3228200 A.O.'s Friend Comments

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Berenice Hello Angela! Thank you for the friend request! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend =).

message 43: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Sandy Jay wrote: "Hi Angela! Thanks for the friend request."

Thank you, Sandy!

Sandy Jay Hi Angela! Thanks for the friend request.

message 41: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Taznim wrote: "hi ANGELA,
thanx 4 adding me as a friend!!"

Hi Taznim,
Thank you too! Have a fabulous weekend :-)

message 40: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Kathryn wrote: "Hi Angela, thanks for the friend request and it is nice to meet you! :)"

Hi Kathryn,
Nice to meet you too! Thank you for accepting the friend request.

Tasneem hi ANGELA,
thanx 4 adding me as a friend!!

message 38: by Kathryn

Kathryn Hi Angela, thanks for the friend request and it is nice to meet you! :)

message 37: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Ascension wrote: "thank you so much for your friendship,you friendship is important to me. If you have any questions about my goodreads profile just ask me ok?"

Thank you! Looking forward to exchanging book recommendations :-)

message 36: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Sandra wrote: "Hi Angela,
Thanks for the friendship!"

Thank you, Sandra. Have a fabulous day :-)

message 35: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Hi Khim,

Nice to meet you too! I see you are in Netherlands - I've been there many years ago and loved it :-)
Here is my Twitter account - if you are interested, check it out and follow. Thank you and happy reading.


Khim wrote: "Hello Angela,

How are you? I hope all is going well for you.

Thank you so much for your friend request. It's nice to meet you.

Talk to you later and have a wonderful day.


message 34: by Khim

Khim Hello Angela,

How are you? I hope all is going well for you.

Thank you so much for your friend request. It's nice to meet you.

Talk to you later and have a wonderful day.


message 33: by Sandra

Sandra Hi Angela,
Thanks for the friendship!

message 32: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Hanna*Deuces* wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, Can't wait to see what Reviews you have."

Thank you, Hanna. If you are interested in my reviews, I have several here or you can check out my blog at http://cheeriosandpearlsstories.blogs...

Angela :-)

Hanna[h] Cumberbatch Thanks for the friend request, Can't wait to see what Reviews you have.

message 30: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Megan wrote: "Thanks for the friend request. Looking forward to discussing books with you :)"

Same here, Megan!

message 29: by Megan

Megan Thanks for the friend request. Looking forward to discussing books with you :)

message 28: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Cheryl wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, Angela."

And likewise, Cheryl!

message 27: by Cheryl

Cheryl Landmark Thanks for the friend request, Angela.

message 26: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Steve wrote: "Hi Angela,
Thanks for the friend request -x- I think you'll enjoy The Time Traveller's Wife, as for The Catcher in The Rye *laughing*, good luck ;) You probably shouldn't read my review, it may s..."

Thanks, Steve. The Time Traveller's Wife is on my to-read-list. Or I better check if it is :-) Anyway, I've been planning to read it since last summer!

Steve Hi Angela,
Thanks for the friend request -x- I think you'll enjoy The Time Traveller's Wife, as for The Catcher in The Rye *laughing*, good luck ;) You probably shouldn't read my review, it may spoil the fun ;)

Best wishes, Steve.

message 24: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Karen wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, Angela. Love your profile pic. You look very happy. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you, Karen. Have a great weekend too :-)

message 23: by Karen

Karen Gammons Thanks for the friend request, Angela. Love your profile pic. You look very happy. Have a wonderful weekend.

message 22: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Pamela wrote: "Hey Angela...Thanks for accepting my friend request."

Thank you, Pamela!

message 21: by Pamela

Pamela Hey Angela...Thanks for accepting my friend request.

message 20: by Saniya

Saniya thanks for the add :D

message 19: by Ez

Ez Thanks for the add, Angela! :D

message 18: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Alyssa wrote: "Thanks for the add :)"

And likewise!

message 17: by Alyssa

Alyssa hoffmaster Thanks for the add :)

message 16: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Lady Danielle "The Book Huntress" wrote: "Hi Angela!"

Hi Lady Danielle. Thanks for "friending" me. Happy reading.

message 15: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Zosia wrote: "Thanks for the friend invite! I’m Ukrainian, but my family is from the West, and lived under Polish rule before World War Two. So our culture is a bit mixed!"

Oh, so it's mine - I'm half Lithuanian, half Polish :-)

message 13: by Bex

Bex Heya Angela

Thanks for the friend add :)...look forward to your reviews and recommendations...Happy reading :D

message 12: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Hi Shawnette,
Same here! Thanks!

SassyMama Hey, Angela...WELCOME to goodreads...thanks for the invite into your circle of friends...looking forward to sharing chats, reviews and any/all recommendations...Happy Reading & Writing :-)

message 10: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Mel wrote: "Thanks for the add Angela :)"

Ditto, Mel!

message 9: by Mel

Mel Thanks for the add Angela :)

message 8: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Same here! Thanks, Yz :-)

Yz the Whyz Thanks for the friend invite. Looking forward to chatting about books. : )

message 6: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Judi wrote: "Thanks for the friend request. :) It's always great to meet fellow book-a-holics."

Well, I am a true book-a-holic for sure ;-)

message 5: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Right back at ya, Quinn :-)

message 4: by A.O.

A.O. Peart Thank you, Dilly! :-)

Quentin Thanks for "Friending" me -- Quinn

message 1: by Judi

Judi Thanks for the friend request. :) It's always great to meet fellow book-a-holics.

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