Spencer Thompson

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Book cover for American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President Trump
What Trump does not understand is that his populist, inward-facing “Make America Great Again” mantra is less a revelation than a resurrection. For generations, his ideological forebears—from Ohio senator Robert A. Taft, to the leaders of ...more
Jim Rohn
“Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average.”
Jim Rohn

“Most of us are always trying to increase our wealth, but you and your officers seem far more concerned with perfecting your souls.”
Xenophon, Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War

Jim Rohn
“Success is something you attract by the person you become ”
Jim Rohn

Winston S. Churchill
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
Winston Churchill

David  Brooks
“In this scheme of things we don’t create our lives; we are summoned by life. The important answers are not found inside, they are found outside. This perspective begins not within the autonomous self, but with the concrete circumstances in which you happen to be embedded. This perspective begins with an awareness that the world existed long before you and will last long after you, and that in the brief span of your life you have been thrown by fate, by history, by chance, by evolution, or by God into a specific place with specific problems and needs. Your job is to figure certain things out: What does this environment need in order to be made whole? What is it that needs repair? What tasks are lying around waiting to be performed? As the novelist Frederick Buechner put it, “At what points do my talents and deep gladness meet the world’s deep need?”
David Brooks, The Road to Character

28637 Studying Psychology — 289 members — last activity Feb 26, 2015 03:28PM
Psychology is a fascinating subject that can elicit great discussion. Here we discuss various kinds of psychology, recommend and review psychology boo ...more
3319 Think [the box] ing — 314 members — last activity Jul 29, 2018 09:06AM
NOTE: Please refrain from using this group to promote your book. Such posts will be deleted. For all those who appreciate thinking, discussing and de ...more
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