2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE: Monthly Challenges > Tickle Me Pink~February Challenge

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message 1: by Nikki (last edited Jan 23, 2012 05:08AM) (new)

Nikki Tickle Me Pink

Ohhhhh Love is in the air!!! Our love for others and our love for BOOKS!!!

Select books with any of the following;

~Colors/Covers of Love: books with the following colors on the cover somewhere. Red, Pink, White or Ivory. (any shade)

~Words of Love: Books with any words in the title that meet the following requirements;

a. Words associated with Valentines Day. (ex. cupid, Love, Valentines)
b. Places to go on a date. (ex. movies, dinner, beach)
c. Valentines Gifts. (ex. Flowers, chocolates, diamonds)
d. Candy Heart Phrases. (ex. be mine, sweetheart)

Decide white category you will be trying to achieve for the month of February.

Puppy Love~2 books
Steady~4 books
Engaged~6 books
Living together~8 books
Married~10 books

~must fit above requirements
~no re-reads
~Books can be used in other challenges
~To be started and finished in the month of February

message 2: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments This thread is now open for comments. Feel free to discuss how many categories you will be attempting and any book selections you have made. Keep in mind that the examples of words given are just that, examples, and you are welcome to find different words which fit the category. Actual reading should take place in the month of February!

Alicia has graciously volunteered to be this month's challenge leader. Yay Alicia! :)

Have fun and happy reading! :)

message 3: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Im in for 2 also!

message 4: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Gillette I think I'm going for "engaged"!

message 5: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I'm going steady :D

message 6: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I will go "steady" with this challenge. :)

message 7: by Anna (last edited Feb 23, 2012 08:36AM) (new)

Anna Wadlow (awadlow42) | 87 comments Since I'm new to this, I'm in for 2- 'puppy love'

1.The Blue Flower by Henry Van Dyke - 2/6/12

2. Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawerence- 2/21/12


message 8: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I´m in, but I´m not sure for how many yet. I´ll let you know!

message 9: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments Anyone have some suggestions?

message 10: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I hope I'm not getting in over my head here, but I'll be in for 4 - going steady.

message 11: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Keep in mind they do not have to be romance books.
You can have a cover dripping blood for red, Death by Chocolate etc etc...

message 12: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments I was attempting to look up other titles to help people find books for this and came across this one: The Chocolate Cupid Killings The Chocolate Cupid Killings (A Chocoholic Mystery #9) by JoAnna Carl . It's actually the ninth in the series and I have no clue if they are any good, but I simply must get my hands on this book now!

message 13: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments For those of you planning to read February's group read The Night Circus The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern , it has both red and white on the cover, in sufficient amounts that I would say it counts!

message 14: by Nikki (new)

Nikki I am going to read:

One for the Money (Stephanie Plum, #1) by Janet Evanovich

Breakneck by Erica Spindler

message 15: by Ronda (new)

Ronda (aunt_nonna) | 107 comments I am in. I am going to go for engaged (what girly girl doesn't want that shiny diamond ring?), hope I get to married. 6 books I really hope my life doesn't explode and I don't even get to read 2.
I'll track in my corner.

message 16: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments I'm joining for 4 (Going Steady):

1. Colour: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (red/white)
2. Word: Love in the Time of Dragons by Katie MacAlister
3. Gift: Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke
4. Candy Heart: Let Me Call You Sweetheart by Mary Higgins Clark

I will let others know how I like the books here and keep track in my member's corner :)

message 17: by Adriana (last edited Jan 28, 2012 07:06PM) (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I've got three so far:
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr Sleepless by Cyn Balog Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (Hannah Swensen, #1) by Joanne Fluke
Need to find my last one soon.

message 18: by Johanna (last edited Feb 04, 2012 09:37AM) (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I will try to get engaged (6 books) for this challenge, here´s some of the books I´ll choose from:

Fragile Things Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman Dear John by Nicholas Sparks Left Neglected by Lisa Genova Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

message 19: by mussolet (last edited Jan 29, 2012 07:20AM) (new)

mussolet (sovotchka) | 615 comments I'm in but I'll have to search my books to find out how many I'll be doing. Will keep track in my members corner though.

I've decided to try to keep a steady relationship (four books) and will see how things develop this month. Maybe me and my books are ready for more ;).

Books to choose from:
The Japanese Lover by Rani Manicka Evening Is The Whole Day by Preeta Samarasan Blameless (The Parasol Protectorate, #3) by Gail Carriger Heartless (The Parasol Protectorate, #4) by Gail Carriger Bitter Sweets by Roopa Farooki Heart of Light (Magical British Empire, #1) by Sarah A. Hoyt Koyal Dark, Mango Sweet by Kashmira Sheth An Atlas Of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy The brightest star in the sky by Marian Keyes The Sari Shop A Novel by Rupa Bajwa

message 20: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments Does North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley count?

message 21: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments For what category Adriana? It has red writing on it, so my instincts would be to say yes.

message 22: by Adriana (last edited Jan 29, 2012 11:40AM) (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments I just thought since it had the word beautiful it could be something.

message 23: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Beautiful? Could be a Valentine word to if you liked. I never want these challenges to become something impossible or not fun that people can't find books for.

message 24: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments Okay great!
So my books to read for this challenge are:
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr Sleepless by Cyn Balog Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (Hannah Swensen, #1) by Joanne Fluke North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

message 25: by Erika (last edited Feb 24, 2012 09:16AM) (new)

Erika  (readingbutterfly) | 511 comments I'm going to try for steady and I'm starting with
Firestarter by Stephen King
February Color of Love Reads
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1) by Veronica Rossi The Seed Finding Purpose and Happiness in Life and Work by Jon Gordon Dragonswood by Janet Lee Carey

message 26: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments Going a little bit slow on this challenge because two are for groups and have a schedule.

So far I'm liking Sleepless by Cyn Balog

message 27: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I just finished Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You by Peter Cameron by Peter Cameron | Rating: 4 Stars :) 1 down. 3 to go!

message 28: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) Is purple a color of love?

message 29: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo Started today my first for February..I´m at the very beginning still but I think I´ll really like this one! I bought this book from a sale, something in the cover drew me to it.

message 30: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments @Trevor: I would say purple is not a colour associated with Valentine's Day. Purple is more associated with extravagance or royalty...

message 31: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I finished my first book for this Challenge on Feb 2. I forgot to post. My mind has been everywhere, lol.

Anyway, I finished Cupcake A Modern Love-Story with a Bigger-Than-Average Waistline by Mariah Jones by Mariah Jones. (4 stars)

I'm 1/5 for this challenge.

message 32: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) Tatum wrote: "@Trevor: I would say purple is not a colour associated with Valentine's Day. Purple is more associated with extravagance or royalty..."

DARN! haha, no problem. :)

message 33: by Dalynn (last edited Feb 07, 2012 01:59PM) (new)

Dalynn (dalynnrmc) | 97 comments Okay I think I'm going to go ahead and try for Puppy Love, just 2 books.

I want to read Valentine Murder on V-Day. I've had it forever and am ready to get rid of it now. LOL

The copy of Silmarillion that I have (from the library) has red on the cover. This isn't exactly it, but it's close, and I don't see my cover listed. So, I'm going to use this one! Honest, it has red!! (And black, and silver lettering including runes along the bottom edge all the way around! Very cool.) The Silmarillion, Volume 3  by J.R.R. Tolkien

ETA: I found the right one! Not sure how to shorten the link here, but Goodreads has it listed here:

message 34: by Lorelei (new)

Lorelei (goodreadscomlorelei_reads) | 393 comments I'm in for 2.

Word: Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts by Lucy Dillon
Color: Finger Lickin' Fifteen

I've started Lost Dogs... I can't put it down!! Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, #15) by Janet Evanovich

message 35: by Anna (new)

Anna Wadlow (awadlow42) | 87 comments I can't to read Finger Lickin' Fifteen, but I still need to finish fearless fourteen.

message 36: by Lorelei (new)

Lorelei (goodreadscomlorelei_reads) | 393 comments Fourteen was fun as they all are. I love them all.

message 37: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Great to see people getting into this challenge and doing so well, keep up the good work!

message 38: by Ronda (new)

Ronda (aunt_nonna) | 107 comments Four books in question...
does this:
Sex and the City
The Undomestic Goddess
The Lovely Bones
and/or this:

message 39: by Adriana (last edited Feb 09, 2012 03:56PM) (new)

Adriana | 3888 comments read Sleepless by Cyn Balog !

1/4 complete

message 40: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Ronda wrote: "Four books in question...
does this:
Sex and the City
The Undomestic Goddess
The Lovely Bones
and/or this:

1. Yes for colour.
2. Yes for colour.
3. Yes for colour & word (love)ly
4. Yes for colour and candy heart phrase.

message 41: by Ronda (new)

Ronda (aunt_nonna) | 107 comments Awesome, thank you.
then my six are
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert , Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell , The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella , The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold , Forever by Judy Blume , The Sweet By and By by Todd Johnson

subbing may happen but these are the ones I think I am going to read I will update if I change off that trail.

message 42: by Ashley (new)

Ashley I have upped my books for this challenge from "steady" to "engaged"....

I have completed:
Cupcake: A Modern Love-Story with a Bigger-Than-Average Waistline by Mariah Jones - Completed 2/2/12 (4 stars)
Whispers from the Heart: A Novel by Heather Hummel - Completed 2/5/12 (3.5 stars)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - Completed 2/8/12 (4 stars)

My other 3 chosen books:
The Rebel Wife by Taylor M Polites
To Love Anew by Bonnie Leon
A Time to Love by Barbara Cameron

message 43: by Johanna (new)

Johanna | 766 comments I have 1/6 as I just finished with Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo

message 44: by Tatum (last edited Feb 19, 2012 07:32AM) (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Challenge Round-up Feb. 11th:
Sara: 2/2 Complete!
Nikki 0/2
Jennifer 0/6
Adriana 1/4
Ashley 3/6
Anna 1/2
Johanna 3/6
Trevor 3/4
Alicia 3/6
Ronda 0/6
Tatum 2/4
SilverRaindrops 1/4
Erika 0/4
Brianna 2/4
Dalynn 2/2 Complete!
Lorelei 1/2

I am pretty sure that this is all the participants and the correct totals. If I've missed someone or not counted a finished book, by all means please post here.

Do keep in mind that you can join in at any time and tell us about books you've already read that fit the challenge. Also you don't have to commit to a specific number at the outset if you'd prefer not to, life does get in the way sometimes!

Great effort so far, Happy Reading!

message 45: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) I'm at 2 now with Love Drugged by James Klise Love Drugged by James Klise

message 46: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments Trevor wrote: "I'm at 2 now with Love Drugged by James Klise Love Drugged by James Klise"

Got it added, thanks!

message 47: by Nathan (last edited Feb 12, 2012 02:23PM) (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) Just finished Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie by Agatha Christie (pink cover) for 3 books completed. Rating: 3 stars. I'm working on a review and I'll post it when I've figured out what to say without spoilers!

message 48: by Tatum (new)

Tatum | 459 comments I've completed 2/4 for this challenge with:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke (rated 2/5) and Love in the Time of Dragons by Katie MacAlister (rated 4/5). Reviews are in my personal challenge thread.

***Participation is current up to here. Congratulations Sara on completing this month's challenge, way to go!***

message 49: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nthnlwly) Sara wrote: "I finished The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern tonight. An excellent book and I give it a 5 star rating :) This is my second book so I've completed this challenge!"

Way to go Sara!! That is the book I have left to read. I'm struggling through it; just started part 2 this afternoon.

message 50: by mussolet (last edited Feb 13, 2012 07:08AM) (new)

mussolet (sovotchka) | 615 comments I just finished Koyal Dark, Mango Sweet by Kashmira Sheth , and it was a great read (only the ending feels a little bit rushed), so I gave it 5 stars.
Review here.
(It's my first book for this challenge.)

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