2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,233,791
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Elinor has read 36 of 35 books in 2020.
  • Java 8 Lambdas by Richard Warburton
  • Plays Pleasant by George Bernard Shaw
  • The Lost Lights of St Kilda by Elisabeth Gifford
  • The Final Cut by Michael Dobbs
  • 1066 and All That by W.C. Sellar
  • The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson
  • The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama
  • To Play the King by Michael Dobbs
  • The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God by George Bernard Shaw
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message 1: by Yvonne G (new)

Yvonne G Hi Elinor,

It is really difficult to know where to pitch your target for these challenges, isn't it?

My reading is quite slow by comparison to many other participants, so I tend to stick to the same kind of figure each year, as I know what my ceiling is going to be.

You have raced through your challenge for 2020, so I wonder whether you will up the ante in 2021?

Happy Reading :)

message 2: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Hi Yvonne,

I agree, it is difficult to get that number right. My reading has been rather erratic these last few years, but I do miss it so!

I read 6 books only last year - which I felt was way too few. So I decided ten was a minimum. Then I was off sick for 8 weeks (nothing life-threatening I hasten to add) which accounts for much of my reading this year, and particularly those 1000-page Ken Follett’s.

I am a very slow reader compared to most, and am carving out much needed time to read - which I absolutely love! Reading a book a week would make me feel on top of my game, and feed my mind in all the right ways.

Some people here are absolutely stunning, reading two books a day! That would be too much for me to take in. So I shall up the ante next year to about this year’s total. And see if I can eventually make it to 52 a year!

Happy Reading :-).

message 3: by Yvonne G (new)

Yvonne G Elinor wrote: "Hi Yvonne,

I agree, it is difficult to get that number right. My reading has been rather erratic these last few years, but I do miss it so!

I read 6 books only last year - which I felt was way t..."

Hi Elinor,

My own reading pattern pretty much reflects yours exactly and I then start to get a bit paranoid that so many others here, seem to get through their books at such a rate of knots!

I actually quite enjoy taking my time over a book, although I know I could read so much more if I didn't run the blog alongside, as well as work of course!

I don't tend to read those 'chunkster' books if I can help it, as I find them a bit demoralising for someone who reads so slowly, so I admire your tenacity.

This is meant to be a relaxing hobby, so that's how I am going to treat it from now on - you have no idea how many times I have tried to convince myself about that :)

I hope that you are fully recovered from your sickness now and please stay safe in these troubled times :)

message 4: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee You are doing really well. Bet you remember your books which a fast reader like me often doesn’t! Safe Saale and well in these unprecedented times 🤗

message 5: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Yvonne said: "I don't tend to read those 'chunkster' books if I can help it, as I find them a bit demoralising for someone who reads so slowly, so I admire your tenacity."

I agree Yvonne, reading these long books in tiny daily chunks after work can be harrowing. I did this with "A little life" (720 pages), but it wasn't very pleasurable and took me (aaa)ages to read. Here I was lucky to have lots of time on my hands, so I never lost track despite the numerous characters.

"This is meant to be a relaxing hobby, so that's how I am going to treat it from now on - you have no idea how many times I have tried to convince myself about that :)"
Couldn't agree more with this :-). It's a delicate balance between quantity and quality for those of us who don't read super fast.

"I hope that you are fully recovered from your sickness now and please stay safe in these troubled times :)"

Thank you so much, I am thankfully, and back at work now - so tackling less daunting books at the moment!

Do stay safe too, and enjoy your reading :-)

message 6: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Ceecee wrote: "You are doing really well. Bet you remember your books which a fast reader like me often doesn’t! Safe Saale and well in these unprecedented times 🤗"

Hi Ceecee,

Thank you - I am doing my best and keeping it fun and pleasurable :-). It's incredible how fast you read!! Unfortunately I am not sure that I do - =D

Stay safe too, and happy reading :-)

message 7: by P.R. (new)

P.R. Hi Elinor,
The main thing is to enjoy what you read - and it seems that you do!
My late father was a very slow reader, but he thoroughly enjoyed what he read and I think he probably saw far more detail than I ever do. The older I get, the more I tend to reject books I don't think I will like, rather than wading through them to the bitter end as I once did. Life is too short!
Stay well :)

message 8: by Elinor (new)

Elinor P.R. wrote: "Hi Elinor,
The main thing is to enjoy what you read - and it seems that you do!
My late father was a very slow reader, but he thoroughly enjoyed what he read and I think he probably saw far more de..."

Couldn't agree more! It wouldn't be worth doing if it weren't fun :-). I do like to stretch myself to other genres now and again, just for the sake of getting those mind muscles to flex a little.

I love your suggestion to not force oneself to finish a book that just isn't working for us - whatever the reason. As you say, life is too short and there are so many good books out there to enjoy!

Stay safe :-)

message 9: by Beata (new)

Beata Good luck with your challenge, Elinor! :))

message 10: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Thanks Beata, I have upped it because I crossed the 10 books mark a while back. Fingers crossed 🙂.

message 11: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Oooh can I actually do 35? Getting worried! 🤨

message 12: by Montzalee (new)

Montzalee Wittmann Happy holidays!

message 13: by Elinor (new)

Elinor Thank you! Just a few days to go before the end of the challenge! Good luck and enjoy the holiday season.

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