60790526 Raymond's Friend Comments

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Raymond Elmo Posted my essay about Gormenghast and its author, Merwyn Peake. He was a talented playwright, poet, artist and novelist. But wow, did life keep putting him in awful places.
Give me beer, bread and boredom all my days.


Raymond Elmo Put 'Footprints' for free on Amazon this weekend and today.
Bang; it's jumped to rank #4 for its weird little niche.

I have a best seller! Except free, which means 'selling" in the sense of giving it away.
Business puzzles me.


Raymond Elmo Wrote an essay about Tanith Lee.
Quietest writer's life I've ever encountered.
I keep wondering if we miss something about her.
If you write vast feasts of adventures and poetry, are you allowed to live quiet and happy?


Raymond Elmo I have never come to hate a book-movie advertisement as 'Forever my Girl'. This has become like to some torment in Clockwork Orange, wherein the patient is taught to flinch or scream each time the stimulus is presented.

The idiot super-star rocker returning to his small town and girl-he-left, who's become even better looking tho she has a child with an IQ of 200, precocious little beast.... THIS IS A PLOT WRITTEN BY MACHINE ALGORYTHMS FED A BUCKET OF SUGAR AND DAYDREAMS.

It is all over the internet. It. Won't. Leave. Me. Alone!

Raymond Elmo My new series has vampires in kilts, pirate mimes.
Serious stuff.

For book #2, The Moon Tartan:
There is a castle.
It has a floor the hero is told 'better not go there'.
'Course he does.
Interesting but harmless, till he gets to HER room.
Who is this pale child who lives alone?
That's the question.

Although, can she GET OUT is a good question too.

Hi Akje!

message 1: by Akje

Akje Not much to say at the moment, except hi, Ray! bouncing star

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