30651309 M.P.'s Friend Comments

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message 7: by M.P.

M.P. Sharma Brigid *Flying Kick-a-pow!* wrote: "No problem! :) Nice to meet you!"

Thanks! See you around :)

Brigid ✩ No problem! :) Nice to meet you!

message 5: by Liz

Liz Thank you for the friend request! Happy reading and writing! :)

Sophia Thanks for the friend request! See you around GR!

message 3: by Sarah

Sarah Hi M.P. thank you for the friend request! (=

message 2: by M.P.

M.P. Sharma Avalon ☠Just Give In And You Won't Be Sorry☠ wrote: "Heya, M.P.! :) No problem. How are you?"

I'm fine thanks! I hope you're well too :)

Giselle Hi M.P.! Thanks so much for friending me. I too can't wait to be nerdy with a fellow book nerd :P

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