2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE: Monthly Challenges > New to You Challenge

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message 1: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments You can add two more new authors for me.

I read the first two books in the Percy Jackson series: The Lightning Thief and The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan. I rated them 4 and 4.5 stars respectively. Very engaging series, I will be reading the rest of them and other books by Riordan for sure.

I also read Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson. This was just an okay read for me, 2 stars. It was entertaining in places and a quick read, but kind of too mindless if that's possible. I will give one more of her books a shot before deciding if I want to scrap the series or not.

*Full reviews will be in my Personal Challenge thread in a day or two.*

message 2: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I actually have 15 New Authors.

message 3: by Sharon (last edited Feb 01, 2012 10:57AM) (new)

message 4: by Helen (new)

Helen | 65 comments I've got visitors this weekend, so won't have a chance to read at all :(

I've read two new authors this week, so I'm up to 13 of 52 (yay!).

12. Suzanne Collins with The Hunger Games
Finished: 30 Jan
Rating: 4 stars

13. Joanne Fluke with Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
Finished: 01 Feb
Rating: 3 stars

message 5: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Lacy if you read this, could you please now update your progress list here instead of the January one, if you don´t mind. I think I might forget to check from there :)

message 6: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I read Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You by Peter Cameron. I was impressed by Cameron's style of writing and the way he got into his character's mind. 4/5 stars

message 7: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens gets me my fourth new to me author!

message 8: by Norv (new)

Norv (noname-13) | 18 comments I'd like to enter this challenge. So far, I believe my 2012 books have no author new to me...

I would say: 10 authors new to me.

0/10. Nalini Singh is the first, with a fantasy series!

message 9: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Well none yet, but you have loads of time to get those 10! Welcome and good luck, hope you find some new favorites :)

message 10: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I'm up to 16 now with Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder

message 11: by Norv (last edited Feb 05, 2012 08:27AM) (new)

Norv (noname-13) | 18 comments I just finished Nalini Singh, Slave to Sensation, the first in a fantasy series, and the short story The Cannibal Princess (the second is a little follow-up story).
This makes my first new author out of 10. The fantasy world built by Nalini Singh has managed to sink me in for now, though, so I'll have to finish this comment and go right for the next book in the series! I'll figure out what my second new author will be... later.

Thank you very much, Johanna, it appears that the first might be a very nice finding!


message 12: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments I have two new authors to add:
Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter by Josh Gates, rated 4 stars, quite entertaining and The Anatomist's Apprentice by Tessa Harris which was quite a gripping read, also rated 4 stars.

Full reviews are in my Personal Challenge thread if interested. I am now at 6/20 for the challenge!

message 13: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I now have 17 with As Easy as Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins

message 14: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I have 18 now with Chicken Boy by Frances O'Roark Dowell

message 15: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Got my 7th new author of the year with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I rated it 3 stars and the review is in my challenge thread.

message 16: by Ashley (new)

Ashley 16. Cupcake: A Modern Love-Story with a Bigger-Than-Average Waistline by Mariah Jones by Susan Hill (4 stars)
17. Last Summer by Theresa Weir (3.5 stars)
18. Whispers from the Heart: A Novel by Heather Hummel (3.5 stars)
19. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (4 stars)

message 17: by Norv (new)

Norv (noname-13) | 18 comments 2/10 new authors.

Second author new to me this year: Scott Lynch, with The Lies of Locke Lamora. An excellent fantasy reading! Rating 5 stars.

message 18: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I have 19 now with Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks

message 19: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments does anyone know how to add an image here?

message 20: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I have 20 now with Sleepless by Cyn Balog

message 21: by Norv (last edited Feb 09, 2012 04:07PM) (new)

Norv (noname-13) | 18 comments Adriana wrote: "does anyone know how to add an image here?"

If you click "some html is ok" you may find a list of html tags, including for linking an image, if you're looking for any image on the web. In case you're referring to book covers, it seems there's a toggle in the book/author window, to choose between book link and cover. To the bottom of the little window.

I don't seem to see any way of uploading an image from one's computer, I suppose one would have to upload it elsewhere on the web, then link it. That said, I'm new on goodreads and I may not be aware of all its features, simply these are the tools I've noticed and I'd use them.

Sorry if I misunderstand your question!

message 22: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments Still don't know how to do it. I know I have to look at some html is okay but I don't know exactly what to put.

message 23: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments @Adriana: img src="paste url of picture here" surrounded by these brackets < > to make a picture show up.

message 24: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments YES!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!

message 25: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 21 now with Ichiro by Ryan Inzana

message 26: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I'm at 8 now with Love Drugged by James Klise (Rating: 3 Stars)

message 27: by Johanna (last edited Feb 20, 2012 09:09AM) (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Adriana: 26/50*
Ashley: 24/30*
Audrey: 7/25*
Brianna: 8/24*
Erika: 8/25*
Helen: 14/52*
James: 14 ? (Personal Challenge 51-100)*
Johanna: 7/20*
Lacy: 3/25 (keeps track on this topic)*
Lisa: 5/12*
Nikki: 1/10*
Norv 2/10*
RedB: 2/10 ? (Personal Challenge 201+)*
Robyn: 3/25*
Sara: 21/25*
Sharon: 6/52* (Personal Challenge 101-200)
Tatum: 10/20*
Theta: ? (Personal Challenge 1-50 topic)*
Trevor: 12/18*

= 158 new authors!!
(List updated 11.2.2012.)

message 28: by Norv (new)

Norv (noname-13) | 18 comments Ah! I forgot to update this thread, I has 2/10 now, with Scott Lynch (The Lies of Locke Lamora)!
And an interesting one at that. :)

Thank you for keeping track of things, Johanna. Looking good!

message 29: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments #8: Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke was kind of a disappointment for me, rated 2 stars.

#9: Love in the Time of Dragons by Katie MacAlister which I enjoyed, rated 4 stars.

Both reviews are in my personal challenge thread.
9/20 new authors complete!

message 30: by Nathan (last edited Feb 14, 2012 01:03PM) (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) For 9: She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan 5 Stars. Great book, a review is in my personal challenge thread. I'm definitely going to read more books of hers.

message 31: by Nikki (new)

Nikki I started a new New to me author last night...

Breakneck by Erica Spindler

message 32: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I got another one for me with Lauren Oliver, I finished Before I Fall today. Now I´m getting more interested in reading her series: Delirium. But I will wait for all the book to be published, at least I´ll try :)

message 33: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments XD I'm glad you liked Before I Fall.
22 now with Chime by Franny Billingsley

message 34: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I have 23 new authors now since I have completed:
To Love Anew by Bonnie Leon (4 stars)
The Rebel Wife (4 stars)
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake by Anna Quindlen(2 stars)

message 35: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I've got 10 now with Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers. Rating: 5 stars. Excellent. I will definitely be looking for more! If there is, this was her debut so I'm not sure she's written anything else. I hope so!

message 36: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 23 now with Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

message 37: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 24 now with Anything But Typical by Nora Raleigh Baskin

message 38: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) 11: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Rating: 5 stars

message 39: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I have completed #24 with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (4 stars)

message 40: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments I'm copying Ashley!!

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. 5 stars and review in personal challenge thread.

(Now if only I could copy her and have 24 new authors instead of 10...)

message 41: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 25 now with Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

message 42: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I got another one with Nicholas Sparks, book Dear John. I´ve got seven now!

message 43: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I have 12 now with Doctor Who: Magic of the Angels by Jacqueline Rayner. Rating: 1 star. Very disappointing. I won't be searching out any of her other books. I may give one more a shot, just because I love the Doctor Who series of books, but likely I'll read all the other ones before returning to hers. :/

message 44: by Adriana (last edited Feb 20, 2012 09:03AM) (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 26 now with A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley

message 45: by Johanna (last edited Feb 28, 2012 12:21AM) (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Adriana: 31/50*
Ashley: 28/30*
Audrey: 7/25*
Brianna: 14/24*
Erika: 10/25*
Helen: 17/52*
James: 14 ? (Personal Challenge 51-100)*
Johanna: 8/20*
Lacy: 3/25 (keeps track on this topic) *
Lisa: 5/12*
Nikki: 1/10*
RedB: 2/10 ? (Personal Challenge 201+) *?
Robyn: 3/25*
Sara: 26/50*
Sharon: 7/52 (Personal Challenge 101-200)*
Tatum: 10/20*
Theta: (Personal Challenge 1-50 topic) *?
Trevor: 15/28*

= 177 new authors!!
(List updated 20.2.2012.)

message 46: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments 27 with Poison Most Vial: A Mystery by Benedict Carey

message 47: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Oh Sara come on! It´s only February and you´ve almost done with this challenge! Wanna change your numbers? :) Well done!

message 48: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Nice! We´ll get back to this once your done with all of those as well :)

I do like paranormal, but am not starting any new series right now, at least I´m trying :P

message 49: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I will think about reading it once it´s all published :)

message 50: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I hate reading a great book and then having to wait for a year for the next one like it usually is, or even more! Like Eragon, I can´t remember anything about the books anymore so there´s no point starting to read Inheritance!

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