Suzannah Rowntree’s Reviews > A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond > Status Update

Suzannah Rowntree
Suzannah Rowntree is on page 31 of 256
"Astrology was the ancient world's most ambitious applied mathematics problem, a grand data-analysis enterprise sustained for centuries by some of history's most brilliant minds... Just consider that for much of the last two thousand years, the word "mathematician" (mathematicus) simply meant an astrologer; there was no distinction"
Sep 15, 2024 03:05PM
A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond

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Suzannah Rowntree’s Previous Updates

Suzannah Rowntree
Suzannah Rowntree is on page 203 of 256
the invention of the mechanical clock somewhere around 1300 is so cool T_T so mysterious and so medieval
1 hour, 4 min ago
A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond

Suzannah Rowntree
Suzannah Rowntree is on page 152 of 256
"a great deal of Arabic science was the work of individuals who may not have been Arab or even Muslim" so nice to see this being recognised more!!!
Sep 27, 2024 05:38PM
A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond

Suzannah Rowntree
Suzannah Rowntree is on page 118 of 256
"Trying to figure out which story, if any, is hiding in your data is challenging expressly because there are usually multiple stories which can be crafted, and deciding which one to emphasise rarely has anything to do with the data with exploring the world, so too with data: all too often, you find only what you were looking for."
Sep 23, 2024 02:54PM
A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond

Suzannah Rowntree
Suzannah Rowntree is on page 70 of 256
Astrology remains absolutely wild to me, particularly the fact that all our "star signs" are a couple of thousand years out of date thanks to the precession of the equinoxes, and this author takes it more seriously than I do. But the mathematical/scientific details cover a ton of the same ground as THE LIGHT AGES which is helping immensely.
Sep 16, 2024 03:28PM
A Scheme of Heaven: The History and Science of Astrology, from Ptolemy to the Victorians and Beyond

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