52 Books in 52 Weeks (2011) discussion

Books Read > Week: 39

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message 1: by Yasmeen (new)

Yasmeen (yassoma) | 123 comments Mod
Book reviews for week 39.

message 2: by Alhanouf (new)

Alhanouf (itshnf) | 54 comments The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink


Amazing! One of the best I read this year. Well written. Original.

message 3: by Sarah (last edited Oct 23, 2011 05:02AM) (new)

Sarah Al | 25 comments بنات ايران
تقييمي: 4/5
الكاتبة: ناهيد ارشلان

حقيقةً، لا اعرف ماذا اقول. الرواية حزينة جداً تحكي واقع النساء الايرانيات .
سابقاً كنت اقول ان الحياة صعبة، و لكن بعد قراءتي لهذه الرواية الواقعية، حمدت الله كثيرا على ما أنا فيه.
اكثر ما يحزنني الوداع و الفراق، و هذه الرواية تفيض بكم كبير من هذه المشاعر التي لا اطيقها
تعرفت على جوانب كثيرة من الحياة هناك، بالاضافة الى ثقافتهم و العرف الذي يعملون به.
ذكرتني الكاتبة بطموحها ان تدرس بالخارج بنفسي و لكن الفرق بيننا انها نضالت و انا استسلمت!
لا استطيع تقييم الكتاب بشكل عادل لانه مترجم، لكن استطيع ان اقول انني كنت مشدودة جداً لمعرفة ما يحويه كل قسم من هذا الكتاب.
هي رواية حزينة و بها مرارة، لا اتوقع انني سأقرأها مرة أخرى

message 4: by Raya (new)

Raya Al-Raddadi فكرتي تبني حضارتي
علا باوزير

حديث عن حضارة الأمة ونهضتها بأسلوب مبسسسط جداً، أنصح به المبتدئين بالقراءة أو من لم يسبق لهم القراءة في هذا المجال :)

message 5: by Kristina (new)

Kristina (kristinalawhead) Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins


I've learned that even though she's only written 2 books, Stephanie Perkins can do no wrong. I have loved both of her books and would highly recommend them to anyone. I was put off by the titles and stupid covers but her writing and story building is great.

message 6: by Yasmeen (new)

Yasmeen (yassoma) | 123 comments Mod
The Housekeeper and the Professor
The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

While I found this story engaging enough to finish reading it (the math was interesting, and it wasn't difficult to follow at all as some reviewers claimed), the constant Japanese Baseball digressions bored me to tears. Somehow, the story just didn't do it for me, for the following reasons:
- Not enough character development. The characters only sounded deep, but in reality they were bland and vague. I have noticed a hint of that in most Japanese novels but it never bothered me till now.
- A lot of the things that could have been explained in a very interesting way were completely neglected. (The professor's past? His sister in law's personality?)
- I felt like the story was meant to be emotionally engaging, not just "interesting", but it wasn't that.

View all my reviews

message 7: by Tempus (new)

Tempus | 46 comments Philosophy of Science by Samir Okasha
Philosophy of Science
Samir Okasha


I found this to be a great intro to philosophy of science. Some parts are dry, but are still important. I feel as though multiple readings are required to really understand the the more fundamental parts. I really enjoyed the discussion in the end about scientism and the place of science among the tools of truth-finding endeavors. Similarly, the discussion of science and religion (Christianity) was intriguing as well.

message 8: by Shayma (new)

Shayma (almightysush) | 45 comments Demon Thief (The Demonata, #2) Demon Thief by Darren Shan

this was a supremly awsom book i loved every page of it it was so exciting scary and gross but never the less i loved every bit of it and its deafinaitly a page turner.

View all my reviews

message 9: by Johara (new)

Johara Almogbel | 71 comments Sapphire Battersea (Hetty Feather) Sapphire Battersea by Jacqueline Wilson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great book by Jacqueline Wilson. Hetty Feather may come off as an annoying character in the beginning, but you'll fall in love with her at the end.

Definitely recommended for kids in your household.

View all my reviews

message 10: by Rakan (last edited Dec 10, 2011 05:35PM) (new)

Rakan (rakanmsd) | 50 comments لافتات - المجموعة الكاملة by أحمد مطر
لافتات - المجموعة الكاملة
أحمد مطر
التقييم: 4/5

هذا هو أحمد مطر:

...أنا لو كنت رئيسا عربيا... لحللت المشكله

وأرحت الشعب مما أثقله

أنا لو كنت رئيسا... لدعوت الرؤساء

ولألقيت خطابا موجزا عما يعانى شعبنا منه وعن سر العناء

ولقاطعت جميع الاسئله... وقرأت البسمله

وعليهم وعلى نفسي قذفت القنبلة!

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