Donna Davis’s Reviews > Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center > Status Update

Donna  Davis
Donna Davis is on page 14 of 288
Off to a good start. Less gory and more interesting than one might think.
Feb 16, 2014 09:42AM
Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center


Donna ’s Previous Updates

Donna  Davis
Donna Davis is on page 140 of 288
Marvelous anecdotes. Loved the Heimlich maneuver, and the French press.
Feb 20, 2014 08:29PM
Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Donna  Davis
Donna Davis is on page 135 of 288
Marvelous anecdotes. Loved the Heimlich maneuver, and the French press.
Feb 20, 2014 05:31PM
Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Donna  Davis
Donna Davis is on page 75 of 288
Great stories and humor. The deeply personal nature combined with light moments makes it an easy, fast read.
Feb 19, 2014 04:15PM
Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center

Donna  Davis
Donna Davis is on page 36 of 288
Thought this might be either dark or dull, but was interested enough to enter the G.reads giveaway for it. I find it surprisingly engaging & interesting. Nice narrative style & I like the candor. Also shows what is in a title: if the author had put the word "amputee" in the title, it would have scared me off. Yet there are lots of amputees in her work, & it is a compelling read so far.
Feb 17, 2014 02:51PM
Run, Don't Walk: The Curious and Chaotic Life of a Physical Therapist Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center

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