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“God has attached an enormous ball to this chain: the obligation of restoring the neighbor's reputation. Saint Augustine's words here are as true for backbiting as for money: "Non dimittitur peccatum nisi restituatur ablatum: No restoration, no pardon.”
Fr. Belet

“Sage's Gift Maps Out In A Keyring”
The Wisp Projector

“Blessed is the nightbird that sings for joy and not to be heard,”
Marty Rubin

Thorstein Veblen
“ is also true that the classics have scarcely lost in absolute value as a voucher of scholastic respectability, since for this purpose it is only necessary that the scholar should be able to put in evidence some learning which is conventionally recognized as evidence of wasted time; and the classics lend themselves with great facility to this use.”
Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class

W.E.B. Du Bois
“It is a hard thing to live haunted by the ghost of an untrue dream; to see the wide vision of empire fade into real ashes and dirt; to feel the pang of the conquered, and yet know that with all the Bad that fell on one black day, something was vanquished that deserved to live, something killed that in justice had not dared to die; to know that with the Right that triumphed, triumphed something of Wrong, something sordid and mean, something less than the broadest and best.”
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk

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