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P.T. Barnum
“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”
P.T. Barnum

“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this and reactionary state’s attorneys like Hanrahan with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.”
Fred Hampton

Nikita Khrushchev
“If the people believe there’s an imaginary river out there, you don’t tell them there’s no river there. You build an imaginary bridge over the imaginary river”
Nikita Khrushchev

Brandon Sanderson
“Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.”
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer

Blaise Pascal
“Eloquence is a painting of thought; and thus those who, after having painted it, add something more, make a picture instead of a portrait.”
Blaise Pascal

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