Shadow Moon Sanctuary discussion

Free vampire ebook here!

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message 1: by P.H. (new)

P.H. Dillard (Cylence) | 1 comments Hello. I've just published a vampire/angel ebook that you might enjoy.If you're interested, you can pick it up on my smashwords Its also listed here. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks! Synopsis below.
Should an angel kill an innocent human, they are cast out of Heaven forever, and forced to roam the Earth as a vampire. Isaac is one such creature. As if dealing with his life on Earth,and the return of his exlover, Ashara, isn't enough, he is also handed the burden of saving the world. When a rebel group of vampires concocts a scheme to free the angel Lucifer from Hell, it is up to Isaac to stop them. If he can't, does he have what it takes to kill the devil?

P.H. Dillard reinvents vampires, angels, and Hell, as we know them and places them into a captivating and original tale. This story is perfect for those that have grown tired of the typical vampire mythos, and a must read for fans of Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris.

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