the fast-track to
Pariah Town. a pariah is someone who's excluded from mainstream society. And if you know that at twelve years of age, you're probably an inhabitant of Pariah Town.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Fear distorts the world. Fear sees demons where only shadows dwell.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
tags: fear
“If you're a boy, any display of sensitivity is gay. Compassion is gay. Crying is supergay. Reading is usually gay. Certain songs and types of music are gay. 'Enola Gay' would certainly be thought gay. Love songs are gay. Love itself is incredibly gay, as are any other heartfelt emotions. Singing is gay, but chanting is not gay. Wanking contests are not gay. Neither is all-male cuddling during specially designated periods in football matches, or communal bathing thereafter. (I didn't invent the rules of gay - I'm just telling you what they are.)”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Although I don't use it nearly so much anymore, I've decided, five years down the line, that Mr. Treadstone's verdict on 'kind of' was kind of unjust. Obviously, this phrase can be redundant or reductive, or just plain stupid in some sentences, but not in all sentences. I wouldn't, for example, use a sentence like 'Antarctica is kind of cold', or 'Hitler was kind of evil'. But sometimes, things aren't black and white. And sometimes 'kind of' expresses this better than any other phrase. For example, when I tell you that my mother was kind of peculiar, I can think of no better way of putting this.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“It's possible to find order in chaos, and it's equally possible to find chaos underlying apparent order. Order and chaos are slippery concepts. They're like a set of twins who like to swap clothing from time to time. Order and chaos frequently intermingle and overlap, the same as beginnings and endings. Things are often more complicated, or more simple, than they seem. Often it depends on your angle. I think that telling a story is a way of trying to make life's complexity more comprehensible. It's a way of trying to separate order from chaos, patterns from pandemonium.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Don't you think it's good to serve your country?' I asked. 'No, I don't,' Mr Peterson said. 'I think it's good to serve your principles. And in the army you don't get to pick and choose your fights according to your conscience. You kill on command. Don't ever surrender your right to make your own moral decisions, kid.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“I think a reading group should have a snappy name to attract members, don't you?'
Mr Peterson didn't ask about my snappy name, but I could tell his curiosity was piqued.
'The Secular Church of Kurt Vonnegut,' I said.
'Jesus F Christ,' said Mr Peterson.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“They sent the shrink round yesterday. He's put me on Prozac. Prozac! He thinks I'm depressed.'
'Aren't you depressed?'
'I wasn't depressed.'
'You did try to kill yourself,' I pointed out.
'Yes. That's what he said too. Apparently that's a classic symptom. It's not thought a sane plan of action for someone in my situation.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“[...] from what I'd been able to ascertain online, the Swiss were a reassuringly practical people. They had a long, proud history of staying out of wars, preferring to devote themselves to more constructive endeavours like science, secure banking and building extremely accurate clocks.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
tags: swiss
“brain creates a whole, unique universe. It contains everything we know. Everything we see or touch. Everything we feel and remember. In a sense, our brains create all of reality for us. Without the brain, there’s nothing. Some people find this idea scary, but I think it’s rather beautiful.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“All these thoughts drifted like clouds through the virtual space of my mind's eye - tiny electrical and chemical signals that combined to create an entire world - but then, after a while, everything just kind of melted away. All that was left was a calm blue void. I felt very happy.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“I knew that iridium-193 was one of two stable isotopes of iridium, a very rare, very dense metal, but I didn't know that the periodic table even existed.

I knew how many zeroes there were in a quintillion, but I thought that algebra lived in ponds.

I'd picked up a few Latin words, and a smattering of Elvish, but my French was non-existent.

I'd read more than one book of more than one thousand pages (more than once), but I wouldn't have been able to identify a metaphor if it poked me in the eye.

By secondary-school standards, I was quite a dunce.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“They called our arrangement a 'Death Pact' - but, really, that's not a phrase that tells you anything important. It's just the kind of phrase that sells newspapers. For us, it was never about death. It was about life. Knowing that there was a way out, that his suffering was not going to become unendurable (...).”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“I tapped on the door, with all the power of a farting flea.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“Sometimes words aren't needed.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
tags: words
“When I read these books, I no longer felt like I was confined to a very tiny world. I no longer felt housebound or bedbound. Really, I told myself, I was just brainbound, and this was not such a sorry state of affairs. My brain, with a little help from other peoples brains, could take me to some pretty interesting places, and create all kinds of wonderful things. Despite its faults, my brain, I decided, was not the worst place in the world to be.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods
“For us, it was never about death. It was about life. Knowing that there was a way out, and that his suffering was not going to become unendurable, was the one thing that allowed Mr. Peterson to go on living, much longer than he would have otherwise wanted. It was the weeks leading up to our pact that were shrouded in darkness and despair; after its inception, life became a meaningful prospect once more.”
Gavin Extence, The Universe Versus Alex Woods

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