5026682 Anna's Friend Comments

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message 8: by Anab

Anab You are so pretty! Btw, loved Eve :)

Christine Hatfield Thanks for being my friend

message 6: by Mig

Mig I LOVE EVE! has it been optioned by any movie publishers?

message 5: by Lily

Lily Hi thank you for adding me as a friend. Eve is such a beautiful story can't wait to read Once. The release date of Once is July 3rd and also my birthday so excited to read Once. If you ever want to talk about books I am here and would like to get some book reccomendation when you can.

message 4: by Vicki

Vicki Less than a month to go AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

message 3: by Vicki

Vicki 51 Days and counting...... :)

Rogier Thanks for your friendship, Anna! ;D so looking4ward to once

Ms. MiLo Thanks for the add Anna! I'm looking forward to reading your books :)

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