7321568 C.J.'s Friend Comments

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message 10: by Annna

Annna C.J. wrote: "Annna wrote: "I'm SO happy that you liked my review on Resistance. You are amazing. I just have one question:
Why is Carter so perfect???I LOVE him"

Haha Carter is not exactly perfect in Legacy! B..."

Realy?I mean I read the book, but I still think he's perfect and it's not his folt fore his and Allie's brake up.Wow. Love IS blind

message 9: by C.J.

C.J. Daugherty Annna wrote: "I'm SO happy that you liked my review on Resistance. You are amazing. I just have one question:
Why is Carter so perfect???I LOVE him"

Haha Carter is not exactly perfect in Legacy! But he's kind of perfect again later. Because that's how it should BE!! :-)

message 8: by C.J.

C.J. Daugherty Lucinda wrote: "Dear C.J,
Thank you so much for acepting my friendship request! I love your Night School series so much and so it is wonderful to connect with you here on Goodreads.
Kind Regards
Lucinda X"

Thanks Lucinda! I'm glad you love Night School!! :-)

message 7: by Annna

Annna I'm SO happy that you liked my review on Resistance. You are amazing. I just have one question:
Why is Carter so perfect???I LOVE him

message 6: by L

L Dear C.J,
Thank you so much for acepting my friendship request! I love your Night School series so much and so it is wonderful to connect with you here on Goodreads.
Kind Regards
Lucinda X

Emilija C.J. wrote: "I would love to! It will probably be for Book 2, so maybe early next year. Whenever I do, I'll post it on Facebook and Twitter! And thanks for your review! I LOVED IT. :-) "

Ok! I'm really looking forward to the sequel. :)

message 4: by C.J.

C.J. Daugherty Emilija wrote: "Hey, C.J. Just wanted to ask if you're ever going to come up North for a book singing? Somewhere like Yorkshire or Shefield? Please let me know if you are! I would love to come and meet you. :)"

I would love to! It will probably be for Book 2, so maybe early next year. Whenever I do, I'll post it on Facebook and Twitter! And thanks for your review! I LOVED IT. :-)

Emilija Hey, C.J. Just wanted to ask if you're ever going to come up North for a book singing? Somewhere like Yorkshire or Shefield? Please let me know if you are! I would love to come and meet you. :)

message 2: by C.J.

C.J. Daugherty Courtney wrote: "Is Night School available in the US?"

Not quite yet! But it will be in about nine months. So hang in there!

Courtney Is Night School available in the US?

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