Magic Bites

Author: Ilona Andrews
Book: Magic Bites

When the magic is up, rogue mages cast their spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictably as it arose, leaving all kinds of paranormal problems in its wake.

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up these magical problems. But when Kate's guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta's magi…more

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3

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message 1: by Pat

Pat Sciarini Even though I've read the entire Kate Daniels series several times, this makes me want to go back and start over again.

Stephanie Pat wrote: "Even though I've read the entire Kate Daniels series several times, this makes me want to go back and start over again."

YES indeed! LUV this kick@$$ heroine

message 3: by Betty

Betty Morgan I just started a reread with the special edition of nook one with the entire manuscript restored.

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