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Jasper Fforde
“Do I have to talk to insane people?"
"You're a librarian now. I'm afraid it's mandatory.”
Jasper Fforde, The Woman Who Died a Lot

Christopher Fowler
“These hippie writers are selfish and irresponsible. I’ll tell you what made our nation the bastion of patrician morality it is today: the ability to be profoundly miserable. It’s one of our greatest strengths, to be ranked beside shutting the boozers at ten-thirty and regarding the waterproof mackintosh as an acceptable item of clothing.”
Christopher Fowler, Hall of Mirrors

Phillip DePoy
“For reasons I can only guess, my mother always instructed me that it was impolite to tell the truth...Whatever she lacked in versimilitude, she more than made up for in stealth.”
Phillip DePoy

Donald Barthelme
“Succeed! It has been done, and with a stupidity that can astound the most experienced.”
Donald Barthelme

“It's a mistake to lie to a librarian, you know. Some people assume we're shy and gullible, but we know how to dig up the dirt.”
Virginia Lowell

year in books
13,630 books | 3,741 friends

687 books | 2,053 friends

32,950 books | 2,127 friends

Laura Anne
1,554 books | 41 friends

1,595 books | 29 friends

1,541 books | 128 friends

4,834 books | 58 friends

2,419 books | 2,452 friends

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