Paula Hawkins

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Book cover for The Girl on the Train
My mother used to tell me that I had an overactive imagination; Tom said that, too. I can’t help it, I catch sight of these discarded scraps, a dirty T-shirt or a lonesome shoe, and all I can think of is the other shoe and the feet that ...more
Paula Hawkins
There are three narrators in THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN, but the book is undoubtedly Rachel’s story. It is through Rachel’s eyes that we see most of the action: it is in Rachel’s fevered thoughts that we find ourselves immersed. Rachel is the reader’s eyes and ears, Rachel is our unreliable witness. She is many other things, too: an ex-wife, a daughter, a commuter, an alcoholic, a woman who yearns for a child she cannot have. She is lonely, she is ostracized. She is an outsider. Rachel is the sort of character you will find in all three of my novels, including my most recent, A SLOW FIRE BURNING. My books are filled not with happy, well-adjusted people from nuclear families but with people who, for one reason or another, find themselves outside of the bounds of “accepted social structures.” Rachel in THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN and Laura and Miriam in A SLOW FIRE BURNING are people who are just about hanging on by their fingernails, at the point of slipping through the cracks. It is through these characters -- women who are struggling, who are pushed to extremes – that I explore the novels’ themes: women’s place in society, the impact of trauma on our bodies and minds, the slipperiness of memory, the stories we tell about ourselves and each other.
Anne and 853 other people liked this
Susan Tebbutt
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Susan Tebbutt
Loved it! Book much better than movie, in my opinion.
Kelli Hotard
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Kelli Hotard
Very good, edge of your seat, can't put it down, book.
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I’ve listened to it twice with a few years in between. I listen every day and over almost 7 years with Audible, I’ve collected a vast library of audiobooks. The second time I had no recollection of li…
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