Fiona Reid

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Amit Ray
“Gross compassion quotient (GCQ) of a country is the measure of the level of compassion of the country as whole.”
Amit Ray, Nuclear Weapons Free World - Peace on the Earth

Amit Ray
“Universe is like a soup of consciousness. Brain is just a receiver. Awareness is continuously transforming thoughts into matter.”
Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step

Amit Ray
“Unless you understand the pain and sufferings of the people, trees, birds and the nature, how can you understand God.”
Amit Ray, Peace Bliss Beauty and Truth: Living with Positivity

Amit Ray
“Compassion quotient (CQ) is the ability of a person to feel and understand the pain of others and the ability to go out of the way to help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of another and themselves.”
Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

Amit Ray
“Unless you truly feel the pain and sufferings of the people and living beings in flood, famine, poverty, disease, exploitation, and hunger – you cannot grow spiritually, scientifically, politically, and socially.”
Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

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