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BotM News > Booklist for BotM Poll for Sept 2011

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message 1: by Richard (new)

Richard (mrredwood) | 123 comments Setpember’s poll is up — sorry I haven’t been keeping up, but y’all are concurrently in the Yahoo Group, right?

The poll for the month of September 2011 is up for the HardSF BotM at Yahoo groups.

Go vote!

For your research, the books are:
Mars , by Ben Bova
Earth , by David Brin
Childhood's End , by Arthur C. Clarke
The Sands of Mars , by Arthur C. Clarke
For the Win , by Cory Doctorow
Makers , by Cory Doctorow
The New Space Opera 2 , by Gardner R. Dozois
The Listeners , by James Edwin Gunn
Forever Free , by Joe Haldeman
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress , by Robert A. Heinlein
Dark Light , by Ken MacLeod
WWW: Wonder , by Robert J. Sawyer
Between the Strokes of Night , by Charles Sheffield
Coyote , by Allen Steele
The Ophiuchi Hotline , by John Varley

message 2: by Username, SF Techgod (new)

Username (usernameiv) | 56 comments Mod
And the winner is...
Between the Strokes of Night by Charles Sheffield by Charles Sheffield.

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