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My Year in Books
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Dela Torre by Dani Putney
Shortest Book
News of the Air by Jill Stukenberg
Longest Book

Average book length in 2023

Enjoy me among my ruins by Juniper Fitzgerald
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Unearthingly by Julian Mithra
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Glassworks’s average rating for 2023
it was amazing

Green Regalia by Adam Tavel
Highest Rated on Goodreads
it was amazing
5.00 average

Green Regalia by Adam Tavel

Glassworks’s first review of the year

it was amazing
Reviewed by Rebecca Green on www.rowanglassworks.org.

Nature is boundless: it covers just about everything we know. And yet, as modern technology progresses, nature has somewhat morphed into a monstrosity in our everyday lives. Many people today fear the unknown depths of the natural world and shy away from exploring it too closely. What might we be missing out on by avoiding nature in all of its pure and chaotic glory?

Adam Tavel’s Green Regalia a

Green Regalia by Adam Tavel
it was amazing
Halfway from Home by Sarah Fawn Montgomery
Who's Your Daddy by Arisa White
Unearthingly by Julian Mithra
Manic-depressive Pixie Dream Girl by Katya Zinn
News of the Air by Jill Stukenberg
Enjoy me among my ruins by Juniper Fitzgerald
Suede Mantis / Soft Rage by Jennifer Soong
The Geography of First Kisses by Karin Cecile Davidson
Almost Deadly, Almost Good by Alice Kaltman
it was amazing
Dela Torre by Dani Putney

Dela Torre by Dani Putney

Glassworks’s last review of the year

it was amazing
Reviews by Nyds L. Rivera on www.rowanglassworks.org.

“For all the mutts.”

Dela Torre, the most recent chapbook from poet and essayist Dani Putney, opens with this dedication. Simple and effective, they give no other preface before diving into 20-some pages of raw, emotional poetry where they break down their own mixed-race heritage, the history of their parents, and tear into colonialism with sharpened teeth. While Dela Torre runs rife with vario
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