Lady Knight Quotes

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Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, #4) Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce
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Lady Knight Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14
“Threats are the last resort of a man with no vocabulary.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“Military folk," Neal said with exaggerated patience, shaking his head. "The only way you know to solve problems is by beating them with a stick.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“You are the Protector of the Small. You see real people in the humans and animals overlooked by your peers. There will always be work for you.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“You mortals are like fish
swimming in a globe of glass.
That globe is your world.
You do not see beyond it.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“Mistresses, have you ever noticed that when we disagree with a male – I hesitate to say ‘man’ – or find ourselves in a position over males, the first comment they make is always about our reputations or our monthlies?”

One of the new women snorted. Others snickered.

Kel looked at the man, who was momentarily speechless. “If I disagree with you, should I place blame on the misworkings of your manhood? Or do I refrain from so serious an insult” – she made a face – “far more serious, of course, than your hint that I am a whore. Because my mother taught me courtesy, I only suggest that my monthlies will come long after your hair has escaped your head entirely.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“We'll be chopped up before you can say 'King Maggot'.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“That's all this job is, Daine," she explained. "Trying to please everyone and pleasing no one. And it will only get worse, not better.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“I knew it!" he cried, jubilant. "I thought 'twas you, but there's more of you now. You should've seen
the likes of her, boys," he said, turning towards the other convicts as he pointed at Kel. "We was all outlaws, livin' on the edges, and this bunch of pages stumbled into our camp. We chased 'em back in a canyon, and her -" he jabbed his finger at Kel - "she gutted ol' Breakbone Dell, and him the meanest dog-skinner you'd ever hope to meet. Stood there afoot, her and her spear, cool as meltwater with Breakbone ridin' down on her with that neck-cutter sword of his. First time she got 'im in the leg, second in the tripes, and he was done. Her and six lads held us all back, just them. There she was, eyes like stone and that bloody spear in her hand. Lady." He bowed deep.

Kel looked at him, not sure what to say. Finally she asked, "What's your name, soldier?"

"Me? Gilab Lofts - Gil. Lady. It's - it's good to see you well." He bowed again and returned to his
seat, whispering with the men on either side of him.
Kel waited for them to quiet once again before she said ruefully, "I'm not sure that being known for
gutting a man is exactly a recommendation for a commander."

"It is in the north!" cried someone. Several men laughed outright; others grinned.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“Don't worry. We'll farm, soon's he finishes wi' that new-style Scanran fertilizer.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“I hate those things,” grumbled Kel as she removed the bowstring.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“I respect you heaps, lady knight. I’d’ve thrown myself off a bridge, getting this assignment. You, you’re there with lists and plans. You listen to every flap-mouthed bumpkin who thinks he can do your task better, and you answer with a smile and thanks. Why, you’ve inspired me to be a blessing to my fellow bumpkin, just like you.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“She preferred to avoid battles with them now so she would have authority with them later if she needed to use it.
They never say it's one thing to be given command by your superiors and another to be given it by the men under you, she thought as she and Neal rode back to Haven.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“When people tell me a knight’s job is all glory, I laugh, and laugh, and laugh,” Lord Raoul had once told Kel. “Sometimes I can stop laughing before they edge away and talk about soothing drinks.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight
“It disgusts me,” whispered Baird, “what people allow, if they think those who commit vile acts can help them to achieve some goal.”
Tamora Pierce, Lady Knight