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First Lie Wins

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Evie Porter has everything a nice, Southern girl could want: a perfect, doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence and a garden, a fancy group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn’t exist.

The identity comes first: Evie Porter. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job.

Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job will be different. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time.

Because the one thing she’s worked her entire life to keep clean, the one identity she could always go back to—her real identity—just walked right into this town. Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there’s still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn't be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge...

340 pages, Hardcover

First published January 2, 2024

About the author

Ashley Elston

7 books4,743 followers
Ashley Elston worked for many years as a wedding photographer before turning her hand to writing. She lives in Louisiana with her husband and three sons. Elston has written six young adult novels. FIRST LIE WINS, her adult debut, was a number one New York Times bestseller and was selected as a Reese’s Book Club pick.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41,826 reviews
Profile Image for Yun.
568 reviews29.3k followers
June 21, 2024
Ooh yes, I do love it when a thriller fulfills its promise and actually thrills me. And First Lie Wins sure does.

When I go into a mystery/thriller, my expectations are always sky high. I know, I know... I'm setting myself up for failure. But I can't help it. There's so much hype surrounding books in this genre, it's hard not to get swept up in the excitement.

By the time I get my hands on the book, I'm usually frothing at the mouth, hoping this is the thriller that will make my eyebrows raise so high and my jaw drop so hard that I end up looking like a cartoon character. But alas, I remain looking firmly like myself. So it's quite a delight when I come across one that actually delivers on the thrills.

Right off the bat, this feels like a unique story. It isn't just your typical domestic thriller, with the is he/she trying to kill the other, and yes he/she is, but the twist is that no he/she isn't, but gotcha the last twist is that he/she really is. (You can tell from my bitterness that I've read too many of those.) Thankfully, this story has nothing to do with that. Instead, it reminds me of , one of my favorite TV shows of all time.

I absolutely love the way this story is plotted. It's got so many threads all interweaving together, along with plenty of twists and turns. In fact, this story surprised me so many times I lost count. And the reveals aren't just saved for the end where they are dumped on you in one go, but instead nicely spaced throughout so you get plenty of surprises along the way.

If I had to point to one weakness, it would be the writing. There was something about it that came across a bit forced to me, as if it hadn't gone through all the necessary rounds of editing. It didn't flow naturally, and it took me out of the story at times. Along with how complex the plot is and how much explanation is required, and the whole thing felt more convoluted and clunky than it needed to be. Still, that seems like a small complaint when the plot is so enjoyable.

As is usual for this genre, you should go in blind. Don't peek at the blurb/book jacket and definitely don't read any summaries. Unfortunately, I didn't follow my own instructions. I have this urge to read anything placed in front of me (instructions, ingredient lists, street signs, what have you), and in a moment of baby-related sleep deprivation, I accidentally read the book jacket. It wasn't a huge spoiler, but it did clue me in on the direction of the story and the initial chapters. So you've been warned.

If you're looking for a thriller that's a bit different and will actually thrill you, this is definitely a worthwhile contender. I suspect it'll end up being one of the biggest thrillers of the year.

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This was a pick for my Book of the Month box. Get your first book for $5 here.
Profile Image for Rachel Hanes.
600 reviews599 followers
January 23, 2024
Here I am again on outlier island 🏝️…
I went into this book with extremely high expectations after seeing all the raving reviews, with the majority of them being five stars. But once again, I am left completely underwhelmed and wondering what I missed? I think this book is way over hyped, and people are falling into the hype unfortunately.

In fact, for the first time ever- I’m at a loss for words as I’m not even sure how to review this book. I mean what did I just read? Was this a secret agent/ undercover spy novel? 🕵️ Was this a woman running from her past? Was this about falling in love while finding yourself? I’m so confused?! All I know is that what started off as a strong book with a few great twists in the beginning, it soon went downhill with some over the top moments that were so unbelievable and unbearable to read. If this was a television show, I would have changed the channel with a quickness.

And what I found absolutely implausible about this story was the fact that no matter what job assignment “Evie” was assigned to, her friend Devon was able to assist her. No problems ever came about there. That was so outlandish, I had to roll my eyes at every section that he occurred. Just wondering if anyone else found that odd? 🤔

Please read other’s reviews before deciding whether or not to read this book, as I seem to be quite alone in my opinion. Also keep in mind that this is a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick for January, 2024 (which is very popular). I also chose this book for my BOTM pick for January, 2024.
(2.5 stars- rounding down)
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,342 reviews3,452 followers
January 4, 2024
Wow Wow Wow!!!

I was surprised at least three times while reading this ADDICTIVE, TWISTY and thoroughly ENTERTAINING novel but that’s because I didn’t read the Publisher’s blurb before starting so I suggest you do the same and go in blind!

She is now “Evie Porter”.

Once she’s given a name and location by “Mr. Smith”-her mysterious boss-she learns everything there is to know about her mark and the new assignment.

The new target: Ryan Sumner.

But this time, the job is different. She is falling for Ryan and she’s starting to imagine a different kind of life for herself. But “Evie” can’t make any mistakes--ESPECIALLY because of what happened LAST TIME…..

Yes, I am being purposely vague, so that you can experience the maximum shock value for yourself.

I didn’t think I really enjoyed books about CONS-turns out-I was wrong!

When done right, like this one-I enjoy how CLEVER and DEVIOUS our CON ARTISTS can be!

Ashley Elston is transitioning from writing YA novels to the adult market with a new publisher, and she has penned one of my favorite reads of the year! I can’t wait to read what’s next!!


A buddy read with DeAnn. Be sure to watch for her take on this con! 😉

Thank You to Pamela Dorman Books for the gifted copy provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!
Profile Image for Brady Lockerby.
125 reviews79.6k followers
January 18, 2024
Huh??? This was so hard to follow. Between all of the random flashbacks, alias names, and random characters, half the time I had no idea what was going on. Apologies if you bought this because I posted it, but I hope you like it more than I did!
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,253 reviews1,000 followers
January 11, 2024
Yes! This is what I call an intense psychological thriller. I love how different it was from the typical plot of unfaithful couples, psychopaths hiding in plain sight or buried family secrets. The main character was really something, tough as nails that one. We follow her through different points in time where she had to use her wit to get out of very sticky situations. I loved that there were always a reason why we learnt about something, and that it only became completely clear in the end. There are unexpected directions in the story line throughout the book, so I didn’t really want it to end. Brilliant storytelling and a book that definitely will give many others a pleasant and thrilling reading experience.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,680 reviews53.9k followers
July 20, 2024
Wow! I'm thrilled to announce one of the best action-packed, twisty, scheming, mind-throbbing thrillers with a perfect cat-and-mouse game that keeps you glued to your seats, eyes on the pages, afraid of breathing, and just reading till you reach the final page – much like an addict satisfying mystery cravings! Reese’s Book Club made a marvelous choice!

My feelings still hurt from the rejection after requesting an arc copy from publishers. I made disgusted noises after receiving that foreboding NetGalley mail, feeling like I was being stabbed by tiny glass pieces from all directions. (Yes, I never quietly accept rejection like a normal person). Anyway, at least they gave me the chance to go book shopping and add a great hardcover to my library, which might cover my entire study. (I barely take a step without hitting my face on the book mountains, but who cares? I'm happy to drown in books.)

Let's focus on why I adored this reading and why it's not just one of the best releases of the month but also one of the best thrillers of the year. Evie Porter, even though that’s not her real name, is tough, extremely smart, playful, guarded, observant, bold, rightful, a survivor, the main character of the book, who won my heart with brownie points. I easily resonate with her, and as the author takes us on the journey from her past and the dangerous jobs she’s attended throughout the years, my respect for her and my understanding of the reasoning behind the choices she’s made grow with each chapter. She’s a kickass, smart, powerful woman that awakens your inner heroine to roar, fight, conquer.

The fast-paced progression of the story and whirlwind action scenes, the mind games between Mr. Smith and Evie increase your appetite to find out more, formulating new explanations about the big scheme. But our author is too smart, always a few steps ahead of us, preventing us from expecting the revelations and big twists. She keeps giving us sucker punches, pulling the rug from under us, killing our spidey senses with more "you-never-see-that-coming" revelations that make you gasp, your mouth agape, minds blown.

Great trajectory, well-established character development, heart-throbbing pace, jaw-dropping conclusion is the formula that made me fall for this book and do everything to keep it on your radar!

Here’s a quick recap of the plot: Evie Porter seems like a nice Alabama girl, finally embracing her happy ending with a gorgeous guy who saved her in a damsel-in-distress position. He asks her to live with him in a house she’s been dreaming of since her childhood: a white picket fence, a beautiful vegetable garden in progress, a peaceful neighborhood. What more could she expect? But when her boyfriend Ryan’s problematic friend with alcoholism and money issues appears with a new girlfriend named Lucca Marino, Evie's specially planned, new world shatters because her real name is not Evie. It’s Lucca Marino. And she’s sent to this little suburban paradise not to flirt with Ryan but to watch his moves and the illegal interactions he’s handling at his side job every Thursday where he disappears.

Who is this woman reciting the same life story she has, disguising like Lucca? Could her longtime boss Mr. Smith send her to rattle Evie, or is there a more dangerous game somebody is playing to ruin her life? The only way to find out is to face the challenge and let the games begin!

I’m cutting off here not to give much away! Get ready to roll and prepare your grey cells to get burned, losing yourself in a high-tempo, entertaining, exciting mind game, a wild ride you never want to leave, and take a few more hours to enjoy Evie/Lucca, whoever she’s in this full-throttle world!

If you’re interested in reading my extended book reviews, movie critiques, and hilarious astrology articles, be sure to check out my Medium account using the link below:

Profile Image for Emily May.
2,089 reviews314k followers
March 1, 2024
I fell hard for the hype, but it was not meant to be.

I read a sample of First Lie Wins once before and put it down, but I picked it up again after reading a few rave reviews. Clearly, I reasoned, I hadn’t given it long enough to impress me. This time I read it through, but I should have followed my instincts. I never really got into it.

What it came down to was two things: boredom and disbelief. There was never a point in my reading of this book when I wasn't experiencing one or the other.

We move between the present, where Evie Porter pursues her mark, Ryan Sumner, on the orders of her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, and flashbacks to her past and previous jobs leading up to where she is now.

The flashbacks I found boring, but I'm in the minority here; many of my GR friends seemed to find this book very compelling. Perhaps it is because I found the turns this book took to be unbelievable to the point of being cheesy. It felt like I was being bombarded with twists, turns, different characters (or just different character names) and whatever it may have achieved in fast-pacing sacrificed my ability to care for any of the characters.

It read to me like a very cheesy undercover agent thriller. I also very quickly guessed who because there weren't enough realistic options for who it could be.
Profile Image for Nae.
24 reviews410 followers
June 20, 2024
I found listening to this book as an audiobook to be engaging and suspenseful. Ashley intriguing and original plot, combined with the engaging narrator's performance, succeeded to create an engaging and enthralling listen.
Here's the link if you'd like to listen to this book: Audiobook Edition "First Lie Wins"

This book follows the story of a devious protagonist who becomes caught in a series of lies and deceit. The plot twist kept me engaged and waiting for what would happen next. Ashley writing is smart and mysterious, making the storyline surprising and eventful.

Narration was particularly effective in animating the characters and adding depth and emotion to the narrative. The narrator's expressive expressive performance added to the tension and suspense, it was possible to become engrossed into the novel while listening.

If you like thrillers that have an interesting plot and strong character development, I recommend listening to this book. Not only is the story captivating, but the audio book format elevates the experience to make it an excellent and thrilling listen, not to be paused. Elston's "First Lie Wins" is a page-turner that is perfect for those who enjoy suspense and mystery.
Profile Image for Emma Dale.
114 reviews13 followers
January 3, 2024
Hmm did I read the same book as everyone else? 🤔
Profile Image for Lit with Leigh.
622 reviews7,742 followers
January 18, 2024
writing: solid | plot: blacklist vibes and I love it | ending: low-key anticlimactic, but still good

my opinion

I've been seeing this book everywhere so even though I'm off the thriller train, I succumbed to the FOMO. Plus, neon-coloured font? Say entirely less. Happy to report that I was not disappointed. The hype is real. HOWEVER, extreme yeetage of disbelief is required for maximum enjoyment. If you go into this trying to line it up with reality, you'll be sorely disappointed. This is Blacklist lite; you gotta lean into the ridiculousness. If you can do that, good times are had.

This is extremely bingeable. It's very action-driven. You're spared the waxing poetic inner monologue thankfully. You get a little peek at "Evie's" backstory, but most of her inner monologue is focused on the who, what, where, and why of right now. I liked the dual timeline structure that slowly revealed pertinent clues to solve the "current" mystery. There are baby bombshells throughout (love this), and although things become a little convoluted near the end, you'll definitely keep flipping the pages as the intrigue ratchets up.

I would've liked a little more depth in Evie and Ryan's characters. I understood why Evie started scamming hoes, but it takes a lot of gall to actually execute and I'm curious as to how she learned how to run a good scam. And then Ryan... no spoilies but like, we needed more info on what motivates him, his true character, and what Evie liked about him. I have A LOT of questions regarding these two, but it didn't really take away from my enjoyment of the book. FYI, there is romance in here and fade to black "spice" but ya'll will survive, I promise you.

Apparently this book has been in development with Hulu since fall 2022 (get the bag, girl) and I am PUMPED. I can't wait to see how this plays out. I know screen adaptations are never as good as the book, but in this case I think it'll be even better as a movie since it's so action-driven. Might have to cop a lil free trial to watch it though 😂

pros & cons

pros: fast-paced, baby bombshells throughout keep you engaged, dual timeline structure added intrigue, no boring ass inner monologues waxing poetic about their childhood or thoughts on the state of the world, lil dry wit sprinkled throughout (wanted more)

cons: was it a bit predictable, perhaps, but still enjoyable nonetheless, characters lacked depth, final third got VERY complex and a bit difficult to follow but I am a lil dumb so disregard


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Profile Image for emilybookedup.
469 reviews6,836 followers
January 4, 2024
this book was SO👏🏼MUCH👏🏼FUN👏🏼🤯👀🖤 if you haven’t yet, be sure to pick this up! it’ll be a 2024 bestseller for sure—and it’s already optioned by hulu 🎬👉🏼📖🥳

⭐️ rating: 4.5 stars (rounded to 5 for GR)
📚 a reese’s bookclub Jan pick!
🎬 already optioned by hulu and abc
read if you like: con-artist thrillers, slow burn mystery, morally gray characters, lots of secrets, untrustworthy characters, COVER STORY, THE LIES I TELL

i got this in early december and from the early reviews, i knew i would love it so i made it my first read of 2024. and it DELIVERED 😮‍💨 i devoured this book in two sittings. it was fast-paced and addicting. i’m new to this author’s work (it’s her first adult novel) and i am SO impressed. her writing was so cunning and smart—there are 3938392 tiny details in this book which could have led to 3938392 plot holes but everything was connected and twisted together and it was incredible!

this has one of the most morally gray main characters ever but you low key root for her the entire time, even though you don’t know what you can trust. when an author can do that, it’s a W in my book! i wanted a few more twists earlier on to pick up the pacing for it to be a 5-star, but overall this was a great read and i’m confident it’ll be a hit 👏🏼🖤

FIRST LIE WINS is about a woman who’s a con artist and completes jobs for “Mr. Smith.” he gives her a name, location and then the job. she’s on her current job and can’t figure it out… but her head is on the chopping block bc of her previous mistake. can she stay one step ahead of Mr. Smith to complete the job and still have a future? 👀

if there’s one word for this book, it’s FUN. i loooove a good con-artist thriller if it’s done well and this was 👌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼🤌🏼 the characters, the mystery, the twists, the suspicious secrets, the cat-and-mouse vibes… it all gave me an anxious non-stop ride of emotions in a good way. i did correctly guess the twist before it happened, but there was another twist waiting for me that was very well done. and the ending 😮‍💨

i almost never say this, but it ended in a way that makes me beg for a sequel and more of Evie 👀
July 8, 2024
3.5/5 ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖

I finally finished this - I must be having issues with thrillers because they don't get my heart pumping anymore, and I did really like this one, especially the setting/context. With a thriller I expect myself to be on the edge of my seat and this just wasn't that.

It could be to do with the most amount of time I've spent on a book and my reading sessions were really disjointed, thus the book lost its momentum in my eyes. I don't know if there's enough for me to write a full review - but I think it was really well written, it just lacked personal enjoyment for me ):

₊˚⊹♡ reading log

hours of reading: 4.1
avg. minutes per session: 4
avg. pages per minute: 2.2

06/06 9:44am୨ৎ
this may be the most amount of time i’ve spent on a book so far this year

04/06 10:24pm ୨ৎ
just got back from my birthday vacation, time to finish this my june tbr needs it

01/06 2:47pm ୨ৎ
okay so this thriller is shaping up to be a little less predictable than i thought

31/05 2:47pm ୨ৎ
aw see we can’t hate her - i’ve got a feeling im going to identify with the main character (until she does something evil) oh she's going to do something evil

31/05 10:36am ୨ৎ
ohhhh it's a bit scary i like this from the get go, very fast paced so far

₊˚⊹♡ pre-reading

guess who's back on the thriller train! (it’s me and this better be good)
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
January 21, 2024
A Skillful Game of Cat and Mouse

3.75 stars

First Line Wins is a twist-filled psychological thriller about a con artist/thief fighting to keep her identity a secret.

The majority of the plot centers around a game of cat and mouse. The power dynamic between the characters keeps shifting, making it hard to predict who will be victorious. As the story progresses, the mystery surrounding the game slowly unfolds, revealing layer after layer that there is more going on than meets the eye.

Narrated by MC Evie, a thief struggling to maintain boundaries with her newest mark, her past is shared from high school to the present moment. In the chapters that take place in the past, the reader learns of Evie’s former jobs and fake identities. These chapters were a little boring, but they played a crucial role in the plot. The chapters in the present detail Evie’s current job, in which her past comes back to haunt her.

The structure is a little one-note, as Evie's secrets drive the narrative in the beginning, but her gradual telling of events is circular and stagnant in the middle. The last third of the book is when the puzzle pieces come together, and the plot moves forward.

First Lie Wins lived up to the hype. It is action-packed and suspenseful, but also a little one-repetitive. I went in blind, which was part of the fun--I had no idea what this novel was about or where the plot was headed.
Evie is an intelligent, if not fully believable, character who is always several moves ahead in the game. The ending is OTT and wraps up a little too neatly. This is yet another thriller that relies on the reader having to suspend their disbelief. At the same time, it is an entertaining read that has the makings for a movie or TV series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Penguin Group Viking and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Kail Lowry.
53 reviews48.6k followers
February 3, 2024
I believed the hype surrounding this book and needed to read it. I wish I didn’t have to give this book any stars. 50 pages in and I was hooked but quickly realized it was a scam just like the plot of the story. The amount of characters and time going from months ago to present day to years ago over & over was entirely too much to keep track of. There were several times when I started reading it I would have to reread the last 2-3 pages I left off to remember what was what. At the end, the main character explains everything and how we got here & in my opinion, it’s not a good book if it has to be spelled out at the end.
Profile Image for Kat .
291 reviews983 followers
December 31, 2023
It’s not rare for me to like or even love a good thriller, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been this excited about one! Ashley Elston’s first foray out of YA and into the adult market with First Lie Wins shows that she knows how to please an audience, no matter their age!

Evie Porter is enjoying life, having just moved into her boyfriend Ryan’s home in a well-to-do neighborhood. She’s getting to know his tight-knit group of friends and they’re slowly warming up to her. All is going well, until an event that shakes her normally calm, cool and collected exterior and reminds her once again that whatever this life is that she’s living? It isn’t real.

How can it be when SHE doesn’t exist? “Evie Porter” does unique jobs for a man she’s never seen named Mr. Smith, and that’s simply the newest alias he’s given her. Little does her boyfriend know that he’s the new target. Unfortunately, this time she and the mysterious Mr. Smith may be at odds about their ultimate goals, and her life is about to get REALLY crazy!

That’s as much as I’m going to say about the plot. I recommend not reading the blurb - it says too much. The delicious part is letting those secrets and twists make their full impact!

What I loved, loved, loved about this book is that the writing is SMART. If you can just roll with this and not overthink the probabilities of the scenarios, it’s a fun, visceral ride watching Evie work through all the obstacles thrown at her - and boy, does she deal with some doozies! She’s resourceful, intelligent, and sly as a fox, yet has just enough vulnerability to make her a character you care about and root for. I was glued to the pages every moment I could be!

To me, this is such a visual book, so if you like movie thrillers, you’ll probably see the story play out in your mind’s eye. I know my first thought was: I want to see this movie! As luck would have it, it’s being developed for film by Hulu, though I could also see it being perfect for a series. I’ll take either or both!

If you like a great cat-and-mouse, intelligently written, fun psychological thriller, look no further. I highly recommend it and am so happy to end 2023 with my favorite thriller of the year!

★★★★★ ❤️

Thanks to Pamela Dorman Books, NetGalley and author Ashley Elston for this digital ARC to honestly review. It’s available on January 2, 2024.
Profile Image for Rosh.
1,950 reviews3,328 followers
January 12, 2024
In a Nutshell: An interesting cat-and-mouse drama. Steady-paced, twisty enough, gripping throughout. Recommended, but not necessarily as a fast-paced thriller.


Story Synopsis:
Evie Porter has just moved in with her dreamy boyfriend Ryan Sumner, a rich businessman with a grand family home. Is she excited? Yes, but not as you would imagine. You see, ‘Evie Porter’ doesn’t exist. The identity of Evie has been given to her by her mysterious boss “Mr. Smith”, and moving in with Ryan and learning everything about his business is one of her tasks on this ‘job’. She cannot allow her comfort with Ryan to supersede her professionalism. But when an unexpected surprise reveals itself, Evie begins to wonder if she is on the job, or if she herself IS the job.
The story comes to us in Evie’s first person perspective.

PSA: Go in blind!

Bookish Yays:
😍 The plot: Innovative without being over the top. I like this kind of unreliable narrator story because the narrator isn’t making a fool of us by feeding us false information but by revealing only as much as she wants to. It’s nice to figure out if the con artist is conning someone else or being conned or worst of all, conning us!

😍 The cat-and-mouse factor: The book is very clearly a cat-and-mouse dramatic thriller, but you will keep changing your mind about who is the cat and who is the mouse.

😍 The twists: These come at regular intervals. Some of them, I could guess, and some caught me unawares. But almost all were interesting.

😍 The main characters: Usually in thrillers of any kind, we get a clear picture of which character to trust and which character to doubt. Not in this book though. I kept changing my mind back and forth about Evie and Ryan.

😍 The romantic relationship: As Evie has just stepped into a new phase of the relationship with Ryan, I was worried that their romance would supersede the core story. But the author uses their relationship as an impetus to the main plot rather than making the relationship itself the focus. Their connection is used well.

😍 The character development: The writing is really intelligent, especially at the start. You get a cue of how Evie’s mind functions without any devious sentence from her. It is understated, yet impactful in keeping us on our toes. Well done!

😍 The ending: Really good and fairly satisfying, which made me forgive and forget the minor loopholes in the rest of the content.

😍 The use of the title in the plot: So clever that it is almost like a master class in lying! (Yeah, that’s not really a good thing to learn, but hey, it is a useful skill! 😉)

Bookish Mixed Bags:
😐 The writing structure: Divided between ‘Present Day’ and some flashbacks containing details of the earlier jobs handled by “Evie” for Mr. Smith. I initially felt that these backstories were superfluous and just a way of extending the book, but by the time I reached the finale, I realised how important each story was in the overall plot. That said, a couple of the past gigs were drawn out and boring. Also, the ‘Present Day’ plot was so interesting that it was a bit frustrating to diverge into the past in the midst of the present action.

😐 The pacing: Just as I like thrillers to be. Not so fast as to eat up the details, and not so slow as to kill me of boredom. It is fairly quick and steady throughout. However, if you like your thrillers fast and furious, you might be disappointed.

😐 The complexity: This story being too complicated is both a pro and a con! I still don’t know if I understood the whole of it, but what I understood, I mostly enjoyed. But if you ask me to explain some of the finer points, I’ll be totally lost! 😁

😐 The typical sidekick character – a tech genius who can crack anything and everything without ever coming on the radar of either the police or the villain – is so done to death! I liked the character, but I am bored of characters like him.

Bookish Nays:
😒 There are a few teeny plot holes and coincidences and exaggerations. Some of the character motivations are weird! Then again, these are the features of almost every thriller, which is why I am not a happy reader of this genre.

All in all, I definitely enjoyed this psychological drama as it kept me hooked throughout. I am not a thriller lover by any means, especially as so many “thrillers” these days seem like carbon copies of each other. This book was mostly a breath of fresh air. The pacing might not satisfy all avid thriller readers, so it’s better if you read this as a twisty medium-paced cat-and-mouse drama.

This author is supposedly known for her YA thrillers and romances, and this is her first foray into Adult Thrillers. But as I haven’t read any of her YA works, all I can say is that this book doesn’t feel YA any time, which is great!

I will end with the same advice I give myself before picking up such a story: Read it without overanalysing to enjoy it better. Because of the unique and complex structure and multiple timelines in the past, I wouldn't recommend this book on audio.

4 stars.

I read a complimentary copy of this book through The Pigeonhole. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion.

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Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,479 followers
November 25, 2023


Living on the edge is what she does best. First, she waits for her boss, the mysterious Mr. Smith, to send her an identity.

This go round she is Evie Porter, a southern girl next door. It is her J-O-B and of course she has a target. 🎯

I was seeing red flags as soon as that first lie was told. A few twists also come early and get things moving and shaking full speed ahead. Woah....

What a challenge to figure out this game! A twisty puzzle with a few missing pieces that had me questioning who was in charge and who was hiding behind a mask. Are someones claws about to come out?! Who will put the final nail in the coffin?

I really enjoyed this clever, entertaining and finger pointing thriller!

Thanks to NG for my copy/ OUT Jan 2, 2023
Profile Image for Dorie  - Cats&Books :) .
1,095 reviews3,531 followers
January 11, 2024
Here I am in outlier land once more - but I’m not alone, there are quite a few of my friends here - hi there!

This book had so much hype and 5* reviews I had to grab it. For me this was a mixed bag so I’ll go with my PROS AND CONS format..

Very interesting premise, really different from most thrillers I’ve read

A main protagonist, Evie Porter” who was walking a fine line between “awful person just out for money and maybe she’s not so bad after all”

A interesting cast of characters although not very well developed.

A great twist in the middle where an imposter shows up with Evie Porter’s true name, Lucca Marino. This throws everything into the air and Evie has to figure out who this person really is and what she is doing here.

“The first lie has to be the strongest. The most important. The one that has to be told”

This book broke one of my cardinal rules “Don’t tell me – Show me”. I really don’t like to have the book explained to me in the last quarter, I’d rather have clues to figure out the puzzle on my own.

The constant shifting from present to past grew a little tiresome. At times I wasn’t sure who was who - but I guess that was the desired effect.

The ending was full of twists but believability has to be put on hold. The ending just seemed to OTT for me.

This is the author’s first shift from YA to adult books and I think this is a good one. A 3* from me means that it’s good, just not great or memorable.

I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through Edelweiss. It was my pleasure to read and review this title.
February 3, 2024
**Many thanks to NetGalley, PENGUIN Viking - Pamela Dorman, and Ashley Elston for an ARC of this book! Now available as of 1.2!!**

For (hopefully) the last time in 2023, I'll see myself out...to Outlier Island, that is! 🌴 😞

Evie Porter is nothing if not a diabolical strategist...but you wouldn't know it by looking at her. Settling into her new life with Ryan Sumner, she's poised to step into a beautiful home, with a beautiful man on her arm...but Ryan doesn't ACTUALLY know a thing about Evie. And the main reason is because "Evie Porter" is nothing more than a carefully crafted persona, one of many that 'Evie' has been given as an employee of the mysterious and calculating Mr. Smith. This is nothing more than her latest con job, and Evie is ready to play the part with ease. She meets some of Ryan's friends and finds it easy to stick to her story...until the unthinkable happens.

She hears a name at a party that is a LITTLE too familiar...her OWN real name, Lucca.

It turns out Evie may not be the ONLY operative in town...but why on earth would Mr. Smith have given HER name and, in turn, HER true backstory to another woman? Through many years, locations, and personalities, Evie has worked to keep Lucca's name and personality underground and locked away on the chance that she might have to go back to her someday...but now it looks as if this opportunity is slipping through her fingers. Is this con MORE than just another plot for Mr. Smith's devious and dastardly revenge on others...but a plot to exact revenge on EVIE? Can she find a way to outsmart the ultimate con-man...before the REAL Lucca exposes all?

I'll be honest, the glowing 5 star ratings were EVERYWHERE before I even picked this one up, and I've been DYING for a good, juicy thriller with twists, turns, and deception for a LONG time...probably since I picked up Julie Clark's The Lies I Tell back in JANUARY of this year! With a clever and cunning 'cat' like Evie at the helm, and many positive blurbs from authors I love and reader friends I trust, I was almost certain this one would be a home run for me.

But much like attending a baseball game, what sounds like a fun diversion in theory (okay, maybe with baseball it's a bit of a stretch for me anyway) left me ACHING for a Seventh Inning Stretch.

Elston comes to us from the world of YA, and I have to say overall, I wouldn't have guessed...and with a book that is this complicated, that's a definite compliment! The characters in this one didn't read 'young' (as is so often the case when authors make this transition) and the plotting felt deep and intricate enough for an adult book. But sadly for me...this is where the positives ended. At first, I was intrigued by Evie and her manipulation of Ryan and thought the plot was going to center around that deception...which in and of itself would have been interesting. The minute we started taking long jaunts into the past and to all of her previous con jobs though...it became clear to me that this book was going to be a lot LESS about the inner-workings of the characters minds and the internal battle of Evie (Am I good? Am I evil? Do I want to leave this life behind) and more just plot point after plot point.

To me, the book just felt like a steam engine, relentlessly chugging along but without letting me as the reader process the scenery and FEEL anything. Elston spent SO much time making sure you, the reader, knew how PERFECTLY plotted everything was along the way and that she (and subsequently her MC) had thought of everything. While this is an impressive feat, "perfect" plotting just isn't enough for me for a thriller to feel visceral and memorable to me. As much as I'm sure everything does line up and make sense (and towards the end, most of the intricacies of the past cons are FINALLY explained in context), I honestly just felt like I was watching an action film in book form. While I occasionally enjoy these type of stories, this one just didn't stir anything in me emotionally and a week later, sadly feels more than a bit forgettable.

And in the end, while I expected Evie to con EVERYONE in her path...

I never expected her to con me.


3.5 stars
Profile Image for Kay.
2,182 reviews1,118 followers
January 19, 2024
This was one twisty rollercoaster ride!

Not often do I come across a good con artist thriller and one with a female lead. Ashley Elston wrote a terrific multi-layered story with excellent gray characters that are fun and likable.

Evie Porter is sent on a job by her mysterious boss Mr. Smith whom she never met. The target is Ryan Sumner and soon Ryan is head over heels for Evie and BAM! she moves in.

But Evie Porter isn't her real identity and who is Mr. Smith?

Be prepared for this wild and entertaining mind game. First Lie Wins was very enjoyable and clever! Believe the hype this was all around solid - the story, characters, and the ending made me chuckle and wish there was more!!
Profile Image for Dusk.
84 reviews63 followers
January 14, 2024
This book made my eyes water.

Not from reading, but from rolling my eyes so hard they almost popped out of their sockets. I was so bored by half of the book that I skipped to the end. And what a cheesy ending it was. It was enough to make me lactose intolerant for life.
Profile Image for Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS).
1,596 reviews7,002 followers
December 28, 2023
Southern girl, Evie Porter isn’t what she appears to be. The outside world sees her as someone with a perfect boyfriend, Ryan, a beautiful home, and a very influential group of friends. However, Evie Porter doesn’t actually exist!

Evie is given a new identity, location, and ‘target’ for every new assignment by her boss, the mysterious ‘Mr Smith’, someone Evie has never met. She is tasked with learning everything about the target person, passing it all on to Mr Smith, who himself has orders from clients.

Ryan is currently the target person, and she begins to see that she could live this kind of luxury lifestyle in the future, but she can’t mess this job up like she did last time - Mr Smith was not amused, and she’s learned that he’s not one to upset!

Evie’s true identity is unknown to others, but the day someone arrives in town using Evie’s real name and background, is the day that things begin to change.

Wow! What a complex but extremely clever storyline this is. Cat and mouse games, and twists galore make it such an entertaining read!

*Thank you to Netgalley and Headline for my ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,297 reviews4,070 followers
November 4, 2023
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
Tell me lies
Tell me, tell me lies
~ Songwriters: Eddy Quintela Mendonca / Christine Mcvie ~ Performed by Fleetwood Mac

The twists start early…and they keep on coming!

Recently moving into her boyfriend Ryan’s home, Evie Porter has everything she could have ever hoped for. Now, as long as his friends accept her, everything will be perfect. And why wouldn’t they welcome her? She has nothing to hide…right?!😉

Wow! What a delightfully fun, twisty read! Just when you think you’ve got it dialed in and have uncovered all the lies…not so fast. There’s another big one about to drop!

🔷Yes, I was vague for a reason...Go in as blind as possible for the best experience!

This was a debut adult-thriller from an author that started in the YA genre. Sometimes crossing over doesn’t typically work. But Ashley Elston pulled it off, doing an amazing job!💃 Welcome to the thriller world Ashley! Can’t wait for your next!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Viking
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔ .
736 reviews1,754 followers
January 6, 2024
2.5-2.75 Stars

Idk man... this book is getting A LOT of love right now- hence the reason I grabbed it up and read it right away. Now, I seem to be really hard on thrillers- like I expect to be ... idk... THRILLED.

I don't have anything right now- just meh.

“This fast-paced read has everything you could want in a thriller: secret identities, a mysterious boss and a cat & mouse game that kept me guessing the whole way through.”—Reese Witherspoon

Alright... I'll just read this right now too... 🤸🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,291 reviews222 followers
June 9, 2024
You know what the most surprising thing about this amazing roller coaster of a ride complete with upside down and backward twists and turns? That I had NO complaints… none, zip, zero, de nada. NONE!

Why is this amazing you wonder (maybe you didn’t but I’m telling you anyway) is that I’m a famous critic (okay, maybe just in my small circle of family, friends, and coworkers). If you want something proofed, I’m your person. I have a lot of 4-star books, but 5-stars… authors have to really work hard to get that fifth star because there’s ALWAYS something I wish was different. Quite frankly, it’s a bit of curse to see defects in anything you spend too much time studying (I once returned a sofa three times because of runs in the material— thankfully, as I’ve reached a certain age, I’ve either mellowed or… okay, back to the review).

My best advice (because you are definitely not going to get a rehashing of this fun storyline) is to get online at the library (it’s so worth the wait) or buy it ASAP. Don’t even read the blurb. When I saw a few of my fave GR reviewer friends (looking at you Darla, Marilyn, Yun, Jamie, and company) give this thrill ride 4s and 5s, that’s all I needed to know and away I went.

I loved all of Elston’s characters— the good, the bad, and the ugly. But her pacing and the way she feeds backstory was the secret sauce to this 5 Michelin star recipe. As they say, I’ll read anything by her from now on. (You may have heard that she’s confined herself to YA books but this one is going to make her a household name,if she can deliver another, just half as good!)

I managed to read this in 2.5 sittings (does one chapter at the dentist office really count as a sitting?) and for me, that says 4-star because when I fly through a book despite life goals for a long weekend, I know it’s a good one. I just couldn’t wait to see what was in store for Evie and friends next, so we ordered door dash and I avoided my cell phone like the plague for two nights.

Before I end this ridiculously over-the-top review (which will have typos, because I can never successfully proof my own GR reviews the first time out), I just want to say, despite the glitches (and the lost reviews), I sincerely love this platform and my reading life is so much better because of other reviewers! (I figured with this much love, it wouldn’t hurt to spread some of it around.)

PS. Le sigh— I just realized that I better pick my next book carefully. My 5-star reads are rarely followed by another. Any suggestions?

(Reviewed 5/27/24)
Profile Image for Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile.
762 reviews2,697 followers
August 4, 2024

“The first lie has to be the strongest. The most important. The one that has to be told”

I found the premise of First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston to be truly intriguing. Evie Porter, a con artist who works for the mysterious “Mr. Smith” finds herself trapped in a complex web of manipulation as she works on her current mark, Ryan Sumner. Posing as Ryan’s girlfriend while passing on information about Ryan’s business to her boss should have been easy for her, given she has almost perfected her game over the years in Mr. Smith’s employ. However, her growing feelings for Ryan, her feelings of guilt for her deception and her desire for a different life than she has chosen (or the life that has chosen her?) and the added pressure that she is being closely monitored and failing her current task would result in dire consequences, complicate matters further and the situation begins to spiral out of Evie’s control.

The beginning of the book drew me in and had me hooked, but as the plot progressed, my enthusiasm dampened. The author’s writing shows promise and I thought most of the twists were well executed (the entry of “Lucca Marino” was a genius plot point). However, too much of the narrative was devoted to telling rather than showing, which detracted from my overall experience. Evie is an interesting protagonist but the oversharing (in excruciatingly minute detail) about both past events and how events unfold in the present timeline not only messed with the pacing and but also made me forget that I was reading what was supposed to be a suspenseful “thriller.” Though not entirely unpredictable, there were a few aspects of the mystery that were well-crafted. However, I wasn’t a fan of how the author chose to end the story and found a few developments/revelations toward the end utterly unconvincing and contrived.

After a very long wait for my library copies, I can’t help but feel more than a tad disappointed with this one. Had I not approached this novel expecting a fast-paced, complex, edge of your set thriller, I would have enjoyed it more.

I paired my reading with the audiobook narrated by Saskia Maarleveld, who has done a commendable job of breathing life into this story.

Connect with me! �� InstagramMy BlogThe StoryGraph
Profile Image for L.A..
607 reviews248 followers
December 23, 2023
I was motivated to read this one after so many of my GR friends gave high reviews. Thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Viking, Pamela Dorman Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I could not help but find this in the category of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as characters. When you read it, you may think the same. I will not give anything else away considering it is one of those you need to escape in and predict the ending. After many change-ups and twists, I was shocked by the well-written material.
Evie Porter appears to have a content life with her boyfriend she has moved in with. Ryan has inherited from his grandparents and is living a comfortable lifestyle. When she meets his female friends, she is out of her league with their inquisition and doubts about who she is. Rightly so, when one of Ryan's friends introduces his girlfriend to her using Evie's real name Lucca Marino. Putting the gloves on, she must figure out while she is hiding under a different identity and why this woman is her impostor.
Evie works for a mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, whom she has never met, but is hired through his voice and instructions. With each new assignment, she acquires a new name, location and a different job. She discovers a lot about herself, and her past she is running from. It is about to catch up with her. This is suspenseful, intriguing and super tense. I could not get this one out of my head. It just may be a top contender this year.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,416 reviews2,026 followers
September 6, 2023
4.5 stars

Well, if you fancy reading a book that has an excellent twist at around 10% in, then this is definitely for you! This is Evie Porter‘s story, but who exactly is she? Why is she in Lake Forbing, Louisiana and specifically with Ryan Sumner? It seems she lives by the mantra “first lie wins“. The stories are told in the present day and back tracks to the last few years of Evie’s life.

Wow, this is one interesting novel as all the characters “dance” around each other, sometimes with all the intensity of an Argentine Tango. Evie’s story is a really good one and keeps me glued and turning pages from beginning to end with the questions of the start being intriguingly answered by the finale. It’s full of suspenseful moments and has tension in spades and is a fascinating mystery on several levels which keeps the momentum of the guessing game going.

The premise and plot are clever and well thought out and it’s of the thrilling tangled web variety. The pace is brisk, there’s the occasional lull but it’s for a reason which advances the plot and offering up valuable insight into Evie and others. I really like Evie as a central character and grow to admire her creative ability to think on her feet and her tenacity and determination.

There are lies and secrets by the truckload, some skeletons in the closet, chameleon characters – it’s got the lot! Needless to say, there are good twists and some are very unexpected and force a rethink.

Overall, it’s a cracking, fun, entertaining cat, mouse thriller of a read which I enjoy very much.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Headline for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41,826 reviews

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