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My Year in Books
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Woods etc. by Alice Oswald
Shortest Book
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez
Longest Book

Average book length in 2023

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Most Shelved
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Maggie Matheson - Down Undercover by Ian Hornett
Least Shelved
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Steve’s average rating for 2023

Maggie Matheson - Down Undercover by Ian Hornett
Highest Rated on Goodreads
4.65 average

Gaston Hall by L.B. Stimson

Steve’s first review of the year

it was amazing
I enjoyed this creepy ghost tale with its unusual twists and turns. With an orphanage haunted by capricious children, a strict matriarch hiding secrets, and a distinctly dodgy preacher, it has all the ingredients of the classic southern gothic story. There is racism, bullying and the pathos of the lost children. But Gaston Hall is also more than this, with the intriguing perspective of its lead character, Elsie, whose tragic fate puts her in a un ...more

Hare House by Sally Hinchcliffe
Woods etc. by Alice Oswald
The Sound of Being Human by Jude Rogers
it was amazing
Gaston Hall by L.B. Stimson
Maggie Matheson - Down Undercover by Ian Hornett
Song of Kali by Dan Simmons
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez
Immortelle by Catherine  McCarthy
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
The Ghost Woods by C.J.  Cooke
really liked it

Immortelle by Catherine  McCarthy

Steve’s last review of the year

it was amazing
I really enjoyed this chilling novella, with its gripping tale of a mother seeking the truth about her daughter’s suspicious death in a Welsh coastal village.

When her fiercely independent daughter Rowena is found dead in a water trough with arsenic in her system, Elinor is devastated. She suspects the enigmatic new priest, Father McKendrick, but he gives her a plausible explanation of events that allays her suspicions. In a desperate attempt to
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